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Teaching and Learning Philosophy

A teachers educational philosophy shapes the way they teach. It is important for a teacher to be
aware of their educational philosophy as it helps to focus on why they are teaching, why they make
the decisions they make, and helps to clearly set goals and values.
I believe that education should serve many purposes and therefore would incorporate a few of the
major theories of education into my own philosophy. I believe that each child is a unique individual
that deserves a safe, nurturing, and stimulating environment to learn and grow. The main purposes
of education in society are to teach knowledge and skills, encourage cooperation, develop problem
solving and develop decision making skills.
I believe the role of a teacher is to act as a guide in a childs ongoing learning process. I believe
that a teacher should allow a childs own natural curiosity to direct their learning. I believe it is
very important for a teacher to provide a safe learning environment that encourages children to
explore and ask questions without a fear of being reprimanded or ridiculed. I also believe that a
teachers role is to build a childs self-esteem. A teacher must enforce certain rules and expectations
in order to maintain a safe and respectful environment.
I believe that all students learn differently. Each student is capable of learning in their own
individualized way. I believe students will be more willing to participate and learn if they are
encouraged to be active in their education by interacting with the environment, problem solving,
and testing ideas. I believe the students should be heard yet they need to follow classroom rules.
The purposes of education, the role of the teacher, as well as the role of the student should all be
considered in the school curriculum. I believe that classroom instruction should be democratic and
participatory yet identifying expected behaviors and responding promptly to inappropriate behavior
is essential in order to maintain an environment where all children feel safe and are able to learn. I
believe that it is very important for the classroom to be a nurturing environment that helps to fuel a
students self-esteem and curiosity to learn.
I believe assessment in the classroom should be conducted through ongoing feedback as well as
individualized assessments and monitoring. Students are often times able to demonstrate their
knowledge in different ways. I believe individual assessments on very specific individual goals and
objectives throughout the year are important.
I believe that instruction in the classroom is most successful when the student is allowed to problem
solve, participate in group activities, and be involved in self-reinforcement training. I believe that
clear rules need to be established and enforced in order to maintain a positive, nurturing and safe
learning environment. Positive behaviors should be rewarded and consequences should be enforced
to help students internalize the importance of making good choices. I also believe that a teachers
management of the classroom should be flexible and take into consideration the needs of the

My philosophical beliefs fall mostly under Progressivism and Behaviorism. First and foremost I
believe that each child is unique and deserves an educational setting that is safe, nurturing, and
stimulating in order to grow emotionally, intellectually, and socially. I believe that an effective
teacher must be flexible in their philosophy and recognize that each child is different and therefore
they may need to approach each child differently in order to assist them with being successful in the
school setting. I do believe that the teacher should act as a guide and collaborative partner in order
to engage children more effectively in the learning process. I believe that group activities,
cooperative learning, and problem solving also help the children take a more active role in their
education. I believe that a childs natural curiosity should also help lead their learning process.
However I recognize that a teacher does need to provide certain knowledge and skills and assess the
students ability to retain those skills. I believe that children should be evaluated frequently and on
an individual basis. I also believe that a teacher should reinforce positive behavior and assist with
modifying negative behavior in order to help children grow socially as well as provide a safe and
respectful classroom where everyone can feel safe and respected.

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