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Tues, 2Becemner 208 How To: Balance Life in Your 20s Growing upishard work. It beccmes a very dificult ime in your eary 20s when you ae tying to balance {your pe'sona fe, schoo, obs, volunteer positions all whi Lying to figure out what itis you wantto do with your Ife. Seeing @s | have a couple years of exoerience being in my 20s | ire that | may be abe to helo ‘same people ry and balance everything thet 2 going on by offecng a lite bitof amateur advice: 1. Time Management ie the most important skill you wil aver davelop in your ife- There wil be tinee when ‘you have to balance about 20 or more tasks at once and it feels overwhelrring. The best hing you can ever ‘do when you are faced with this situation is ta st dawn and plan out everything you need to accomplish and determine the ime frame for these tasks. Nomatter what you think, you CANNOT wait until the lastnight ‘before something is due or needs to be done in order todo it. You wil stress yourself out far more than is. ‘neceseary, and yeu wal defritely do a half-assed job of whatever tak you are tying fo complete, PLAN, PLAN, PLAN. | know peope hearths al the te, but there is a reason fort. Managing your time wisely will help you succeed at whatever you are doing, ard also allow you todo itin a manner where you dont feal lke pling your hair out every second ofthe day }) 2. Askorhelp when you need it- There sno shame_in asking or accepting help from @ fiend cr @ loved fone. | have come to realize this n my 20s. Your ‘riends and family WANT to hep, ard it would be carn si otto take advantage ofthis, Sematimos you wll get overwhelmed and somtimes you willbe pulled n a rillon directions, and sometimes you wil need some help to get you through those tough times. Ihave a ‘gr0at support oyctom and Ia en thom all tho tno. 2. Maks time for yourself Even if you feel Ike you are the busiest you have ever been in your entre life, you NEED to make te for yourself. Whether its tirough exercise, reading a book, meditating, or watciing ‘movies (pick your pcison)- itis necessary to keep your fe balanced and healthy. You need time to just sit ‘and relex and let your mind wander. You never know, it may be during one of these times when you finally ‘have an epiohany and figure out what itis you want to do with your life, Good luck! ‘Sincerey, Alley

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