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My Boyhood Days.
Rabindranath Tagore.

So in the course of our lifes

journey, some angel from strange
and unexpected quarter may
cross our path, speaking the
language of our own soul, and
enlarging the boundaries of the
hearts possessions. She comes
unbidden, and when at last we
call for her she is no longer there.
But as she goes, she leaves on
the drab web of our lives a border
of embroidered flowers, and for
ever and ever the night and day
are for us enriched
-Rabindranath Tagore
My Boyhood Days

A poets autobiography is
his poetry. Anything else is
just a footnote
-Yevgeny Yvtushenko


-Rabindranath Tagore
The Gardener

The Text
Time play
Incorruptible honesty
Poetic text

Time play

Now and Then

there was no gas then in the city, and
no electric light. When the kerosene
lamp was introduced, its brilliance
amazed us.
there were no trams then, no buses,
no motors.
there were no water-pipes laid on in
those days.
People today are much more grown-up
in every way than they were then. Then
we were all children alike, both young
and old.
- Rabindranath Tagore
My Boyhood Days

Painting by Rabindranath Tagore

The Art Institute of Chicago

Now and Then

The clouds have had no rest since
yesterday evening. The rain is pouring
incessantly. The trees stand huddled
together in a seemingly foolish
manner; the birds are silent. I call to
mind the evenings of my boyhood.

Painting by Rabindranath Tagore

The Art Institute of Chicago

Memory interchanges
"So many versions of just one memory, and yet none of
them were right or wrong. Instead, they were all pieces.
Only when fitted together, edge to edge, could they even
begin to tell the whole story.
- Sarah Dessen

our jamadar Sobha Ram, who was a wrestler.

another story was connected with the thick-leaved Badam
tree at the western corner .
there was a narrow passage, enclosed by latticed walls,
leading from the outer apartments to the interior of the
then nine oclock would strike, and Shyam would swoop
down on me like a hawk on a dove
- Rabindranath Tagore
My Boyhood Days

..display in their thought an imagery which I have
dreamt of all my life. -W.B Yeats

adventure land
As Rabindranath would say about his
grandmother palanquin It was to me an
island in the midst of the ocean, and I
Robinson Crusoe.
cloud shadows danced on the ripples of the
stream, cloud shadows lay dark upon the
jungles of the further shore
I was torn up by the roots and transplanted
from one soil to another, and had to get
acclimatised to a new mental atmosphere.
when the sluices were opened the water
rushed in, gurgling and foaming like a

- Rabindranath Tagore
My Boyhood Days

Tagore Manuscript
Tagore Doodle Manuscripts

If mothers want their children to be
so healthy that they will be unable to
escape from the school master, I
recommend them to find a servant like
Some people get hammered into
shape in the market to be goods of a
superior stamp.
It was my fortune to escape
almost entirely the impress of these
mills of learning
- Rabindranath Tagore
My Boyhood Days

she was enthroned at the
center of affection, and I
was only a neglected,
insignificant child
I was always ready to
satisfy this craving for
playing the hostess

On the southern side of the
tosha-khana, a castor oil
burned dimly on a glass
There was a narrow passage,
enclosed by laticced walls,
leading from the outer
apartments to the interior of
the house..
South facing balcony, east
facing window, room towards
north, terrace towards west...

Poetic text
"Always be a poet, even in prose."
- Charles Baudelaire

Liony, liony, off with your head,

Liony, liony, now you are dead.
Woofle the walnut goes clappetry clap,
Snip, snop, SNAP!

- My Boyhood Days

Vase -Painting by Rabindranath Tagore

National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi

Jorasanko Thakur Bari

The City of Joy

The Calcutta where I was born was

an altogether old-world place.
Hackney carriages lumbered about
the city and the days went by in
leisurely fashion
At high tide the water of the Ganges
would flow along a masonry channel
at the side of the road
Now and again Jyotidada used to go
for change of air to a garden house
on the bank of the Ganges
when I went n to the roof my mind
strode the last blue of the sky
mingled with the last green of the

Landscape-Painting by Rabindranath Tagore

National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi


Prolific and gifted painters

Scholar, artist, music composer and theatre personality
Known for his wrestling skills and rationale
Great scholar, poet and music composer
First Indian to join the Indian Civil Service

Thou hast made me endless,

such is thy pleasure.
This frail vessel thou emptiest
again and again,
and fillest it ever with
fresh life.
This little flute of a reed thou
hast carried over
hills and dales,
and hast breathed through it
melodies eternally new.
- Rabindranath Tagore

Your flute plays in the

No light note to hear.
I would wake to that tune:
O grant me such an

- A few lines from the song Your Flute

Plays in the Thunder

A video still from Satyajit Rays Documentary on Tagore


Painting by Rabindranath Tagore

National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi

Poet as an Activist

Poet as an Activist
Women used to go about in
the stifling darkness of closed
An additional covering, a kind
of thick tilt, completely
enveloped the palanquin of a
rich mans daughters and
daughters-in-law, so that it
looked like a moving tomb.
the house was then divided
into two suites of rooms. The
men lived in the outer, and the
women in the inner

Rabindranath Tagore

My Boyhood Days

Brooding -Painting by Rabindranath Tagore

National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi

Poet as an Activist
Why should you not let
woman empowered be
With right to conquer her own
O Lord?
Why must I sit and watch
beside the road
With lowered head, in tired
patient wait
For the day ordained by fate
To grant my hopes? Why
should I gaze in space?
-Woman Empowered
Translated by Sukanta Chaudhuri

Woman -Painting by Rabindranath Tagore

National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi

Pan, like tobacco, played a
great part in reception of
In matters of hospitality,
people kept open house in
those days. There was no need
for a man to be intimately
know before he was received
They have plenty of leisure.
For in those days girls were
not obliged to to go to school,
and I used to think how fine it
would have been to be born as
a girl

My exercise books of all kinds kept from
beginning to end, the unrelieved whiteness
of a widows cloth. Confronted by such
unprecedented determination not to study,
my class teacher complained to

Jorasanko Thakur Bari now a part of

Visva Bharati University set up by
Tagore to promote the various
untraditional and liberal forms of

Poet as an Artist


This screen that thou hast raised is

painted with innumerable figures with
the brush of the night and the day. Behind it
thy seat
is woven in wondrous mysteries of curves,
Casting away all barren lines of straightness.
The great pageant of thee and me
has overspread the sky.
With the tune of thee and me
all the air is vibrant, and all ages pass
with the hiding and seeking of thee and me.
- Rabindranath Tagore


Bird Fantastic-Painting by Rabindranath Tagore

National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi

I came out alone on my way to my

But who is this that follows me in the
silent dark?
I move aside to avoid his
but I escape him not.
He makes the dust rise from
the earth
with his swagger; he adds his loud voice
to every word that I utter.
He is my own little self, my
lord, he knows
no shame; but I am ashamed
to come to thy door in his company

Self Portrait 1935

Medium: Water color

Truth be told:
The Autobiographical Pact
After these eighty years
even the picture of myself
that comes before me does
not correspond line for line
with the reality, but is largely
a product of the

Rabindranath Tagore
My boyhood days


Rabindranath Tagore by Narmadheshwar Jha published in PROSPECTS: the quarterly

review of education, UNESCO: International bureau of education, Paris
Gitanjali ( Song Offerings )
Selected Poems Rabindranath Tagore Sukanta Chaudhuri, Oxford India

Thank You!

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