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Alexandria Araujo

5825 N. Woodruff Avenue, Lakewood, CA 90713

(562)925-5073 /
Saint Joseph High School Class of 2015
Undecided Fall 2015-Summer 2019
ESLR Components
Christ-Centered Person
- Altar Server 2012-2014
- Altar served and assisted during mass at Saint Joseph High
- CSJ/ Campus Ministry member 2012-2015
- Was a lector at many masses, leader at retreats, participated in
community service, and helped with prayer services
- Kairos Leader 2015
- February Kairos Leaderled a group, shared a talk, and helped
grow in unity
- Sunday School Teachers Aide at St. Barnabas Parish 2012-2013; 2014
- Assisted the 1st and 4th grade teachers
- Helped guide the students to understand their faith
- Peer Minister at St. Barnabas Parish 2013-2014
- Retreat leader helping my peers to grow in their faith
- Volunteer at Woodruff Convalescent Home 2011-2012
- Spent time with the patients playing games, holding
conversation, and helped fulfill what they asked
Complex Thinker
- California Scholarship Federation 2011-2012; 2014-2015
-Maintained a 3.67 G.P.A. throughout high school
- Advanced Placement Courses
- World History 2012-2013
- English Language 2013-2014
- English Literature 2014-2015
- Environmental Science 2014-2015
- National English Honors Society 2013-2014
- Public relations board member for my junior year
- Awards
- U.S. History Teachers Award 2014
- Psychology Outstanding Student Award 2014
- Top 25 G.P.A. Award 2012
- Algebra I Outstanding Student Award 2012

- English II Honors Research Essay

- Evaluated a controversial topic and conducted research to gain
a conclusion
Effective Communicator
- Kairos Leader 2015
- Used skills of communication to understand my peers and be
open to various discussions
- Ambassador 2013-2015
- Visited elementary schools and volunteered at school events to
show young girls the opportunities presented at Saint Joseph
High School
- Frosh/Soph Soccer 2011-2013
- JV Golf 2012-2013
- Varsity Golf Team 2013-2015
- It is necessary to believe in and support one another, working
hard at practice and putting all efforts into competitions
- Womens Choir 2011-2015
- Worked as a unit to become a composed choir
- Nordstrom BP Fashion Board Member 2014-2015
- Went to meetings and fashion shows to work together and
present our opinions
- Saint Joseph High School Newspaper Photographer 2014-2015
- Attended school events and submitted the pictures to the
Community Contributor
- CHOC Walk 2011-2012
- Represented Saint Joseph High School and helped to donate to
the Childrens Hospital of Orange County
- Key Club Member 2013-2015
- Participated in service events within the community
- Peer Minister at St. Barnabas Parish 2013-2014
- Attended weekly planning meetings
- Traveled to lead retreats
- Led small group discussions
- Helped candidates grow in their faith

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