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Vocabulary Sentences Wk 5:


The cryptic tunnel kept me on my toes as I didnt know what to expect

behind every corner.
I was much overdressed for the cursory type of event that I went to ;
everyone was in jeans and t-shirts as I had on an evening gown.
The barber used scissors to curtail the mans hair as he was tired of
being mistaken as a woman.
The man was well put together and very decorum he used please and
thank you whenever needed and made sure to clean up his mess.
Even though I didnt want to go I used deference to encourage myself
to support my sister and go to her play.
My mother degraded me in front of all my friends, showing them naked
baby pictures of me as they all laughed.
I delineated my school project to ensure I didnt have to make any
other changes before turning it in.
I denounced the boy for his childish behavior after he attempted to
disrespect my mother.
I deplored going to the party after the cops busted in and arrested
many of my friends.
The apple teams depravity in their companys way of treating their
employees was disgusting.
The deprecate trial against my cousin was awful, justice was indeed
not served.
The kids on the school bus derided the obese girl for her weight; they
threw snacks and drinks at her all the way home.
On Youtube there are many derivative song covers, although some
sound better than the actual artist.
My sister was despondent after her and her long term boyfriend broke
off, she didnt come out of her room for days.
My mothers deterrent attitude about me going out that night was
correct, later that night there was gun fire at the bowling alley I was
planning to go to.
The car accident was very detrimental to my health after I had to
spend months in the hospital.


My deviance attitude hinted to my mom that I was up to no good, and

she was indeed correct after she received a call from local jail saying I
had been arrested.
I devised a tactical plan to sneak out the house after my mother
grounded me.
My sisters diffusing speech allowed my mom to know that she hadnt
taken her medicine, she was like 20mph.

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