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Quarter 3 Journals

Journal 3-1 What are your goals for the second half of the school year?
List at least 5: at least 3 academic.
What are you going do to achieve them?
If nothing changes than nothing changes!

Journal 3-2 - Imagine that you live in a segregated society. How might minorities
express their outrage? How might they persuade others to join them in changing
the system?
Journal 3-3 - What is a decision that you have made over the past week or so that
you wished you hadnt made or that you are very happy with?
Journal 3-4 - Take a stand: legalize marijuana?
Journal 3-5 - Finish this story: Inside the box with the big red bow is
Journal 3-6 - If I were the opposite gender
Journal 3-7 Would you like to be famous? Why or why not? What would you be
famous for?
Journal 3-8 What are your goals for today? They need to be specific and
Journal 3-9 What are your goals for today? They need to be specific and
Journal 3-10 Grade yourself for your quarter 3 journal on a 1-10 scale. Why did
you grade yourself that way?
3-11 How do feel about your grades/ comments? What will you do the
same/different for the rest of the quarter/year?
3-12 How did your museum topic impact the Civil Rights Movement? How would
Civil Rights be different if your event had not happened?
3-13 Who is the person you trust the most? What makes them trustworthy?
3-14 What is the most important part of your identity? How do you define
3-15 - What do you think about the Sioux saying, Help me not judge a person until I
have walked a mile in his moccasins?

3-16 - Some people are actively involved in promoting and supporting a cause, such
as the release of international political prisoners or protecting the environment. Is
there a cause you actively support? Write a journal convincing readers to support
that cause.
3-17 - My very first memory
3-18 - Choose either assimilation, cooperation, or conflict.
Define the word and give an example of when this happened in your own life.
3-19 - What is the best piece of advice you have ever been given? Why was this
good advice?
3-20 - What are you most excited about as the nice weather finally approaches?
3-21 - Grade your journals since the last time that I checked on a 1-10 scale. Star 2
for me to read.
When giving yourself the grade think about:
Are they all there?
Are they organized?
Are they all 5 sentences?
Do they demonstrate depth of thought?

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