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Dylan Hecker

English 10/Period
September 17 2014
Shakespeare Sonnet 1 Analysis
Throughout Sonnet 1 two large themes are traversed often, the main problem is
times connection to death, and the subsequent problem of what follows the demise of an
individual man. The poems use of contrasting vivid imagery, and personification of the Earth
makes a point to show the double edged nature of time. A good example of a contrasting case of
imagery would be the line Making a famine where abundance lies, as it contrasts a famine
found in a land of abundance. This line hints that later on, it can be seen that time is split similar
to a dualist religion rather than simply sinister.Time can be seen in perception as foreboding and
forgiving as well. The world is explained in the last two lines as Pity the world, or else this
glutton be, showing the world as a glutton giving it human qualities. Yet again creating a split
contrast as you can view an inanimate object and the human as always wanting more. Time is
originally presented as a problem seen as dark and insidious, later the poet makes no haste in
raising their power above the greatness of time. The poet does write that not a single man but a
whole legacy of a family can in turn make sure time doesnt trump everything, as the future
generation can carry on hitting the ground running. In the end, Shakespeare knows time is an
abstract, unbeatable force compared to an individual man, standing over them like a giant,
however; a whole family can tower past the reaches of time and topple it over. This dictates the
power flesh and blood can truly hold.

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