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Assignment n 1
Task: write a review about a book in 120-180 words
The tunnel
The tunnel is a book written by the Argentine writer Ernesto Sabato in 1948. It is a
psychological novel set in Buenos Aires, about the story of a murder, from the murderers
The novel starts with Juan Pablo Castel telling the readers that he murdered Mara
Iribarne. In the next chapter he tells how and where he meets Mara for the first time, and
how he gets obsessed with her, to the point that he finishes killing her.
It is an excellent-developed story, the mind and thoughts of Castel are extraordinary
expressed. The plot is very involving, and the character of Juan Pablo Castel has an
unpredictable evolution as the book goes on.
This book is a must-read for every person who likes novels. The characters of the
book have a remarkable evolution from the beginning to the end.

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