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April 2, 2015

Of Events


8:30am - 10:30am (Mountain Room)

10:45am - 12:30am (Mountain Room)

What is TED/TEDx? (video)

Tatiana Pelez Jimnez

Inspirational Index

Welcome from MC's & TRU

Human Treasure Hunt (activity)

Will Primrose
Inspiration and School

Vince Watson
Linking Your Inspiration

Gaming Can Make a Better World

(Jane McGonigal)

Assetou Coulibaly
What I Learned by Inspiring Myself

Conversation Caf (activity)

Visible Thinking: Design Synthesis

Got a Wicked Problem? First, Tell Me
How You Make Toast (Tom Wujec)
Think Outside the Box
(activity with Kamloops Innovation staff)

One Second Everyday

(Cesar Kuriyama)
Capturing Your Epic inspiration

Creative Problem Solving in the Face

of Extreme Limits (Navi Radjou)



Vince Watson - Featured Speaker and Event MC

Thompson Rivers University
Linking Your Inspiration
Vince is a 4th year Bachelor of Business Administrative (BBA) student studying Marketing
at TRU. He is a former collegiate basketball player. As a competitive athlete he has always
strived to be great at all that he has done; he believes that youth today are inspired most by
greatness in others.
The most inspirational person in Vince's life is his beautiful grandmother, Veronica. To
Vince, she seems tougher than many superheroes, and taught him to always dream bigger.
He is motivated by her strength as a single mother who never lost sight of her dreams.
After graduating from TRU, Vince hopes to apply his BBA degree in private sector industry
as a marketer. He aspires to be a business owner with a goal of owning a restaurant and
spa salon in the future.



Assetou Coulibaly - Featured Speaker

Thompson Rivers University
What I Learned by Inspiring Myself
Assetou is currently in her 3rd year of studying sociology at TRU. She was born and
grew up in Mali, West Africa, where she had many experiences moving and travelling
with her mother, and learned several languages (she is quatrilingual!). She aspires to
start her own company and establish herself as an African female leader.
The biggest inspiration in Assetou's life has been her mother. Her mom faced many
challenges, but always did it in a way that allowed her to remain passionate, strong,
independent, and authentic to her beliefs. Her mother's motto has always been, ?The
best is yet to come so just be patient?, and this message has stuck with Assetou.
Assetou believes the most inspiring thing about youth today is that they are unique
individuals and that they look to find inspiration in ways that are unexpected.



Tatiana Pelez Jimnez - Featured Speaker

Thompson Rivers University
Inspirational Index
Tatiana is originally from Medellin, Columbia, and is currently a 4th year Economics Student
at TRU. She is interested in intercultural awareness and sustainable development. In her
spare time she loves to dance tango and practice Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
Tatiana is inspired by many people. She admires the love of Mother Theresa, the peaceful
protest of Gandhi, the determination of Malala Yousafzai to receive a better education and
the involvement of Wangari Maathai in environmental issues and women's rights.
In Tatiana's opinion, today's youth are inspired in many different ways that vary from person
to person. She has observed that people are often inspired by obstacles and experiences
that others close to them have overcome.
In the future, Tatiana has plans to continue her studies, focusing on peace-related studies or
a Global Executive MBA. She hopes to become involved in peace and sustainable
economic and environmental development in Latin-American countries.



Will Primrose - Featured Speaker and Event MC

Chase Secondary School (School District #73)
Inspiration and School
Will is a Grade 12 student at Chase Secondary School. He loves to travel, and last summer spent
two weeks in the Peruvian Amazon where he helped scientists gather data on ecosystems and
animal populations. Will has an interest in leadership, and plans to attend TRU in the Bachelor of Arts
program, specializing in public relations or human resources.
Youth around the world that continue to do amazing things are an inspiration to Will. He?s met young
scientists, athletes, chefs, musicians, activists, writers, and budding politicians among others, and all
of them have one thing in common: passion. He is impressed by the fact that they have the drive to
do something amazing with every single day that they have on this planet.
Will believes that young people around the world are inspiring each other - especially due to the fact
that technology allows us to connect easily with youth in other countries to see what is happening
and get involved in projects. This allows young people to see their peers in action, sparking more
people to be inspired, and in turn, inspire others.



This independent TEDx event is operated under license from TED.

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