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Ryan Goodwin

ENG 2800

In a hallowed hall, we cast aside the name recruit

And on that day, professed our love, for family and country
A devotion that cannot be broken, a love bound in war
Only nineteen- but still I stand by my love for family and country
Raise your hand, repeat the words, and profess your loyalty
And declare here, before all creation, your love for family and country
Cut your hair, run the course, and fold that uniform neatly
As you dream of the day you fight for your love of family and country
Across the sea, in a dessert of despair, you make a stand
Because they told you its for family and country
A faceless enemy, death buried under the rubbish
On that narrow road where you died for family and country
Over a flag draped casket, the priest recites a prayer
As the families mourn the man who died for family and country
And another will come to take the place
Of those who sacrificed for family and country
A cycle unbroken, of the young and brave
Who will stand and fight for family and country
But when the last one falls, and no more come to call
Who will then fight for family and country?
It is not despair or anger we feel
We know when we fight, it is for our family and country
But do not our lives throw away
Over politics that ruin our family and country
Instead, let us be at peace, ready for war
That we may instead live for our family and country.

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