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Dennis Collins

Deby Dagher
Blog #10
The one true answer that I sought to look for in all my research for this project was,
does smoking cause cancer directly? and I have managed to gather many facts to
support my thesis. Originally I was unclear of my question but then I decided to ask not
the correlation but the causation between smoking and cancer. This may seem like it
has already been answered but actually studies have only become slightly positive that
smoking will cause cancer but there is no proof. I want to make a bridge between the
two that undeniably proves the causation and this will come from my question and
answer process through my prezi and my research to back it up. I have found five
sources with a wealth of useful information on my subject and now I merely have to find
what I need to draw conclusions. I am very confident in my thesis coming true but I
have to put in work first.

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