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An Explanation of the differences from the epic to the movie

Since our movie, Free Fall, is a modern interpretation of the epic, Paradise Lost, we used fast
paced language that appeals to the audiences emotions. Also, as a way to adapt to the spy theme,
we had to change the order in which the story is told to create a clearer message of our film. This
required lots of tweaks in the general story and in specific instances from the epic to fit our
adaptation. Free Fall is based on the perspectives of Satan and Adam because the two characters
are some of Paradise Losts most important roles and create a perfect representation of a hero and
villain combination. A major change is that while we do separate the angels from Adam and Eve,
everybody in our movie is human. This makes our movie different from the book because while
the angels are undoubtedly supportive of their side, they do not differ from Adam and Eve, who
ultimately fail in their quest. Adam and Eves failure is one point that we felt should be kept
because the main point of the book is centered on how everybody suffers, from the highest
authority to the lowest of ranks, because of their fall. We lastly decided to humble the Father
Figure by showing the emotional ties he has to the fallen angels and Adam and Eve. In Free Fall,
he has pride in his spies and hates to see them fail, yet he remains in the shadows because it is his
duty to present a front that is strong and upheld. The Father Figure gives his agents free will to
do what they are told and to test their faith. These changes were felt necessary to make the story
more relatable to the audience and to have the audience sympathize with the circumstances of

Specific instances from the epic in which we deleted:

-we took out the invocation from the first book because it would not make sense in the context of
our movie
- We took out a lot of the descriptiveness from the epic because we have no narrator and because
in an epic you have to paint a picture for the audience but in a movie the picture is already
-We deleted the explanation of Sin and Death as to how they know Satan. We deleted this part
because it would not be appropriate for our targeted demographic.

specific instances we added on:

-We added a scene in between Book 1 and Book 2 to show what is going on outside of the Jail. It
also gives the audience more of an idea of what is going on in the Elysian agency at the time of
Damian breaking out of jail
-We also changed the names of some of the places and character. The following list explains the
Satan- Damian: we changed his name so that his name sounded ordinary while keeping a
devilish meaning.
The Father Figure- Godwin: we changed his name to foreshadow the fact that he will
always win. Also this name has a uniqueness that makes it stand out and be fit for a
Sin- Avera: we changed her name to Avera because it means one who transgresses in
hebrew and it is an unusual name that will entice the audience.

Death-Morty: We changed his name to create a original name that was not the well
known name of death. We chose Morty because it comes from the origin of Muerte,
meaning death. We also think this name is original and fresh.
The Son- Brendan: We changed The sons name to Brendan because it means prince and
can relate to how the Son is second in command to the father.
Belial- Beleila
Mulciber- Mulcibera: We changed these four characters names to its female version so
that we can have an equal ratio of men to women.
Heaven- Elysian Agency: We changed Heaven to the Elysian Agency because it translates
to heaven and because we needed a name besides heaven to indicate that it was the good
The High Ranking angels-Garrison: we added a name to the angels division because we
wanted to make a hierarchy within the spy agency. This name mean guards and because
they are guards to the world we found this name fitting.
Adam and Eve- The Genesis Division: The Genesis division is the name of Adam and
Eve we created this to show a difference between the angel spies and Adam and Eves
The fallen angels and Satan-Tartarus: Tartarus is the terrorist group name given to
Damian and his crew. We chose this name because it is part of the depths of hell and it
shows Damians new attachment to hell.
The tree of Knowledge- The apple core: we changed the tree of knowledge into a
computer code that Adam must find and protect for his mission. We changed this so that
we could incorporate the tree of knowledge into our spy theme.

specific exaggerations:
- We changed the way Damian meet sin and death because we wanted to make sin and death part
of the hierarchy in the Jail. Making them officers showed that even people thought to be good
can turn bad. Also, since they were officers they could not have been guarding the jail after it had
been taken over so they had to be taken captive by the fallen spies.
-We exaggerated the way that Damian and his angels gained power in hell/ the jail because in the
epic they needed to fight to avoid the pain of hell and in the movie they need to fight to
overcome the jail officers.
- We tweaked Satans purpose from the epic to the movie. In the epic his sole purpose is to
corrupt Adam and Eve by eating from the tree of knowledge. In our movie his purpose is to trick
Adam and Eve into opening the Apple Core files and then to steal the files to use for his own
devilish purposes.

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