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Microeconomic policy is action taken by the government to improve resource allocation

between firms and industries by improving the efficiency and productivity of producers.
Macroeconomic policy is central to the governments long term aim of increasing the
level of sustainable growth and reducing the extent to which inflation and external
imbalances constrain economic growth.

GWP = 2.4% (Below trend)

Global Trade = 2.5% (Offset by declining trade in North America + EU - EU trade down by 2%)
BOGS = -$952m (Increase of $128m)
CAD = -9,350m (Increase of 7%) Worsening CAD
TWI = 73.0
AUS GDP = Increase 0.6% for the Quarter
AUS GDP = 2.6%
(Year to date) U/E = 5.6% (Decrease by 0.2% - Increase in FT and PT employment)
Inflation = 2.2%
NFL Decreased by $31.8Bn
NFD Increased by $23.1bn (Shows increased Debt and servicing payments for CAD)
NFE Decreased by $54.9Bn (Signals withdrawal of investments)
Gini coefficient =0.331 (2007/08) decreased to 0.328 (2009/10)
Min Wage = $622.2
0 Fiscal Budget Deficit 2013 = -$18Bn
Cash Rate = 2.50%

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