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They are the cells that formed during pregnancy every cell, organ and tissue of
the baby; Thanks to this ability fulfill the function to regenerate tissues, organs
or cells affected by disease to occur in the future.
In 1978 a group of scientists from the University of Wisconsin discovered stem
cells from umbilical cord.
Its advantages are:

They are 100% compatible with the baby.

The collection process is not of any risk or pain.
As immunologically immature, is feedback more easily
The collection poses no risk to another human being.

The diseases that can be treated are:

- Leukemia and other cancers
- Congenital diseases of the immune system.
- Inherited diseases.
In Ecuador, there are several internationally qualified banks stem cells, as is
the case of "Bio Cell".
The Tsar Bomba the most powerful ever detonated, Las Nagasaki and Iroshima
was twenty-five hundred times less powerful. The initial draft of this bomb
detonated in the USSR finally tests was 100 megatons, definitely something
monstrous, if these bombs are not already.
The blast was Mityushikha Bay in October 1961, the bomb was dropped from a
height of 15,000 meters with a parachute, for the plane, and in itself modified
to withstand the tremendous effect of the explosion.
Hopefully if there is any physical reason for humans to keep trying these things
become extinct soon.

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