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Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template

Grade Level/Subject: Third

Central Focus: Comprehension
Essential Standard/Common Core Objective: CCSS.ELALITERACY.RI.3.7:
Use information gained from illustrations (e.g., maps,
Date submitted: 4/3/2015
photographs) and the words in a text to demonstrate
Date taught:
understanding of the text (e.g., where, when, why, and how
key events occur).
Daily Lesson Objective:
Performance: Students will be able to analyze given photographs in order to correctly support
information found in a previously read article.
Conditions: Students may use the information based out of the article The Art of the Selfie, as
well as the three photographs given in the associated worksheet to complete their task.
Criteria: The connections students make between the photographs and the article must be
supported by at least two pieces of direct information from The Art of the Selfie, and the
students must also must also underline in the article where they drew their connections.
21st Century Skills:
Academic Language Demand (Language Function and
Students must demonstrate skills
in utilizing pictures or illustrations
Evidence: the available body of facts or information
to gain a better understanding of
indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or
an associated reading or text.
Selfie: a photograph that one has taken of oneself,
typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam
and shared via social media.
Connections: a relationship in which a person,
thing, or idea is linked or associated with something
Prior Knowledge: Ability to recognize and explain what is shown in pictures. Ability to go back
into texts in order to find details.

1. Focus and Review

Description of Activities and Setting


Today we are going to read an article together as a class

about Selfies. I want you to turn to your reading partners and
discuss what a selfie is and what you could possibly learn
from one.
Allow students time to discuss selfies.
Pull from one or two students for answers.
Before we move onto the main lesson I want to start off by
watching a video on todays topic.
Present YouTube video Selfie
Ask the students if they have taken a selfie in the past


2. Statement of
for Student

3. Teacher Input

4. Guided Practice

and why.
From the video you can see that each of the pictures
everyone had taken had meant something to them or helped
them learn something about themselves. Pictures are great
tools and even allow us to learn more about things we have
read as well.
Today we are all going to read an article called, The Art of
the Selfie. Once we have read it together we are going to as a
class discuss what was said in order to get a better
understanding of the information in it. After our discussion
you are going to use different pictures as evidence and
connect them to the article to support what is in it. Once you
are done you will find a partner and both of you will discuss
the connections you have made between the photographs
and the article.
Write on the dry erase board, A Picture is worth 1000
Ask who has seen this phrase before. Have a student
who raises their hand explain it and give proper
assistance if their explanation requires more depth.
When we read an article we can do many things to
understand the information in it better. We can reread,
underline or even highlight important phrases or sentences.
But a lot of times we are also given a illustration or picture
alongside of the reading. When this is the case we can use
these images with the other strategies to learn even more
about what we have read.
Have the students look at the article, The Art of the Selfie.
Read it together as a class by having different students take
turns reading certain portions of the piece. Once you are
done have the students take a moment and underline or
highlight parts which they found important. Once they are
done have some students share and tell us why they are
Next have them look at the worksheet that goes with the
article. Read the directions and explain that these pictures
can be connected to the article. As a class take the first
picture and work together to complete the task above them.
Answers can be, but are not limited to:
She is remembering a joyful moment.
She used the best angle to include a lot of people.
She is smiling.




The students will now work individually to find at least two

connections between the article and the photographs which
support the information they have read. Allow them ample
5. Independent
time to reread through the article if necessary as well as mark
key pieces which they are drawing their connections to. Once
they have finished their connections allow them and a partner
to discuss what each of them found and see if there were any
differences in their answers.
6. Assessment
Once the lesson has been completed the students articles and
Methods of
worksheets will be collected and evaluated based on the number of
correct connections as well as their proof of reasoning either stated in
their responses or underlined/ highlighted in the article.
Ask the students if they think images help them to better
understand a topic. Explain to them that having the ability to
draw connections between pictures and texts will be useful in
7. Closure
the future if they are doing research or working on a project
for school, and being able to do what we learned today will
allow them to complete these tasks much more easily.
8. Assessment
Students were able to link the text with the given photographs
Results of
successfully. Some made more connections than others, but all students
were able to give the minimum requirement in order to reach mastery
level in this lesson.
Targeted Students
Student/Small Group
Students on different reading levels may be If students are grouped by specific reading levels
provided with versions of the article which
prior to implementation of the lesson instruct the
vary in difficulty.
student in those groups while at the same time
being sure to differentiate the lesson based on
their ability levels.
(Include any instructional materials (e.g., worksheets, assessments PowerPoint/Smart Board slides, etc.) needed to implement the lesson at
the end of the lesson plan.)

Link to Selfie video, Dry erase board, Copies of The Art of the Selfie to be provided to each
student, Copies of the associated worksheet to be provided to each student, Pens and
Reflection on lesson:
Although this lesson was created by me I did have assistance from my cooperating teacher. She
had given me choices on which topics would be possible for me to do a lesson on and allowed
me access to her own personal collection of resources for each. While we discussed possible

lessons I found the article which would eventually be the one I chose to use and we came to an
agreement that to teach this lesson would be best for not only me but the students as well. Prior
to my teaching my cooperating teacher was given the lesson plan and had me make several
adjustments and once those were completed I was ready to implement the lesson.

Looking back on my lesson I feel that it went well and was effective, but if I were to do it again it
would be very different. The lesson itself teetered over then line of enjoyment at points so I felt
that students were not as focused on the educational aspect of it one hundred percent. Because
of this I am afraid that they will need to return to the content in a less active lesson than the one
I had done.
I would have less communication in my lessons Independent Practice phase. The conversation
became very loud and in some cases off topic and students who were still working werent able
to do so efficiently. I may try to structure my time so that I can devote a specific amount to
speaking with a partner once everyone has completed the main task.
I was fortunate for my cooperating teacher to so kind as to share her teaching resources with
me. It allowed for me to easily be able to ground my lesson in quality worksheets and I will be
sure to use them if I cover this topic in the future.
Based on the assessment of their work I can take solace in knowing that my students had done
exceptionally well with the topic, but because of my own apprehension Im afraid that their
success might not have been based on my lesson. Nevertheless I am proud of what I had done
and am proud of my students for having done so well regardless of the kinks in my lesson plan.

Articles and Worksheet Attached Below



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