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I forgive everyone who has ever hurt or harmed me,

consciously or unconsciously,
in this lifetime or any other, in this Universe,
dimension, plane or level of existence,
or any other. I offer them grace.

I ask forgiveness for everything I have ever done to

hurt or harm another,
consciously or unconsciously, in this lifetime or any
other, in this Universe, dimension, plane or level of
existence, or any other. I ask for grace.

I forgive myself for everything I have ever done to hurt

or harm another, consciously or unconsciously, in this
lifetime or any other, in this Universe, dimension,
plane or level of existence, or any other. I accept
I am free. All chains and restrictions fall from me.
I stand in my full power as a Master. So it is.

I choose to interpret actions and reactions of people

in a positive way.
I willingly extend forgiveness, sympathy, and
understanding to others.
Forgiveness gives clarity to my vision.
Forgiveness makes me stronger by aligning me with the
universal law of love.
Forgiveness brings me mental and emotional freedom.

Forgiveness helps me to realize that only love is real.

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