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Is this emailnot displaying comectly? Viewitin your bower Important news regarding our latest campaigns and initiatives. aa rY eae ABOUT IT! April 2 is Autism Awareness Day, the beginning of an entire month where autism advocates, professionals, journalists, and many others will be voicing their opinions, experiences, hopes and assumptions about autism. At Treating Autism, we try to do this sort of thing every day—except the assumptions part. We leave that to others! April will not be any different for us. We will not be lighting anything blue. We won’t be asking you for money. We won't be celebrating, other than in how we celebrate our beautiful children each and every day, with love, hope, and hard work. We do want to ask one thing of you though. If you know someone, anyone, who you think would benefit from reading either of our most recent publications, please make that happen. Do you know someone who remains adamant that people with ASD are not struggling with medical issues? Someone who believes that self-injury, poor sleep, anxiety and other medical issues are simply part of the ASD diagnosis and there is nothing to be done? Please share this document with people who need good information. Do you know a family with a newly diagnosed child? This may be a perfect book for them to start something at home that is both affordable and will help both parent and child physically and emotionally. If you require hard copies of either of these documents, or would like to have hard copies of any of our parent or professional comorbidity sheets, please write us to ask. We thank you for your ongoing support of Treating Autism and send our warmest wishes to each of you. Anita Chair, Treating Autism follow on Twitter | fiend on Facebook | forward to a friend Copyright © 2013 Treating Autism. All rights reserved. ‘Our mailing address is: ‘Treating Autism | International House | 24 Holborn Viaduct, London EC1A 2BN ‘Treating Autism is run by parents of children with Autism entirely on a voluntary basis. Registered Charity No. 1113628. ‘Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered in England No. 5594787 ‘www { unsubscribe from this list] update subscription preferences ‘This emailwas sent to joannealimanditaktak net why di get this? unsubscribe from this fst update subscription preferences ‘Treating Autism - International House - 221 Bow Road - Bow, London E3 28J - United Kingdom

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