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Quarter 3 Make-up assignment for failing students




Task: Research and make an orginal powerpoint presentation, video, or well

done project board or poster board with diagrams /illustrations covering the
following topics:
a. For ionic and covalent compounds
Properties of ionic and covalent compounds
How to identify a covalent compound from an ionic compound
How to name a covalent compound
How to name ionic compounds and how to write formulas for ionic
Examples of each type of compounds
Explanation of all relative vocabulary
A final topic of your choice that we have previously covered in class
before the Holiday/Christmas break
b. For moles

What the mole is/avogadroes number

Define molarity and how to calculate it

Define molar mass and how you calculate it for

monatomic elements, diatomic elements and compounds

Explain with examples how to convert between moles,

grams of a substances and specific number of particles (atoms,
molecules and formula units)

Explanation of all relative vocabulary

BE sure that you follow the following guidelines:
a. All information should be in your own words
b. You may copy and paste others diagrams etc.
c. Be sure to cover all other topics
d. Include a slide in your powerpoint where you have listed all sources
you used to attain your information
e. If you did not complete the atomic theory history assignment or project
( it discussed how the theory of the atom has changed over time), you
may/must include information on atomic history too
Take a quiz and receive a passing grade - Be prepared to be quizzed upon
everything you put into your powerpoint from a teacher generated quiz
formulated after review and possibly critiquing your popwerpoint

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