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Shot Type

In The Shot


14:05 - 14:10

Top Shot

Jeff asleep in bed


14:10 - 14:15

Long Shot (from side)

Jeff rolling out of bed


14:15 - 14:20

Close Up

Jeffs face as he wakes

up and realises he has
fallen out of bed


14:20 - 14:25

Mid Shot

Jeff sitting at table, as he

starts to poor cereal into


14:25 - 14:30

Mid Close Up

Jeff misses the bowl own

as he pours cereal on to
the table, until he
successfully pours cereal
in bowl on second


14:30 - 14:35

Mid Shot

Jeff puts his face into

bowl of cereal


14:35 - 14:40

Close Up

Close up of lock on door,

as Jeff takes several
attempts to get his key
into the door in order to
unlock it

14:40 - 14:45

Wide Shot

Jeff walks alongside road

and falls over

14:45 - 14:50

Close Up

Jeff's face in pain as he

has fallen over

14:50 - 14:55

Wide Shot

Jeff gets up after tripping

and runs after bus
however misses it


16:00 - 16:05

Wide Shot

Jeff walking through

town on way to pier in
preparation to jump

16:05 - 16:10

Long Shot

Jeff walking through


16:10 - 16:15

Wide Shot

Jeff walking up pier

16:15 - 16:20

Long Shot

Jeff walking up pier


16:20 - 16:25

Mid Shot

Jeff walking up pier


16:25 - 16:30

Medium Close Up

Jeff walking up pier

16:30 - 16-35

Mid shot

Jeff at end of pier, shot is

from behind, as he takes
off his top in preparation
to dive



Shot Type

In The Shot


16:35 - 16:40

Point Of View

Jeff looking over into sea


16:40 - 16:45

Close Up

Jeff's face as he appears

to be resisting to jump


15:00 - 15:10

Mid Shot

Host of Jeff TV
presenting the show as it
cuts away from opening

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