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Name: Aubree Malone

Title of Project: Im an Organ Donor, Are You?

Title of Research Paper: Organ Donation: Uncovering Systems around the World

Synopsis of Research Paper:

My paper will outlined and explained the different rules, regulations, and laws
followed by different countries around the world as they pertain to organ donation
or anatomical gifts. Several different donation systems were discussed as the
countries that I chose all have different donation systems in place to try to
accommodate the needs of their people. The countries discussed in my paper were
Russia, Iran, and the United States. Since the United States of America is broken up
into 50 states which all have different laws regarding anatomical gifts, three states
were discussed: Arkansas, Hawaii, and Virginia. The three states showed the
diverse laws within one country pertaining to the same concept. One state outlined
the least regulations and benefits for donors, one state was moderate, and the last
state had many regulations and benefits for their donors.

Project Description:
The first part of my project was all about education. I taught informational seminars
about organ donation in the 10th grade health classes at First Colonial High School.
The second part of my project was an Organ Donation Drive, which was more of a
celebration of organ donation.

Relationship between Project and Paper:

My paper talked about education within the states, and that was part of the problem
associated with the organ shortage, so that is why I taught the classes. And
another reason for the organ shortage is people dont like to think about death and
other things which leads to a lack of donors. That reason is why I had the Donor
Drive to celebrate organ donation.

My background experience in the area:

My mother works at LifeNet Health, so I have been exposed to organ donation my
entire life and that has made me very passionate about the topic.

Special things Id like judges to consider and look for:

My consultant had surgery in the middle of my prep, so she was not able to attend
my classes and my donor drive was pushed back until after the initial due date of
April 3rd.

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