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Team presentation general guidelines

Except for the two debating teams, each team is given 30 minutes to
present. The 30 minutes includes the time for Q&A. Keep to the allotted

Every member of a team must speak.

A maximum of 10 marks will be awarded to the team for the
material content.
A maximum of 10 marks will be awarded to each member for
delivery of content.
Make sure that every member gets an equal amount of time for this.
Do not read from a text or computer screen.
Face the class when you talk.

Each group is limited to 18 slides, so dont waste them on superfluous

things. If you wish to include skits, cartoons, videos, to enliven the lesson,
make sure that they contribute to the substance of the lesson. Otherwise,
you may lose marks.
Teaching of fallacies
Your task is to teach the class the 3 fallacies assigned to you. You must
make sure that the class understands each fallacy and know why they are
fallacies. At the end of the lesson the class must know the structure of
each fallacy, be able to recognize them in real-life arguments and be able
to explain why the arguments are fallacious.
You cannot teach well if you do not fully understand the fallacies you are
teaching. You will be assessed according to:
(1)How well you understand each fallacy.
(2)How well you explain each fallacy.
(3)The quality and correctness of examples. (These are of two types:
(a) teaching examples which are supposed to be simple and clear;
(b) real examples taken from arguments found in real life.)
(4)The care taken in preparing your materials.
Constructing arguments
Pick a question or issue that has not yet been resolved, take a position on
it, and construct an argument to support your opinion. Your task is
(1)To produce a well-grounded argument, where each premise is either
an established fact or generally accepted moral principle, or else
supported by arguments whose premises are established facts or
generally accepted moral principles.
(2)To provide the class with an argument for discussion and analytical

You will be assessed according to

(a) How well you understand the issue
(b)The depth and quality of your argument
(c) How well you explain your argument to the class. This includes
explaining the issue, the key concepts, the premises, the steps in
the reasoning.
(d)How well you engage the class in discussion
(e) How well you handle criticisms from the class

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