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Assessment 3: Mashup

Elizabeth Nitz
Expectation vs. Reality
Have you ever noticed the little tweaks on a magazine cover? Those
imperfections are vital to our personalities. You cant just cover them up. For my
mashup, I combined natural beauty with artificial beauty. This artwork consists of a
magazine with the cover painted over in white gesso, a picture of a model with no
makeup on, and sharpie designs and phrases to emphasize the purpose of the
mashup. The top of the magazine is labeled, Teen Vogue in messy handwriting to
show the imperfections in beauty. The models headshot is surrounded with mostly
negative space to contrast her from the text. Polka dots run up and down the
magazine in every direction to give movement and unity to the artwork. The
artwork is called Expectation vs. Reality because it separates the expectations of
beauty versus the reality of it.

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