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Report of Observation & Conference by the Director of Student Teaching



Collector: New Link (Web Link)
Started: Friday, February 06, 2015 2:11:40 PM
Last Modified: Friday, February 06, 2015 2:36:28 PM
Time Spent: 00:24:48
IP Address:

PAGE 1: Personal Information

Q1: Teacher Candidate's Name

Jenny Leary

Q2: Date of visit

January 6, 2015

Q3: Time of visit

10:00 a.m.

Q4: Cooperating Teacher's Name

Kristi Dierstein

Q5: School

New Castle Elementary School

Q6: Grade

Q7: Next visit (date and time)

February 10, 2015

PAGE 2: Lesson Plan

Q8: Please enter comments below related to the teacher candidate's lesson plan(s):
I reviewed multiple lesson plans that Jenny developed. The lesson plans are thoughtfully developed and are
aligned with the Virginia SOLs and VB)s. Jenny can refine her lessons by addressing all components (i.e. time,
differentiation strategies, classroom management strategies). The CT has signed all lesson plans as proof of

PAGE 3: Week Journal Review

Q9: Please enter comments below related to the teacher candidate's weekly journal review(s):
I reviewed two weekly journals. The journal showed that Jenny is pushing past her uncertainty to step into the
role of educator. She is learning the multiple roles of teaching.

PAGE 4: Obsesrvations


Report of Observation & Conference by the Director of Student Teaching


Q10: Please enter general comments below related to your observations.

I observed ms. Leary conducting a math lesson on volume, area, and perimeter. the lesson included wholegroup introduction and small-group centers.
Q11: What went well:
Jenny's students were learning! She addressed various learners' styles (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and
interpersonal). She also encouraged students during the lessons.
Q12: What could be done differently:
Jenny must attend to all small groups in the room rather than just focusing on the one she is instructing at the
time. She must do periodic checks (visual and walk-around) to make sure all students are on task and
understand what to do.
Q13: Candidate's strengths:
Students were highly engaged in learning during whole and small group instruction. The well planned activities
captured students' attention and excitement for learning.
Q14: Areas that need refinement:
Ms. Leary should have students "freeze" while she is giving instructions/directions for the transition, then allow
students to move to their stations/centers once she has completed her directions. She should also have
students clean up their stations before moving to the next center or back to their own seats.
Q15: Focus for next observation:
I will focus on Ms. Leary as the instructional leader in the classroom - instruction and classroom management.


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