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Scientists thought comet ISON was closing .with the Sun wasnt last.

but now
there are evidences that comet may have survived.
ISON came with the one million miles of our. on Thursday ___ thought itve
been is senior rate.
But at least part of the comet seems to be intact. Welcome to the CBS this morning
- Some austronauts expect that ISON to be a comet of the century due to
But expectations diminished all the time ___are facing a lot of diminished
expectation lately
The problem is light pollution the urban globe___ excuse all of the Moon and a
few bright stars and planets

______ want to do something about it is. Exact

director of the International Dark Sky Association, Bob, good Morning.

- Good morning.
- How big the problem is it?
- Well its pretty big ah well the associated was good. But you can
get too much of a good thing. What we are seeing is just__________ ,
the_______ of ______ we want more so over the period of the century we
just add much more light to the environment to the point now its a real
problem. We spend 110 billion dollars annually on wasted light it produced
700 and 50 million tons of CO we just need to learn to use more

It seem like design is a big issue here

- its ____ design like texture putting more light on the sky than on the
ground. Its that something we cant afford anymore. We used to just use
light in _______We have to learn to use it more intelligently.

- It is a measure how fast ___ losing darkness in the country?

- Unfortunately we dont love researching on it up until the 15s _____
actually started by Edison with the invention _____light about ______ of the
century but last century we _______

it did become ______ till the 15s.

During the 1550s the_______ realized that they could not see the night sky
as well.
Organization ___1882 but that point was clear theres a problem and its growing
about 3 to 5 % every year.
I think people might hear the term light pollution __________ important things.

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