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Cody Mosblech

Comp Sci 110

Analysis Questions 1
How does the javadoc documentation for the constructor and method in
the NormalClassTemplate class correspond to the contents of its class
documentation page?Also, what effect do the Javadoc @param and
@return tags have?
The class documentation gives the constructor and method names and any /** comments in the
summary section, and then formats them nicely and with more detail as to their function in the details
section. The details section includes details given by the author by using an @param and @return to
indicate what the method takes for parameters and what it returns.
Why do you think the AquaFish and AquaSimGUI constructors ask for the
aquarium as a parameter?
It's probably possible to create multiple aquarium objects. In that case, the fish
and GUI need to know which object they are associated with.
Why does the Aquarium "add" method take a parameter but the
AquaFish "moveForward" method and the AquaSimGUI "showAquarium"
methods do not?
The 'add' method needs more information before it can do what it needs to do
(which fish it's going to add). The 'moveForward' and 'showAquarium' methods are
fixed, as in they do the same thing every time, and don't rely on extra
What happens when you move a fish forward a number of times in a tall,
thin aquarium? (This will be the focus of a future lab exercise.)
It reaches the end of the aquarium display and refuses to move forward anymore.

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