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ffterate societies, these forms of poetry were composed for, and sometimes durin

g, performance. There was a certain degree of fluidity to the exact wording of p

oems. The introduction of writing fixed the content of a poem to the version tha
t happened to be written down and survive. Written composition meant poets began
to compose for an absent reader. The invention of printing accelerated these tr
ends. Poets were now writing more for the eye than for the ear.
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sWhether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
this linguistic unit is completed in the next line,
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.
This technique is called enjambment, and is used to create expectation, adding d
ynamic tension to the verse.
instances, the effectiveness of a poem derives from the tension between the use
of linguistic and formal units. With the advent of printing, poets gained greate
r control over the visual presentation of their work. As a result, the use of th
ese formal elements, and of the white space they help create, became an importan
t part of the poet's toolbox. Modernist poetry tends to take this to an extreme,
with the placement of individual lines or groups of lines on the page that is n
ormally 14 lines long. A sonnet poems format is very complicating. Follow the fo
llowing rules, and you will complete a successful sonnet poem.
-The first line of your poem rhymes with the third line.
-The second line rhymes with the forth line.
-The filth line rhymes with the seventh line.
-The sixth line rhymes with the eighth line.
-The ninth line rhymes with the eleventh line.
-The tenth line rhymes with the twelfth line.
-The last two lines rhyme with each other.
The depths of your eyes resemble the star less sky's frozen as far as the eye ca
n see.
The moist of your lips gives memory of a caressing mist that wonders in the shor
e line breeze.
Your smile warms me like the sun that i yearn for on a cold unforgiving day.
Your hands cross over me like an ec

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