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After PDAF and DAP was considered unconstitutional, what next?

What law will they

declare unconstitutional the third time around? I believe that the framers of those
laws are schooled enough to understand and interprete the constitution. They
should have known any provisions, that would not conform to our fundamental law
before it was sent to the congress. One thing that bothers me is They are educated
enough. Perhaps their intelligence made them capable of injecting making trojan
horses in our system. Good thing the supreme court is there to clear out things.
The ugly thing about our politics is we are trapped inside mouse-maze. Our
politicians are intelligent enough to make the world turn towards their benfits. How
long have been they fooling us? Will it ever end? They have been betraying our trust
for years. Our lawmakers have been Educated by top universities all over the
country. They boast their college degrees along with their names, their professions
and their so called visions for our country. They have fooled us once. The PDAF let
a sum of 10 billion pesos of project unnoticed and unrealized. Those senators could
have been the trustees of our interest. They call themselves public servants, while
they loot our resources, denying our poor countrymen what is due to them.
Cant they device a new plan on using our funds? Yes they can. But there are also
wolves lurking in the dark places of our congress. They can always makes hole on
our already worn out system. Let the lawmakers hold no funds. It will put
themselves away from the temptation of spending the money that has nothing to do
with their personal wealths, they can focus on their jobs as well. No PDAF or DAF
similar laws will test the will of our politicians to serve. They have their large
estates though, they have businesses, they have their deep treasury chests that
would not exhaust after a three-year term. Unless our politicians prove themselves
worthy of having access on our treasury, none of them should hold the acces on the
taxes given by the people. We must not permit any other law similar to those
forsaken ones. Let us open our eyes to reality and guard our interest as how much
we guard are wife and children.
We are fooled because we let them fool us. We can participate in the checking and
balancing the powers of the government. Let us send all those wolves to jail if

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