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Microsoft SA Notes and Outline

Mteto Nyati:

Steered Microsoft SA to be able to contribute to the bottom line for the company while also
uplifting the country.
Selected and groomed a team of leaders who shared the conviction that good business is good
for the society.
Yale World Fellow mid-career rising stars from various countries and disciplines. Reflect on
the world challenges and address the challenges in their home country.
IBMs culture of disciplined execution would not allow Niyati to take the risks he wanted to in
leveraging resources for the benefit of his home country.
In 2007, Niyati joined Microsoft SA as an MD. Microsoft was partnership-driven and

Microsoft wanted to stop the bleeding at its SA subsidery.

1. Office was missing targets
2. Rampant turnover
a. Eroding the knowledge base of the company.
b. In IT knowledge resides mainly in its employees.
3. Culture of arrogance
a. Waiting for orders to come in rather than going out and trying to sell
b. Monopolistic behavior

Identified emerging markets as potential growth opportunity.

its African territories.

Emphasis on SA as leading of

In 2007, SA Government announced Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) Codes of Good Practices.

Greater economic opportunities to the black majority

Companies could earn maximum of 100 points in seven dimensions.
1. Ownership
2. Management control
3. Employment equity
4. Skills development
5. Preferential procurement from black-owned businesses
6. Enterprise development
7. Socio-economic development
Good BEE scores is critical for companies for companies to do business with the government.

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