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Where was the first ever Olympics played? - Athens

What is the largest organ in human body? - Skin
What is the collective name for Rhinoceros? - Crash
What is original name of Agatha Christie? - Mary Westmacott
What kind of fear is associated with Cibophobia? - Food
What is the wettest place on the Earth? - Mawsynram
In photography what does S.L.R stand for? - Single Lens Reflex
Which country has the longest coastline? - Canada
Which star is the nearest to Earth? - The Sun
Which country is reputed to have the world's oldest flag design? - Denmark
How many players constitute a Basketball team? - 5
What does ASCII stand for? - American Standard Code for Information Interchange
Who invented Zero '0' ? - Aryabhatta
Specific India and its Culture:
What is the number of states in India? - 29
Which is the first state in India to be formed on the basis of
a Pradesh
Which Indian Prime Minister's birthday was December 25th - A B
The words 'Satyameva Jayate' inscribed below the base plate of
ia are taken from- Mundaka Upanishad/ Atharva Veda
'Kathakali' is a folk dance prevalent in which state?- Kerala
Who is the composer of India's National Song? - Bankim Chandra

language? - Andhr
the emblem of Ind

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