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Component 1------ Child and Setting Profile

A. Describe Child
NV is an African American male. NV is five years and nine months old.
He is 383 inches and he weighs about 54 pounds.
NV appears to be very smart and nice young man. He enjoys playing
with other children in his class sometime. NV tells me that he is the
only child so he gets what he wants from his mother and father. NV has
problem following simple directions from the teacher. NV also struggles
sitting with other children during circle time. But overall he can do the
work if he just stays focus.
NV needs more attention on his academics at home just not at school.
NV needs to be around other children his age so that he knows how to
play and communicate with other children. He also needs support from
his parents on how following simple directions is so important in
everyday life.

Describe Classroom Setting

25 students and 2 adults
North Myrtle Beach Primary
Child size tables and chairs
o Dramatic Play
o Science Discovery
o Art
o Quiet area
o Coats locker
o Literacy Circle time
o Computer
Mrs. Fones & Mrs. Rogers
For the children to go outside
the will exit there door making a
left and straight out those
double doors is the playground.
The children travel down the
halls to the Library, Keyboard, Art, PE and music.
Restrooms are located in the classroom right of the entrance and exit

The children travel straight down the hall from there classroom to get
to the cafeteria. I didnt get to see where the Gym was located.

C. Classroom Factors that May Influence Childs Development and

Teachers Materials ( Mrs. Fones has a blue hat that she
wears to let the kids know that she is helping a child one
on one and that they need to see Mrs. Rogers.)
Teacher has example of everything that she gives the
children to do.
They have a chart in the classroom which the students can
go up or down at the end of the day the color they are on
gos in the folder for the parents to sign.
White - My day was.
Red Outstanding
Yellow Good Job
Green Ready to Learn
Blue Think about it
Pink Parent Contact


D. Pictures with Captions

NV sitting at the teachers

table coloring his rabbit due
to his behavior.

NV is working on his book about

how to grass grow.

Component 2 ----- Childs Developmental Characteristics

A. Strategies and tools used
1. Anecdotal Records

I used these records to help me remember what I saw and what

needed to look for while observing NV for my case study project.
2. Checklist
I used the five year old checklist to see if NV was where he
needed to far as his developmental milestones.
3. Work Samples
NV work samples lets me know how he performs far as doing
work in the class.
B. Childs Development Description
RED= Cant Do
GREEN = Can Do
1. Physical--- Fine/ Gross Motor Development
Ties shoes
Coordinates body parts
Cuts accurately
Uses pencil correctly
Uses scissors correctly
Basic grasp of right and left
Movements appear smooth
Walks backward
Right/left handedness is established
Uses glue correctly and easily
2. Social Emotional Development
Chooses own friends
Play simple table games
Plays competitive games
Engages in group play, assigning roles, making decisions
Wants fair play
Interacts with peers and adults
Respects property and others
Leadership skills appear
Ability to follow peers
Waits turn
Shows self- control
Separates from parents
Comfortable with large groups
Cooperative attitude
Resolves conflicts verbally



Responds well to corrections or suggestions

Cognitive/Language Development
Uses complete, complex sentences to express ideas
Records ideas using drawing, letter-like forms
Invented spelling
Recognizes letters
Recognizes some words
Recognizes numerals
Recognizes shapes
Understands patterns
Understands sequencing
Understands one- to- one correspondence
Understands categories
Compares, arranges in order
Understands positional
Understands rhyming
Pictures illustrate the
development finding


Fine Motor


Gross Motor

skills by

Component 3
----- Learning

The child will increase his listening

paying attention to the words that are

ELA -3K-3.2 Comprehend changes in forms of familiar words
ELA- 4K-3.3 Display curiosity and interest in learning new words.
WHY: I saw the teacher tell NV to do something, he leaves the circle to
go do it, then gets to his desk and has no clue what was said to him.
NV puts his hand up and ask what he was supposed to be doing. Then
he would hear Mrs. Rogers say a word that he hasnt heard before and
he would ask her how to spell it, so when he heard or saw the word
again he knew what it was.

2. The child will control his conversation with other children.

AL-3K-5.1 Talk about prior events and personal experiences.
AL-3K- 5.2 Use prior knowledge to understand new experiences.
WHY: I saw when Mrs. Fone put the children in small groups he would never
complete his work because he was talking about things to relate to
something the teacher had already talked about. He also had to be
separated from a friend of his because he they would get together and talk
about what they parents had done the last time they were together out of

Component 4-------Action Plan

Small Group

Strategy Description/ Materials

Think, Pair, share

Have students work with a partner.

Tell the one student something to tell there partner, after they have
told the partner what was said it the partner job to come tell the
teacher what was said and to find a word that was said to them on the
talk. So if they have it all wrong it want be a word on the table for them
to get.

Development and Learning Promoted

This would let NV know that he has to use his listening skills to get this
activity done with his partner. NV would be more engaged because it would
allow him the time to get to work with the other students. NV would learn the
values of teamwork. It would also increase NV cognitive abilities and
improve his communication skills with other students.


Strategy Description/ Materials

Set the table
I would set a table for NV and 4 of his friends and allow them to sit together
during snack time. I would even let NV pass the snacks out at his table.

Development and Learning Promoted

NV will get to see and feel how it is when he does the right thing and get the
permission to sit with his friends and talk about something other than school
work. This may I start to improve some of his behavior problem to get to sit
with his friends when he is on good behavior.


Strategy Description/ Materials

I would make word wall lines around the classroom only using the words that
NV and other students struggle with. For NV to move from his desk to the
Performance Board I will hold up words for him to say and as say them he will
be reading the words to me.

Development and Learning Promoted

This would allow NV to pay attention to me not whats going on around him
or him trying to distract another student. This would also help him with
words that he is struggling to read and or recognize.

Outside Time

Strategy Description/Martials

Development and Learning Promoted

This free outside time will give NV some time to play and commutate with
friends he cant talk to while in class. After this free time it would maybe
allow NV to pay attention the rest of the day since he got all the play and
conversation out with his friends. It would also allow NV to get out of his
corner desk that he is all day long if he is not asked to move.

Child Case Study

ECD 203

Shanetta Grace

Table of Contents
Milestones/ Characteristics
Three year olds
Four year olds
Five year olds
Case Study
Component 1--- Child and Setting Profile
Component 2 --- Childs Developmental
Anecdotal Records # 1-5
Check List
Work Sample
Component 3--- Learning Outcomes
Component 4 --- Action Plan
Blank Back Cover

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