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What form of arts integration or interdisciplinary learning

units have you observed? In what ways were the visual
forms investigated, learned, discussed, or produced in the
My students made a great visual representation of how
the planets rotate. However, I do not feel like it was
integration, but more of a step by step instruction. It did
allow children to see hands on how the function of the
rotation and revolutions of the Earth work. I think in this
aspect, it was great, even if production was a step by step
2. Was there a Big Idea or theme used? If so describe. Were
students working with narrative, observation, imagination,
and / or visual thinking?
There was a distinct narrative and direction to the
project. Again, it was more included in the lesson over
infused into the lesson. The big idea was simply to learn how
the Earth, Moon, and Sun rotate and revolve around each
other, showing the concepts of night, day, moon phases, etc
3. What suggestions would you have for integration and
interdisciplinary learning for this unit or lesson you
observed? Try to think how you could make the learning
more meaningful, connected, and deeper. Be specific.
Im not sure this lesson itself could be more meaningful
or deeper; however, it would be nice to see her do an
exploration unit. Just like we explore our identity, it would be
neat to see how 1st graders do this. I feel as though so many
people downgrade the thought process of 1st graders, even
though sometimes their minds think more creatively than
ours. It would be neat to see what they come up with.

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