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Cleopatra displayed many leadership traits during her reign of Egypt.

managed to stabilize her chaotic and hopeless country in a peaceful, and
strategic manner. One example was when Cleopatra educated herself about her
companions interests. Octavius was angered with Cleopatras share of Rome
Cleopatra did the best she could do and bribed Octavius with her many gifts and
riches("The End of Cleopatra'). Even though her tactics were moderately close
minded, it significantly lead to better milestones. Being strategic is a valuable trait
as a leader because it helped her to quickly and properly react to a situation. By
setting goals and being a prompt leader, Cleopatra was determined to the best
leader of Egypts history. People respected her because she aspired to have
interest of her people by learning to speak their common language,
Egyptian(Harold, Lindsay). Having a good connection a important trait when it
comes to being a leader because it shows that Cleopatra cares. Furthermore, a
valuable bond of trust could form between the pharaoh and her people. She was
motivated to do her best in reign and serve for her people. Cleopatras actions
were a huge contribution to Egypts rapid economy boost. She had broken
almost 300 years of the Ptolemaic rule that had been filled with rebellion, riots,
and high taxes.("The End of Cleopatra's).Motivation is the key to starting a plan.
Lastly, Cleopatra could also be described as cunning for enticing Julius Ceasar
and Mark Antony because it increasingly gained Egypt power( Grochowski,
Jonathan). She once passionately exclaimed Fool! Dont you see now that I
could have poisoned you a hundred times had I been able to live without
you!("Cleopatra Quote."). Cleopatra would never do such a thing if it werent for
the fact that it has advantages for her empire. She had a strong sense of ability
to delegate because she applied the principles of compromising in what she
wants. In all, it is assured that she will not be triumphed over. Cleopatras
dedication in her work and leadership in her reign sets as an example for future

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