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V.P. & B.O.T. REGULAR MEE vu. ING MINUTES #2014-28 (10-14-14) 2 NEW BUSIN S BY VILLAGE TRU EE ‘Trustee Carberry stated that the new development at 111" Street and Cicero Avenue is the buzz going around the neighborhood. Residents are very happy. It has been a great addition to Oak Lawn. ‘Trustee Quinlan stated that the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District and crews from Oak Lawn cleaned up Stony Creek. She stated that this continued maintenance is a huge help with our flooding issues. ‘Trustee Vorderer gave condolences to those families whose loved ones perished in a horrible accident at 95" Street and Cicero Avenue a week ago last Sunday. This accident took the lives of three individuals and injured dozens of people. In his 44 years with this Village and as a policeman, he never saw an accident of this magnitude, He ‘commended the first responders and the efficiency in which manners were handled. He stated that the police, fire and communications personnel did a fantastic job. Trustee Vorderer stated that he is holding a 4" District community meeting on Thursday, October 16" at 7:30 p.m. at the Village Hall to discuss traflic signals at 95" Street and Kilbourn Avenue. Some modifications will be done 10.95" Street. There will be curb cuts at Kenneth, Kilbourn and Kolmar Avenues. Invitations were sent to residents in that particular area, Representatives from Advocate Christ Medical Cener will also be present to answer any questions. Trustee Streit has concerns about the medical facility being constructed at 95" Street and Mayfield Avenue. The building is being constructed right up to the street. For decades Village boards have struggled with existing buildings that are too close to the street and have vowed to correct them. Any opportunity to redevelop property ‘would be built well off 9Sth Street to provide safety for pedestrians and bicyclists and for the development of landscaping. He would like staff to review the site plan and all Village and State laws and review any site setbacks and sight restrictions before any more construction takes place. He thinks that the building poses a serious sight restriction for traffic ‘Trustee Olejniczak introduced Jacques Lopez from the Oak Lawn Public Works Department and the Village of ‘Oak Lawn Green Team, Jacques gave a presentation on our recycling program. Mr. Jacques Lopez stated that the Village has been involved with e-waste for some time. The Village would get paid for some of the collected e-waste items. Our residents, as well as those who live outside of Oak Lawn, have used our facility to recycle electrical waste, He stated that the Village will now have to start paying for the removal of e-waste items from the Public Works facility. This has caused the Village to review our e-waste practices and change the hours for drop-off, as well as only allowing Oak Lawn residents to particpate due to the burden it will cost the taxpayers. Hours of operation will be the 2 Saturday of the month. This will allow volunteers to properly check that Oak Lawn residents are only participating ‘Mr. Lopez stated that when residents purchase a television or @ major appliance they should ask the business about recycling. Most stores get paid for an item being replaced. Mr. Lopez mentioned that last Saturday the Green Team teamed up with students fom Oak Lawn Community High School to collect e-waste items from senior citizens and handicapped individuals who are unable to bring their e-waste items to the Village of Oak Lawn. Mr. Lopez acknowledged two volunteers, Jerry Ryjewski and Lynn Harris Dennis, They help out each month at the e-waste site as well as every week at the Farmers” Market. He also recognized the high school kids who help ‘out with Green Team projects. Mr. Lopez said that when people do the right thing they should be recognized. Trustee Olejniczak mentioned that the Green Team is made up of mostly volunteers and they do a wonderful job helping out. Twenty four homes had e-waste items collected last Saturday. This made a great impact. Trustee Olejniczak stated that the Green Team, in partnership with Oak Lawn-Hometown School District 123, had their first Go Green SK Walk/Run_ on October 4" with 200 people participating. They also held a ground breaking, for a tree nursery on the grounds of the Oak Lawn-Hometown Middle School. The Village of Oak Lawn received 4 $10,000 dollar grant from Com Ea that will help this community and will have a positive impact. This will supplement the need for trees by growing our own’

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