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he Ploraville Subdivision Portion 45 in the Partsh of Kanibah, County of Morthy J oclglnaLly granted to Henry Marks ty Grown Grant Vol. 4B dated 25/9/1885, *y Ceanatar 102749 dated 3/6/1886, for a consideration of £250, Henry Marks of Lake Yooquaris srt teansforsed the northern part of Portion 5, couprise in Cortiftoste “Mun Mothews Contractor and Yanry James eatist of Tithe Yot.901 791.3, Mathors Butcher both of Mewcastie, The folloving glin, from the ‘Dransfer, shone this northern 99 sere. T Marke yaw Eaten 280 Be ote itl AW bungetey “abet ‘alr Bivin Wathera ond Henry Janes Yathona then made the subdiviston of their 2and aot out in Deposited Plan 1950. The nane Plorayitie soparently dertves from that of Bauin's youngest daughter, Por Toutss; the strost anes (site trom Governsent Bond) are elso 12 Penidy names, ‘The plan of D.P, 1950 act out below ts copied trom Thtbe Yor. 1207 1.45, Bddade é é # Dep? Plan 1930. inin Mathons and Henry J veyi889 10/9/1809 20/8/1889 20/6/1009 to George Broadbent of Nonesatle Landboldor, consideration 26/5/~ (Pranstor 154548) 5 ‘to Willian Bvens of Ielington neer Nercastle Housepainter, Tots 23 - 27, 2.6, consideration at (Branstor 155892); to Stephen Deoproae of Carrington Lsbourer, Lote 1 - 3, 15-15, sey conaiderction 40 (Transfer 155893). (Cortitionte of T8tte Yol.94h 801.253 isnued for this ‘Lend, uhioh fn 1956 woo purchased by Allan Yathons ~ soe Delow. Stephen Deeprose was a witness of Hon J Methors! will and their wives say have beon related, 4s buried adjoining Mathers fanily graves in the Baptist ction of Sandgate Conctery.) to Tasboila Lawson of Voxoastle Widow, lots 1 = 5, 15 17, 946, consideration 0.2 (transfer 155894). (In 1905 hor executors completed the purchase of adjacent lots ~ see below.) By Trenafer 172595 dated 20/12/1850, for considerstion of £1, Sapin Mathews and Honsy Janes Methows trenafersed the 69 acres 1 rood ‘ot comprised in the Floraville subdivision to Edwin, and Certificate of Titte Yo1.958 Fo1.225 issued in his nane. The folloning plan is tescod fron that Certifies! of tte: soe ig Fy Mortgage 203795 dated 27/1/1852, Bawin Matiens of Newcastle (non described ss "Butider") sortgaged the Land in Certificate of ‘Title VoL.998 01.225 to The Australian Joint Stock Bank, to secure 4 loan of £300, payable on denand. ‘The Australian Joint Stock Sank “expanded rapidly unts by 1892 At had over 200 branches and was the third largost bonk in qusonsland ‘and How South Fates, Tn the ertats of the following yesr, tonever, ‘ie overextended edvancs Drought disaster. idhon t urgontly sought an edvance of 3m, from ‘the other banks and failed to get fenedtate help, it closed ite doors on 21 April 1895, Tt re-opened on 19 June under ¢ achene of reconstruction ag The Australian Joint Stock Sank Limited, but ite old 1sapsitties were too heavy a bunten ond it stmugeled on through Aepression and drought without auch hope, The return of econeate nd undue relience on British deposits prosperity after about 1906 Lifted its prospects, and consequently, ‘4 schene for the formation of a new company with a capital of £2, to be known 83 The Australien Bank of Cosaerce Lintted, w vp and approved ty shareholders... The new bank wes registered on 9 Septenber 1909 and commenced business on 3 January 1910..." (iP. Holder, Bank of Hew South Wales — A History, Anges & Robertson Sydoey 1970, VoL.2, 9.725)- By Trenateor 634506 dated 20/10/1911, The Auatrelfan Joint Stock Bank Kimtted as cortgagee exercising power of sole transferred the 68 acres 1 rood to Willian Janos Strudeick of Snanses Butcher, in consideration of £110 "paid to The Austreltan Bank of Commerce anew, ‘i4nited with the concurrence of Alecander Pentleton Stewart of Sydnay Liquidator of The Australian Joint Stock Sank Linited". Mesnhile, Eanin Mathews and his fontly had left for Western Australia in 189. That part of the Floraville subatviston not already traneforred by Edwin and Honry Jones Mathews, they had, by ‘Transfer 257767 uted 31/8/1893, trensterred to Henry Janes Nathens "in consideration of 10/~ and a transfer of the balance of the Land in Certificate of Title Vol.80t Fol.3 by the said Henry Janes Mathons trensferred to the said Edwin Nathows"; ie. = nominel consideration end the past transfer to Ravin, Certifionte of Title Yo11207 701.65 issued for the Lend in Henry Janse Mathews nese on 16/11/1096, Tis Land comprised Lots 1-25, 943: b-12 and 16-2, aehy 4-26, a055 eth and 18-22, 946; 142k, 8675 tH2hy 2685 1 and 512, Nenry Taues Mathews transferred lots ag follows: 21/1/1895. to Kate Dovglas Stirling of Carrington nese encnatle Nidon, 2.8, considerstion 56 (tranater 266662); 46/1906 to Daniel YVolaurin Larson and Wiliam Rodgers Lawson a3 Joint tenants, Lots 1-6 and 18-20, 2.6, considerstion 25 pad by Tasbelis Leroon late of Carrington ‘iow Gecoazed in her Lifetine and also the sum of 10/~ paid bby Daniel tclaurin Lamson and ilLinn Rodgers Lamson Doth of Carrington Labourers her Bxacutors (Transfer 438472). Henry Janes Mathews fed on 15/7/1925, end by Transmtssion Application 8284505, entered 1/12/1925, Yartha Dovgias Uathens of Violet Town nesr Charlestown widox was registered as proprietor of ‘the residue of the land in Certificate of Mele Vol. 1207 701.65. ow Gortittcste of Title Yo1.3840 Fol.12h issued im her maze on 11/3/1926. Vonevok she transferred none of this land before her own death on 11/2/1927. By Transfer 0737122 dated 13/8/1947 the Public Trustee (in exéretse fof the power to sell land to recover unpaid retes st that tine vested {in him by the Local Goverment Act 1919) tranaferred Lote ket and 16-25, avhy to Prank Jenes Gatt of Selmont Poultry Parmer, tn consideration of £20, ‘By Transmission Application F516853, entered 29/11/1950, 24min Hottmay Hathows of Hotere Retired and Geonge Henry Yathons of Kotara Drainer wore registered as joint tenants of the residue. However by ‘Teansfer 751685} dated 31/2/1919 they had slzeady transferred the dnd to Allan Mathews "of Belmont Carzier” in consideration of £176. Certificate of Mitte Yol.6289 Fel.2ht feved dn Allan Kats covering Lots 12h, 23; 12 and 2b, ashi 1926, 945; Toth, 21 and 22, 8665 12hy 5675 and 5-12) 5.9. Allen Mathers transferred lot ss follow: i153 to Woginela George Spruce of New Lanbton Carpenter, Lote 1619, 515, consideration £160 (transfor 7907252); 11/9/195% to Sicco Tyke Andrings of Now Lonbton Purchasing Officer ‘sed Josn Agnes Andrings hia wife ss joint tenants, Lots 42 and 24, ack, consideration 2150 (Transfer 0160452) (In thts Transfer Atlan Mathers is dosoribed as "ot Ratlnay Farede Bolzont Carrier"); 28/7/1954 to Werryn Clarence Corks of Belaont Shop Assistant, ots 12,19 and 20, 8.3, consideration £150 (Pransfor 0143252) (In thle Tranater Allen Mathers {a described of Beaont General Carries"); In 1956 AlLan Mathews purchased the land transferred tn 1889 to Stephen Desprose, Stephen Deeprose had died 1h/5/1925 and by Transaission Application 020242, entered 20/10/1930, George Banin Cooper of Newcastle Retired Railwey Baployee had becene registered propristor of his lend. George Hauin Cooper transferred the land ‘in 1932 to Andcow Alexander Stirling of Mererother Railway Berthine Yastor and Isobella Blair Stirling his wife. By Trensfer 0554713 duted 16/2/1956 The Counet of the Shire of Lake Vacquerie (Sn exercise of the power to sel lend to recover unpaid retes conferred ty the Locsl Governnent Aot 1919) transferred the land (lots 1-5 ond 15615, ssh) to “Allen Mathews of Railway Parade Belsont Contractor" in consideration of £120, and Certificate of Title Vol. 7226 701.209 dosed dn Allen Mathers! nene, Allen Methews transferred 411 the lots he then held as follors! 21/1/1956 to Almgn Leslie Webb of Belaont Carpenter and Patricia, Constance Webb his wife ax Joint tenants, lot 13, 243, + consideretion 245 (Pronster o660146) 24/1/1957 to Cordon Greig of Adsestom Company Director, Lots 24 nd 22, 516, consideration £200 (Transfer 568370); 11/2/1958. to oun Wargeret Woollett of Hagilton Spinster, lot 2, 25, considerstion £100 (transfer 0920402); S1/211958. to Keith Jenes Hootlett of Hantlton Shipping Clerk, Lot th,513, considerstion £100 (tronster 0920403); 2/6/1958 to Laurence Hilton Tomend of MAlLoughty Conmeresa Traveller, Lot 1, 215, consideration £100 (rensfer 6968631); 22/12/1958 +0 Westeo Constructions Pty. Utd., Lote 214, 15 and 16, 835 123, sobs BAB and 20-26, 0.53 Toth, e661 12h, a47s 1 and 3-12, 2.9, considerstion 05,150 (Transfer #131179); 9/1/1959 to Anthony O'Heare of Belmont Printer ant Jeannette Loraine O'eame his wife consideration £100 (oranstor #154461) 22/1/1959 to Panard Thones of Adanatorn Opalizer, lots 22 end 23, 8.3, considerstion £100 (troneter 1155765) Joint tenants, Lat 1, 2.5, 6/1959 13/1959 ye/1960 30/6/1964 18/10/1961 to The Baptist Union of New South Wales, Lot 18, 2.3, consideration 10/- (transfer 1274536); ‘to Rona Mazy Dayor of Noxcostle Married Wonsn, Lots 1h and 15, #15, consideration £160 (Snenster 201606); to Alden WSlldsR Hant of Goulbum Rainey Pirenan, Lot 45, ahs constderstion 2130 (trenster #514024); to Ivan Stenard Wolfe of Pelican Labourer and Daphne June Wolfe his wife os joint tenants, Lot 13, s.t, constderation 2475 (tronsfer 3859046); to Allen Stonard Molfe of Bellevue HAIL, « nesber of ‘the Roysl Australian Navy, and Judith Wolfe his wire Joint tonanta, Lot 1h, suk, consideration 2175 (transfer #929266).

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