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Objective 38: Describe the different theories of motivation.

Motivation is the reason that people do anything in life. Its a desire or a
willingness to do something. There are 5 main theories of motivation. They are instinct,
incentive, drive, arousal, and humanistic theory of motivation. The instinct theory of
motivation is when people are motivated to behave in a certain way because evolution
has programmed them to do so. An example of the instinct theory would be animals
when animals seasonably migrate. The incentive theory of motivation says that people
are motivated to do things because of rewards. People may be motivated to go to work
each day because of the money. Drive theory of motivation is when people are
motivated to take action in order to reduce internal tension that is caused by needs that
are unmet. For example, someone may eat a snack in order to meet their hunger
needs. The arousal theory of motivation is when people take action to increase or
decrease their level of arousal. When arousal levels get too low, someone may go for a
jog to raise those levels. When they get too high, a person may read a book or
meditate. The humanistic theory of motivation is when people have strong reasons to do
actions. This is based on Abraham Maslows hierarchy of needs. First, you fulfill basic
needs like food and shelter, then followed by psychological needs and self fulfillment
This TED talk is all about motivation. The speaker, Dan Pink talks about the puzzle of
motivation. Traditional rewards arent always as effective as everyone may think. He
talked about the candle problem. This was invented by Karl Duncker and he told one
group that he would give them $5 if they were in the top 25% and $20 if they were the
first to finish. They finished 3 1/2 minutes faster than the group that was not told
anything. This relates to motivation because people were motivated to figure out the
problem so they could get money.
This article tells the 3 steps on how to motivate yourself. Most of the time it is hard for
people to just go out and set goals and finish those goals without some type of
motivation. The 3 steps to motivation are to get positive, get rewarded, and get peer
pressure. This article relates to motivation because it discusses how people are able to
get motivated by just taking those 3 steps and being able to finish the goals they set for

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