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Paper VI (iii) Improved techniques for finite element analysis of sliding surface temperatures F. E, Kennedy, F. Colin, A. Floquet and R. Glovsky The finite elenent method has proven within the past few years to be one of the most generally useful procedures for the analysis ani prediction of sliding surface tenperatur Several shortcomings of the method becane apparent, hovever, namely oscillations and posstbie Snaccuracies in solutions at high ¢1iding velocities (high Peclet tumber) and the large computer storage requirements for accurate teaperature predictions ia many cases. This paper deccribes the development of nimerieal techniques to resolve these tvo problems. The reailting finite element surface temperature analysis progran has proved effective in a wide variety of applications involving sliding systens range of sliding velocities 1 1wrRopvcTron ‘The surface tenperatures caused by frictional heating can be responsible for the degradation of the sliding materials through melting, ‘softening, or oxidation, and can cause the Dreakdowm of solid lubricant filme, Through these mechanians and others, surface tenperatures ‘can have an important influence on the tribological behavior and dry sliding components Qo. Numerous techniques have been developed for the calculation of eurface tenperatures, Analytical heat source methods (17) are widely lused, tut should be applied only to seni~ Anfindte bodies. Transforn techniques (2, 3) fare applicable to bodies with Finite size, but their eathenatical complexity for aon-simple geometries tas Lintted their usefulness. ‘The finite element method has proven within the past few years to be very suitable for surface Eenperature analysis in complex geometries of finite size (4, 3). One of the advantages of thie method do that there 4a no need to davolve an artificial partitioning of the frictional heat between the two contacting bodies Despite the attractiveness of finite element techniques for surface temperature prediction, the method bas been found to have Limitations: Most finite elenent prograne for curface temperature analysis have been limited to quasi-steady problens in which the material properties were tenperature independent (4, 5). The technique has deen found susceptible to numerical oscilletions at high sliding veloci~ Eos owing to the dominance of convact diffusion terms (6). In order to accurately nodel tenperature gradients near the contact surface, especially in cases of high sliding velocity, 1t has been necessary to have fine Finite clement gride near the contact zone. This resultsin large computer storage requirements for the finite elenent equations and relatively slow gclution of the equations. These latter problens becone limiting when using the analysis Eechnigue on mini or micro computers. ve. Results are given for both unidirectional and oscillatory motion and for a wide ‘The purpose of this vork was the development of effective and effictent ‘numerical techniques to resolve these limits tions. The resulting finite elenent surface temperature analyete program vas then applied to the soluticn of previously unsolved problens favelving frictional heat generations. 2 INITIAL FINETE ELEMENT PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT The Finite elenent program ui was based on one developed earlier (5). progran could handle steady or qu: cases in which boundary conditions were unchanging and material properties were temperature independent. The methed was extended to transient czaes and probl: Savolving tenperature-dependent thermal properties as part of this work, The Finite elenent equations for the transient case are developed in appendix A. In the developnent, the tise dizension te handled by a finite difference time-stepping schene. Avwetghting paraneter 0 is used (equation Ad, ‘Appendix A) which enables the finite difference schene to be fully explicit (@ = 0), fully Implicit (0 = 1), or sonevhere in becween G@'= 0.5 for = Crank Nicholeon ackone). It has been found (6, 7) thar € = 0.5 or very slightly higher results in 2 stable sclution with maxinun solution accuracy. In many e11ding systens, the tenperacure rlec due to frictional heating is sufficient to cause changes in the thornal properties of the materials. Tn guch cases, the finite elenent equations (equation A6 in Appendix A) are of the non-linear form : Jd ta thie atuly That tie Aq) (7) = @) a Several different techniques have been used to account for the tenperature depenience fof the thersal properties in the solution of eqiation (1), including Nevton-Raphson proce- diver and eimple iterative techniques (8). Te has been found that both techniques give comparable results ani are approximately equally efficient as long as the initfal choice of thermal properties is reasonably close to the final values (8). The simple Aterative tecin iqe was adopted for use in this work, with property values (conduct tvity, density, ani specific heat) being specified at a number of different temperatures covering the range of the analysis and linear inter~ polation of property values being assuned between the specified temperatures. Conversion of the solution, as determined by convergence of thermal properties, is quite rapid, usually requiring three of fever iterations. ‘The resulting finite eleneat progran's petfornance was verified by application to ten ALeferont heat conduction problems for which closed-form solutions were available (6). Each protlen vas designed to prove out a different capability of the program, and excellent agreement was attained betveen theory and numerical prediction in all cases (6)- Ie wa noted, however, that the choice of axcenstvely Large tize increnents resulted in solution inaccuracies. Criteria bave been developed for choosing the time increment At, with one such criteria being (7) 2 are a oD here D is the themal diffusivity of the elenent having the smallest dimension AX. Tt has been found that equation (2) gives « conservative value of At and that ‘ecperinentation with amaller tine steps usually enables accurate solution with less use of computer tine (6). Despite the good perfornance of the program on the sample problens, several Aofietencies vere noted, namely, inaccuractes in cases involving high’ sliding velocities and excessive computer storage and tine usage. 3. EFFECT OF MOVING SURFACE VELOCITY ON THERMAL ANALYSIS 3.1 Evidence of Nuericel Instabilities at High Velocity ‘The equations solved in the finite elenent ‘alyeis are derived from Fourter's lav for hat conduetten, equation (Al) in Appendix A. At low surface velecities, the contribution of the term VeoT ih that ¢quation 19 quite nell, the governing differential equation to spprotinately parabolic, and the resulting thermal st4#fresa aatrix (A in equation (1)) 4s approniaately symmetric. Few problens result in the solution of the equations and the results are quite accurate as log as the sesh da fine enough to nodel teaperature gradients and the tine increnent. i saall enouzh to follow transient changes. When the velocity is large, however, the first derivative terns become signiricant, rhe governing equation 16 fo some extent hyperbolic, and the matrix enefeictents in Aare nonaymetric. Tt has been found by numerous investigators is recent years (eug., 3)» that numerical oscillations may develop in the solution of equations sintlar fo these at high velocities, Such equations, often eallet convective-diffusion equations becouse of the presence of the convective of aivective tern VOT, appear in a variety of tranaport problens, and nunerical ose{llations are encountered in both finite difference and finite element solutions of the equations in fluid flow and heat transfer investigations. In order to study the magnitude of the problea, a sizple sliding contact problem Getallic slider on metallic flat) vse analysed under quasi-steady state conditions using the finite element model shown in Figure 1. In this problea, a uniformly distributed heat flux q was applied co a band on the surface of a moving Evo dimonstonal slab. Tenperatuces 1a the body were analyzed for a variety of different conditions. A study of the results shoved that oscillations may occur whenever the velocity of the moving body relative to the heat source reaches a critical value, That critical value de a function of the d4ffusivity of the matersal of that body and of the size of the finite felenents. In particular, 4¢ appears that oscillations occur whenever the elenent Peclet ‘number is equal to or greater than 2, var = Va > Pen p> . @ The critical Peclet number appears to be applicable to the largest elenent in a region where there are stgnificant temperature gra- dients, At higher velocities, oscillations could nove into regioas where the elements ere Mer vhea the critical Peclet number for those eleneats is reached. The critical value of 2 for the elenent Peclet mumber 1s the same number determined by other researchers (10) for analysis of convective diffusion equations using Linear elenents, The results of our study also show that the critical Peclet munber valua say be even lover than 2 Lf the tenperature gradients within the elenents are large, owing to high heat flux, for example. ‘Te was also found that reaulte at Peclet ‘numbers above the critical value say still be acceptable 1f the oscillations are not occu fing in the region of interest. The worst results seen to occur at Peclet numbers between 4 and 40, There are a great many potential applications in that region. In such cases, the problea of auserical oscillations and Snaccuractes could be a serious deterrent to the use of finite elenent thermal anal; prograns in surface tenperature analysis. ‘There are tvo possible renedies to this problen. The simplest is to make the finite elesent mesh smaller, at least in the region where numerical cac{ilations are ceevrring. This, in fact, may be the best solution tn many cases because it may enable nore accurate representation of tenperature gradients in the region of interest. A large reduction in mesh size may, however, Lead to an excessive increase in conpiiter tine and nenory requirements. As alternative 4s to nodify the numerical procedure in order to avoid solution oscillations. This approach has been the focus of intensive study recently. 3.2 Techniques for Handling Convect ive-Diffuston Equations Numerous investigators have teen attempting in recent years to find vays co overcome the problen of numerical oscillations at high Peclet number. Tn this work, we are wost concerned with techniques for use with finite elenent methods and, for the monent, in tvo- Aimensional studte: ‘A varlety of teclniques have Seen developed for use in this type of situation in the past few years. Anoag then are the following 1. The methed of Flan and Varoglu (11), which employs space-time finite elenents and Incorporates the characteristics of the hyperbolic porticn of the partial d4fFenrenttal ‘equation. 2. A method developed by O'Net11 and Lyneh (12), in which the heat conduction equations are formulated in terms of a noving coordinate eyaten. Although the coavection of ‘advection term 1s absent in auch a formulat ton, the finite elenent nesh must be continuously deforming. 3. A procedure recently proposed by Xanarochos (13), 1a which the conventional Galerkin finies’ clenont equations (equations A6 in Appendix A), are solved, tut special boundary-layer type elements are used in that portion of the moving body in which the Temperature gradients are significant. 4. Unwinding finite clement schenes, used by Hataeish ot al (14), and others. In that technique the finite elenent equations are developed using # weighted residual method with ‘a weighting function Wy different fron the interpolation functions Ny. The weighting Functions used by Heinrich, et al- (14), were of the form Wy = Ky + aP, chere a te a function of the elenené Pectet nutber. 5. The streamline upwind formation develozed by Brocks and Aughes (16), in which the functions af, in # $ above are’ constants which oct only if the velocity direction. 6. A different type of unwinding developed by Baliga and Patankar (17), in which both weighting function and interpolation function vary with Peclet nuaber. In their formulation the functions vary exponentially 1a the velocity direction, but become equal to tho Linear interpolation functions Hy when the velocity decreases to zero. A study of each of these techniques and their applicability to heat conduction problens with moving heat sources revealed chat the upwinding techniques are the cactect of the above procedures to inplenent ard possibly the most suitable for this application. The Brooks- Hughes technique (15) proved to be the dest of the upwinding techniques for our type of thermal asalysia, as will be sees below. 3.3 Application of Upwinding Technique to Surface Tenperature Analyste In the original formulation of the finite element equations (see Appendix A), the Galerkia Procedure was employed with weighting funct tone Ng, which are also the interpolation functior used in the approxination of the tenperature across an element. Tn oa version of the Brooks-tughes technique, the interpolation functions romain the same but the weighting functions becone : “os a a a) Pe ee an i, ac era weap ot was ve ve? +? wstant which depends on the element 6). When these weighting functions are used tn a veighted residual procelure (the Petrov— Galerkin procedure), finite elenent equations are obtained which are identical to those given in Appendix A except for a modified Kry3 term Ga equation A3, Appendix A). The modifled term reduces to the Kviy given in Appendix A for the case of zero velorlty. For nonzero velocities, the inclusion of ¥ weights the resulting stiffness aatrix contribution in the direction Of positive velocity. ‘A nodified version of the themal snalysia program vas written to include the above modifications in the finite elenent equations. Additional versions were written in which the equations were developed using the upvind ing techniques of Honrick st al (14) and Salige and Patankar (17). The progtans, along with the original (Galerkia) version, were applied to the two test problens shown in Figure Ivand 2. One of the problens 4 the sane two-dinensienal problen studied earlier, whtle the other ts @ Problem involving one-dimensional heat flov in | noving rod (figure 2). ‘In the one dimensional case, the numerical results fron each version of the progran were conpared vith analytical prediccions fron an svetlable closed fom solution (7). A Versions of the progran gave good predict fone for elenent Peclet numbers less then ?, in accordance with equation (3). When the Feclet under of the largest eleneat in the mesh Teached or exceeded 2, however, oscillations began to appear in the numerical results uaing the original Galerkin verston. ‘The ose{llations were accompanied by inaccuracies in the Cenperature predictions for nodes just shead of the heat source. The oscillations and Snaccuracies occurred whether the Feclet number was increased ty an increase in slenent ose, ‘an increase {n velocity, or a decrease in diffusivity, The Baliga-Patankar version gave ‘good predicttons for elexent Feclet numbers ‘less than about 8, © four-fole taprovanent over the original version. At bigher Pecle: numbers, fovever, the reaulee deterioreted, producing the same type of insceurectes and’ osctllations noted at lover Peclet numbers with the original version, The upwinding technique proposed by Hearick et al, gave good results over an even greater renge of Peclet numbers, but the best Fenulte of ll vere found with the etrecnlin Uprindiag technique of Brooks and Hughes. That version geve good predictions over the entire Tange of Peclet numbers fron 0 to 10 000, 0 oscillations were noted in any of the solutions with that technique anf oli results agreed well THEN theoretical prediction Results for the tvo dimensional problen (Eig. 2) wore somevbat less sstiatying than for the one-dimensional heat flow problem. As vas seen earlier, the original version of the program producel gool resslte for clonent Feclot numbers Jess than 2. With the Saliga-Patankar veraton, oscilla fon-free results continued until Peclet funber resched 4 but oscillations cecarred in solutions at higher Peclet numbers. Again, the Brooke-ilughes method gave the best results, with onctilations not beginning until the Jargest element Peclet number reached about 60. Sone oscillatiens occurred at higher Pecle: numbers but in all cases, they were less severe than those found with the other techniques at the sane Peclet number. Slight differences were noted between the predictions of the different prograna, but the differences were not great. No closed-form solution exists vith which to compare the predictions. 4 MPROVINENTS IN THE SOLUTION OF LARGE SPARSE SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS ‘The nunber of nodes in meshes in significant thermal situations can result in large linear systems of equations. Large computers have been Fequired to solve therual Finite Element problena- On an other hand, it ts clear that the Gatermination of thernal behaviour of machines must be taken into account in a computer-aided design process. Generally this is done using sualler computers. Thus, classical finite slenent codes mist be molifiel so that computer Hime and storage roquirencnte can be reduced. This section will present sone nunerical tectniques for solution of the finite elenent equations considering both computer tine and storage requirenent: Note that in thermal tribological applica~ tlone, the structure of the Finite elenent matrix is alvays symmetric but the matrix coefficients are not symmetric vhen bodies have relative motion. These sethods of solution bave to be applicable to non symmetric Linear systens ‘and non positive definite natrices. 4,1 Techniques for solving a Linear eysten of equations ‘They can be classified in two groups = 4.1.1 Direct methods They give a solution of a problen in a finite number of operations. Cospiter tine can be caleulatet @ priori but the accuracy of the method 1s not known, levertheless, special tectndques ean be saporved to mininite errore in the solution (21). In this case, the methods are seen as iterative methoda. For example, the Choleski factorization 1s commonly used in'direct methods, It consists in factorizing matrix A into « product of three Aci. p. 2 ar ads symecric A=LIDLU Gf A de non oysmetrtc, L ant U are respectively a lover and an upper triangular matrix, Dts a diagonal aatrix. After the factorization, the solution t= obtained by a classical forward and backward substitution. ‘The agin Linitation of the method is that the matrix structure ig destroyed during factorization. Cocfficients that vere zero in the original matrix A becone non-zero. So, one must reserve storage places for these coef ficients. This so called "fill-in" can the storage requireaent by a factor Obviously, the compater tine Alo. Two methode can be Followed in order to init final nenory requirements = the fest 42 te choose a epectal data structure for coefficients which will be created during the Factorization. It scons generally difficult to do. ‘= the second is to reorter the notes of the working mesh, for example, by 2 reverse cuth{li Me Kee (22) or a minimun degrae ut algorigim (23). In spite of that, storage requirements remain inportant, especially in 3D-enalysis. 4.1.2 Teecative methods Starting from an initial solution, they consist in minintzing the residual R defined yt 6) where A and B are respectively the matrix and the Fight hand eide of the Linear oystan of equations. Accuracy of the results can be easily controlled but the number of iterations can be high and computer time can becone excessive, ‘As an example, the well-known succ! over relaxation mathed doce not increase Initial storage requirenents of the matrix A. Unfortunately, 1t does not converge in thermal problens oving to the non-syanetric matrix. Another type of solution 1s the conJuguate gradient method which vill be dis~ cussed in the next eection. 4.2 Conjuguate gradient method 4.2.1 Background R=3-aT swe Let us consider Aas. symatric positive definite matrix. The solution 7 of the Linear system is algo the minim of the quadcatic functional J(2) defined by relation (6) ate) =n, aT n> ean, to - 2 eae> +B, at © In this relation <., .> 4s the scalar product of two vectors. Hestenes and Stiefel Qk) bave tatle an algorithm which minintzes JR) starting from an initial guess 1°, F° = B~ AT? ts first computed. The initial direction of descent D® 15 chosen as KR’. Then at step k, we compute successively : ake ak ak 7 ok, ah ate aks ak ot wit. gk Gk ask att. cglt pit a ghey ghet gk Hote that two successive directions of scent D are conjageted by the ocalar B. Tt can be shown that the conjuguate gradient method (C5) converges theoretically fn a steps (24) where n ds the number of equations of the Linear syatem. In finite clesent problens a is generally high ; thts criterion ie therefore not #iffictent from 1 practical point of view to apply the C3 method. However, it has been denonstrated that to reduce to ¢ the residual # an iteration k relative to the residual at iteration 0 in the euclidian nom sense,int EA) tn (2/e) + 1) iterations are sufficieat. Th this expression K(A) fo the condition number of the matric A. In the euclidian sense used here, it is cleo the ratio of the maxinun and the minimum eigenvalues of A. So, it 1s clear that if the eigenvalues of A are’ packed the munber of iterations ereatly decreas 4.2.2 Preconditioning techaique This tectnique 4s used to reduce the condition number of Alby the introduction of a nen singular matrix C. In fact ve solve a new equivalent ysten of Linear equations. ared wien k= ota and 3 c° Cr algorithn is nodified as folloee curiog 1° = 3 = AC, oolve C2" = Rt, DP = 8 ~seep & a ch jot ah Lake ot TTA ky go ket = RY = ay an gt sha ent aL gk oh pet. gktl , kel pie This tectnique ts very efficient {f the peeconditionn ng matrix C is well chosen. Obviously, vhen C 4s equa to A, the solution 4s obtained in one iteration and sll eiger- valugs are equal to one. The condition nuaber K(CT'A) te a mintaum. Thus, the cholee of the matrix C must be governed by two conditions : = fteot + Chae to be tok. = second : the algorithn (24) suggests that the Linear systen CZK = RE hee to be solved essily in order to save computer tine Decouse this must be done at each step. sar as possible 4.3 Solution in the ammetric case In this paper, we have tested the preconditioned conjugiate gradient method (FCG) with different matrices © to reluce both conputer time and storage requirements. ‘Two different preconditionning matrixes have been chosen : = First, C is equal to the diagonal of A. So, the inverse of C is innediate, = Second, C is an incomplete Choleskt factorizetion of A, In fact, the matrix C te replaced by a product of matrices C ~ L'-D.L whore D fe disgonal, and L! 1a lover triangular matrix. L' and D are obtaiaed by classical Cholesit factorization except that no terms are created. Coefficients thet were nor-zero in the original satrix A are calculated. The othera are ignored, In « practical point of view, the dats structure of A holde to atare coefficients of C (or L'). 4.3.1 Model studies ‘The model studtel 4a show dn Figure 3. As vas the case with the aodel of Figure 2, 1t consists of & stationary slab with heat flux’g over ¢ snall portion of its surface, Dimensions ané thermal caractertatics sre note! in che figure, Tq thia case, the resulting linear system matrix from finite eleneat method is symmetric and positive definite since there is no velocity. 4.3.2 Results Figure 4 shows the evolution of the convergence rate versus the mmber of iterations for the conjuguate gradient method, without preconds- toning and for the tuo choices of precondi— toning matrix, Tt ean be seen that preconditioning technique brings savings in Eerms of number of iterations, Further, a great decrease in the nuaber of iterations 15 obtained between curve 2 and 3. So, the aecond choice 4s truly better. the closer the matrix C 4s to A, the lover fs the required number of iterations. Table (1) conpares the computer time for the three preceding cases. = the incomplete Choleski factorization technique (ICF) is the faster one in spite of adiitionat operations for factorization and for solution at each iteration. It apende only 2.2 seconds to calculate the preconditioning matrix while the iterative process spends 12.8 seconds. ~ the fifth colum shows the effietency im time of different methods. 23 % of caleula~ ton tine Le oaved vith diag (A) preconditto ning and 58 % with TCF. = the last column gives the storage ratio between the requirel memory size to solve the corresponding problem ant the initial storage Fequiremeat of metrix A and loading vector 5. ‘The ICP method roqutrco email additional menory while a classical Gcuss clinination uses practically 7 tines the initial storage Fequirenent. In summary, preconditioning techniques sive sigatficant savings in computer time and ICP precond fefoning most be used obviously if core menory is sufficient. 4.4 Solution in the non-symnerric case Let us now consider the sane problem (fig. 3) bot with a eliding notion in the x direction. ‘The resulting Linear systen of equation 1s non symmetric because of the additional velocity term in the governing equation (tha Hy term in Appendix A). In this case, it mist be noticed that the preconditioning technique becomes a necessary Condition te obtein the convergence of the algorithe while it was oaly @ accelerating procedure in the previous cass (25) ‘Anong all techniques for solving linear systems of equations vith non symmetric pesitive definite matrices, ve have used the Goncus Golub mathod (26, 2) because it seems similar to the PCG seen earlier. In this technique, the symetric part of A ts used as preconditioning natrix ¢ in order to obtain the direction of descent D. The algorithm is written as follove + = Inttialisation Risa act Solve cz? = RP = Step k RE act solve czk = RE soak, oh Wo are now facing the same problem presented garl ier in the symmetric case for solving C2 = RE, So the PCC with TOF will be sed co calculate the nev direction of descent. In figure 5, we have ploteg surface teaperature profiles for three Peclet nuabers corresponding to three differant sliding Yelocities used currently i practice. Tt can be seen that Concus-colub techniqie gives good results. However, the two overlappel ?CG Teado to very large coupucer cine (230. seconds). So nev inprovenents aust be done to make thie technique saeful in practice. The reduction 4 conpucer tine requires a faster deternination of the direction of descent D, and then a faster solution of the system CZ" RF, which mist be solvel at each {teration. This can be done by an approxtaation of ‘the preconditioning aatrix © Which will Lead co an approsimate direction of descent. First, ve have tried ICF of matrix C as an approxination. Unforcurately, convergence vas aot obteined in our care. Therefore, it stem that nore {nforaation shout the eymmeteie. part of A ie needed in the epproxinate preconditioning atti. Dae Ades would be to take into account some of the greatest teras that would be created during the complete factoriration. This technique ae uted earlier by 2ifferent author= in another Fields of auserical anelysis (28). The percentage of these terms accounted for will be called "f1i1 in" percentage > in the following. Yo general rile tas bees proposed to choose chese torus in order to get a given percentage p. We have done as follows : piven a positive constant s less than , we eliminate ail adéitiomal terns which are lover thane in absolute sense. A little practice gives rapidly the vaise s vhich Corresponds to 4 percentage close to the proper value p. Results obtained with thie perticular preconditioning matrix for a Peclet nusber equal fo 4.5 are show in che Figure 6, Tc can be observed that = = there ts a percentage p equal to 5 2 under which no good results were cbtained but beyond this value the process 1s convergent, “the computer tine co get the solution 1s independent of the percentage p. Ie te equal to roughly 25 seconds which is very low vhen compared to the preceeding double overlaped PCG. Returning to the core memory aspect of the problem, figure 7 shove that a percentage p Chosen betveen 5 and 18 % assures convergence and reqlires leas core menory than the double overlaped FOG. 5 APPLICATIONS. 5.1 Fixed slider on oscillating slab Surface temperatures in oscillatory contacts are of interest. in mary applications, including dry bearings and sliding systens subject to vear by fretting. Tew atteapta have been made to predict these temperatures, vith those analyses that ua have been done being quasi-static in nature, using average heat flux values and neglecting velocity effects (20). It would be desirable to know peak surface tenperatures and that resuires a transtent analysis. Because of the oscillatory motion, both velocity and frictional heat generation in'such a contact vary in time 12 chown in Figure 8 (asouning a conotent coefficient of friction). The problem modeled in this atuly de that of an oscillating slab in contact with a fixed slider. The geometry of the nodel is shown in Figure 9. Te finite element mesh had 140 nodes and 124 Cloneste, nost of which were quadri- Jaterals. The contset zone width vas 80 im and elesents near the contact zone were quite enall, with the minimum elenent size being 10 um wide by 5 \m thick. Larger elenents were used cleewhere in the model. Intinate contact between the elider and elab vas aeoume: Chroughout the contact zone and a planar (2~ dimensioral) model vas assumed. ‘Themal boundary conditions vere assumed to be as follows : the top surface of the siider and the Botton surface of the slab were both assinel to be held at a constant temperature of 0° ; a uniform heat flur vas applied to the 80 im wide contact interface, with the magnitide of the heat flux varying with time as shown in figure 8. The mean value of the hheat flux vae 10000 W/en?. The velocity of the moving slab wae assumed to vary sinusoidally ‘as shown in figure 8. The mean absolute value ‘of the velocity was 1.0 en/sec and the period fof oscillation of the velocity wat .008 seconds. The total travel of the slab was, therefore, +80 ym, or one contact width. Boch contacting materials were assumed to have thereal conductivity equal to 1.10 w/ea*C and thermal diffusivity equal to 1.0 ca?/sec. ‘The maximum temperature in this case of onal amplitude oscillatory sotion occurred neat the center of the contact. This would be expected because the Peclet number ie quite lov and the influence of velocity is not great. The surface temperature was found to be greatly Influenced by the oscillating heat fur, hovever. A plot of the temperature at the center of the contact is shown as a function of tine in Figure 10. It can be geen that the tenperature oscillates in phase with the oscillating frictional heat flux and it reaches a ninimm whenever the heat flux becomes zero (whenever the elab changes direction). The temperatures are also seen to be continuously increasing fas the test proceeds. To investigate this Increase another analysis vas carried out using the mean values of heat flux (10000 w/en) and velecity (sero). The results from that analyaia are aleo shown in Figure 10. Tt can he seen that these mean value input conditions produce temperatures vhich are approtizately the mean of the oscillating tenperature values in a given period. Therefore, the use of meas heat flue fand mean velocity (equal to sero) conditions to analyze the temperatures in an oscillating contact, as vas done in earlier studies (20), gives results which accurately reflect mean tenperatures over a given oscillation. They fail, hovever, to show the very significant surface temperature oscillations that can occur due to the oscillating frictional heat flux. 5.2 Unldtrectional sliding of slab past mult igle fixet sliders In many practical situations, ouch ae a thr pin-ondisk test, several alidera are in contact With a rotating body. A point on that bedy sees 4 succession of contacts with identical or early identicel sliders. One way to anelyze this case using @ finite elenent progten 12 to create # wesh vhich includes the entire Forating comporent and esch of the stationary sliders and to do a quasimstatfonary analysis Using that model. Such an analysis has worked well for dry bearing cases with one stationary contact (5), but the finite element aesh for | multiple Contact case could bo extremely Complex and would require considerable computer storage. sn alternative is to analyze only one contact, Tn doing s0, hovever, it must te Fealizel that the boundary conditions at the vo enda of the contact are net independent. ‘The material entering one contact has just energed from, and been heated by, the previous contact. (One particular example of this type Anvolves the same geometty 18 was shom earlier in figure 9. Here it 4s epeuned that the olab 4s a portion of a rotation ring which ts in contsct with a number of fixed, uniforaly spaced sliders of the shape stown in figure 9. ‘The nodel analyzes a length of ring stretening from one aid-section between two adjacent contacts to the Following mid-section ard includes one complete contact. The boundary conditions are as follows ; top surface of slider and bottom surface Of ring held at constant fenperatare (0°), uniform heat flax of 100,000 Yin the €0 um wide contact sone, end nodes atC¥oft end of ring evction equal in temperature to nodes at ringt end of section. This latter cond {tion assumes that all ¢lider/ ring contects are identical. After studying ‘numerous vays to “tie” the ceaperatures or right fhand nodes to those on the Left end (6), 1 waa found that the most efficient technique’ te to ‘adi one-dimensional, two-noied elexents joining those nodes. The thermal conductivity of those “node-tying” elements ts set to a very high value, insuring Little of any teaperature d1f— Ference between the notes. A quasi-etationary analysis vas then performed, Hoth of the sliding jaterials were assuned to have thermal conductivity equal to 1.0 Wen °C and thernal auffusivity equal t0 0.02 cae/ses. The velocity wen asvumed t9 be constant at 1 a/s. Rerulte for thin cace are shown in f1guroe 11 and 12, The Peclet nunber is rather Mah in this case, ranging fron 5.0 at the small contact elenents to higher values elecwiere. The effect of velocity ts, therefore, quite eignificant and becouse of thie the peak futface temperature 20:° C) occurred nesr the trailing edge of the contact (figure 11). As 4s evident fron the teotheras shown tn figu 12, the entire contact surface of the ring ha etn heated to a Cenperature auch Mgher than fee bottom curface, owing to repeated traversal of the slider, The resulting surface tenperatures fare about 105 higher everyshere on the top surface than if the en nodes haf rot been fied together (chat would de the case of a single traversal of oe slider over « moving alab). ‘This, accurate surface tenperature analyeta of the multiple contact case cansot be done by considering only one contact unless the boundary uw conditions are adjusted to account for the Dulldup of tear due to repeated contact. 6 concertos 1, The finite element method is widely useful 4m surface tenperature analysis despite sone difficulties 4a cases involving high sliding velocities. 2. Numerical oscillations can occur ia solution at high velocity if eleneat Peclet number exceeds 2. 3. Streamline upwind technique leads to substantial improvenent in solution at nigh Peclet nunbera without excessive computing effort. 4, Iterative golution of the Finite elenent equations, with preconditioned satrix, give significant decrease in both cosputer tine and storage requirements. 5. For syaetricel matrices (cero velocity) the conjugate gradient nethol is superior, with 4 preconditioned matrix obtained by the daccnplete Choleski Factorization tecknique. 6, For noa-symmetric matrices. (non-zero velocity), the best preconéitioning technique Ae tncenplete Cheleskt factorization of the symmetric pert of the matrix vith sone "f11 in", The is used ia 2 modified Concve-Golub method of iterative solution. 7, Mean temperatures in osctilatory sliding can be accurately predicted using zero velocity land mean heat Flux, but tanperature peak prediction requires a transient solution with oscillatory heat flux and velocity. 8. Repeated sliding over a surface produces mich higher tenperatures than predicted by azalyais of @ single sliler. 9. Deapite edvances deacribed here, some diffteulties ransin in moving bedy problens, particularly at high Peclet numbers. These difficulties could be overcome by a hybrid mechod (finite element method for stationary body, coupled with Pourter tranefors fthod For noving bodice) APPENDIX Reference Q) PLAY D., comer. " perforaance dry bearin ps 25a44, LING F.P, "Surface Mechanics", Wiley, New-vork, 1973. FLOQUET A. "Tenpératuree de Contact on Frottenent Sec : Déterminations théorique ¢ expérimentale". Thise de Docteur~ Ingénieur, Faculté des Sciences, Lyon T, wa, FLOQUET A. “comparison betveen Analytical ‘and Nuncrical Methede in Heat Transfer in Tribology". Proc. 3th Leeds-Lyon symposiua, "Thernal effects in Lubrication’ Lyon, Sept. 1979. KENNEDY D.F, "Sutface Temperatures in Sliding Gyetens ~ A finite Element Aaalyeie" ASME J. Lub. Tech, Vol 1981, pp. 90-36. GLOVEKY'R.P. 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Assuming that’ the temperature digtritution within an elesent i deffagd #9 terme of the nodal temperatures as ret mnt = (sf mt a) t wheres ts the total number of rodes in an ‘levent and Ni are the interpolation functions (18), Applying the Galerkin method (18) to (Al) and integrating the resulting equation by parts, ne artiven at che finive elenese equations in Soar acces Is] om + [ele + s were Le) = fee] = [xe] + Deed {R) = (Q) + (q) + {xte) c= oc [Nagas of ney | mt My By ay 4 MD «ny EH ¢ +R ¢ vag [ous F rey o 00 [ne [ocnyrn + cro] a se ag {our ae [seem tna, | _saus (1) te che matrix of nodal veaperatures T (1) te the time derivetive of (1) To facilitate solving equation (A3) by computer, the following finite difference tine stepping sebeme (19) ts used : 4 (Te Me ge + BECK, + C8) (I AH) For 0 = «5, equation (At) reduces to the Crani- Hicholeon approxination. Rearrange equation (A4) to solve for {7}, and using tt in equation (A3) results in the * Final equation (6) (Gd, + ate (DD, - Gi (c)- 4 Ey a Ble * [Re as) eae +4 Transient tenperature distributions are pre- dicted by specifying © and it a9 well ag the normal boundary conditions reprecented 42 equat ion (49) Equation (A9) may now be revritten in the form: aM, =o) (as) ‘The total conductivity matrix, A, te an Nxt non~symetric banded matrix. Nis che total uaber of nodes in the finite cleneat mesh. The asymmetry of A ia due to the directional property of the velocity vector which contri— butes to the term Ky . Thus A is symmetric only when = 0, (8}is a colum aatrix with N total values forming the right hand side of equation (A5). Equation (A6) must be solved For the teaperature vector (T}, (W values) at time C, increnenting with stepi of At. ae v T= 100" Fo T2 00" Fig. 2 Fig. 1 (above) and Fig. 2. Finite erent model with boundary ‘conditiens umber of nodes . 233 vV:0 Pe ° symmetric case re V=.012 Pe=.92 V+.06 Pead.e | uncymmetric cose — VV | insulates We 3 To conductivity 250 WI mec diffusivity 0=1.6 «10° m2s Fig. 3. Test case Denweete orosent Dorecoraronning with Cason (0) Deregrstenin th mcm Cots 0 ea _—- -0.008 ° Fa. 4. Comparison of convergence ates for diferent Fig. 5. Surface tomperature for diferent Peclet numbers precondtionning matices C “7 100 fill-in 25 ppurcentage: ‘ore memory ® ratio 30 B overapes FS 0 convergence overtaped PCG 1. 1s 4 00 200 50 100 0 20 computer time (seconds) @mputer time (seconds) 0:8 et of fin percentage Bon compute Sma fia? Core memory eaienen a crue te 20000 © 15000 @1 3 8 > 10000 3 6 TIME, (seconds) z & = 5000 = 002.04 .006 .Jo8 a 3 ¥ 8-4 0 gS 0 .002 .004 .006 .008 TIME seconds) Fo £1. Heat fu vrais tine Fig. 82. lacy versus tine TEMPERATURE (celsius) Fig. 9. Model ctuciod Seep appear Bor i 4 SF | erro rae] wo t == : S oF 4 aE 1 = £ J eof q & sob oe raves J STN VED EAT FU WT 280 VLOTEH E J potted OC teed O02 08. .04 06 TIME (seconds) Fig. 10. Contact conte temperature uo = -.05 0 705d DISTANCE FROM CONTACT CENTER (cm) Fig. 11. Surface temperature

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