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Javi Brionez

Javi Brionez
5213 Southampton Dr.
Springfield, VA 22151
(703) 537-6559

Table of
Web Page Project
Montage Project
Logo Project
Business Card Project
Stationary Project
Brochure Project
Imaging Project
Event Ad Project
Flyer Project

Web Page Project

A web page description of a logo I created.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):
I used adobe illustrator to create the original logo. I picked from 3 different
logos I designed, but this one was one I feel truly stood out and demonstrated
what its all about. I used WordPress to design my Web Page using html and
CSS. I first started changing different things on the template that was given
to us to make the design different, and stand out. I changed the background
to match my logo as well and to add color and personality to the webpage. I
made a few changes from my original design which included fonts and text
color. I did this so the text could be a little more unique and stand out even
My message is supposed to inform viewers of the details of my logo design.
Audience: Those who are interested in learning how to create logos, or who
are looking for ideas on how to make a great design.
Top Thing Learned:
I learned that doing HTML really isnt as easy as I thought. Its hard to understand where everything goes, and how it coordinates with all the different
Color scheme and color hex(s): Color scheme: Compound, Red, Green, Yellow, Brown
Title Font Families & Category: Helvetica
Copy Font Families & Category: Georgia
Changes made to the CSS: I changed all the colors for the background, and
I also changed the fonts as well from Times New Roman to Helvetica and
Georgia. I changed the font colors to match the colors
Word Count: 309

Montage Project
Description: This design is a masked photo of two soldiers. One of them is looking towards the horizon, and the other is masked over the picture, in a praying position. The
worlds Brethren pray for us appear above them in the sky, to allude to the fact that the
faded soldier truly is praying.
Process: I used Photoshop to accomplish the design as you see it. I first was wondering
what images I could use to have a person truly feel emotion as they examined it. I decided
on the US Army because its something thats important to me, and patriotism and spirituality are 2 things that I feel are very close. I masked the image you see of the crouched
solder on the bottom over top of the other one, using the brush and masking tool. I repositioned the images several times until I felt that they truly were in a photogenic place.
Message: My message is to encourage those who see this design to remember those who
serve this country. Specifically we can remember them by praying and pleading with our
Father in Heaven to watch over them. Its something that I feel a lot of people forget to do,
and this image should hit home and bring to remembrance the things that we can do to
aid the troops.
Audience: My audience are spiritual patriotic people. However, I also intended for those
who may not fall under this category, to be moved to become more patriotic or spiritual.
Top thing learned: I learned that sometimes being simple with your project isnt a bad
thing. I feel like if I tried to add more to the design, it would take away the message. Because the message is a spiritual one, I dont feel like you need to have so many distractions
on the page.
Filter/coloration: I used the saturation tool to bring out the colors of the background picture.
Color scheme: A large amount of white and dark green, black, and blue colors. The
masked photo of the soldier is black and white.
Title font: Hoefler Text Italic
Copy font: ITC Giovanni Book

Logo Project
Description: These designs are 3 separate logo ideas for the company Chill
and Grill
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): It was a really enjoyable experience to
create these logos! I used adobe illustrator to create them. This was my first
project that Ive ever done on illustrator, and I definitely got more and more
comfortable using all the tools as the project went on. I used different shape
and path finding tools to get the designs that I wanted, and felt were appropriate for the final product.
Message: My message was supposed to make people hungry, especially the
bottom two designs. I was attempting to make my message a fun, upbeat tone
to dray people into the restaurant.
Audience: My audience are those who are interested in great, backyard BBQ
kind of cooking.
Top Thing Learned: I learned that even if a design seems easy, it cant be
rushed. In the first draft, I felt like I wasnt able to get to where I wanted, and
it mightve been because I rushed too much.
Three Color Scheme and Color Names: 1st Design: Greyscale, black and
white. 2nd Design: Split Complementary, brown, red, green. 3rd Design: Big
Split Complementary, Red, yellow, green, brown
Three sets of Title / Body Font Names & Categories: 1st Design: Noteworthy,
Tuffy Regular. 2nd Design: Onyx, Tekton Pro. 3rd Design: Portagol ITC, Helvetica.
Votes on favorite logo:
Top Logo = 3; Middle Logo = 2; Bottom Logo = 1;
My favorite logo is the bottom logo.



Chill and Grill

Chill Grill

Business Card Project

Description: Letterhead and business card for the Chill and Grill restaurant.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): I used Adobe Indesign and Illustrator to
complete this project. I started off looking at different deigns of business
cards. I wanted to make sure that I made my design unique, but not too complicated or busy. For the business card I made the color scheme the same as
the logo, to have good continuity. I dropped the opacity on my logo for the
letterhead to have a washed out look in the background, and also added 4
stripes going across the top of the page that are the same color.
Message: My message is fun and colorful, and is supposed to draw people
into the restaurant with its bright design.
Audience: Restaurant enthusiasts, and those who like good all-American
BBQ. This project in particular is supposed to be geared towards the corporate side of the business, however, and can draw in potential employees and
Top Thing Learned: I learned so much more about Adobe Indesign during
this project. I realized that if you can imagine a design in your head, there is a
way of getting it on paper.
Color scheme and color names: Big Split Complementary, Red, yellow, green,
Title Font Name & Category: Onyx
Copy Font Name & Category: Helvetica



Javi Brionez
Head Chef

(703) 537-4892
5215 Southampton Dr.
Springfield, VA 22151

Stationary Project
Description: Letterhead and business card for the Chill and Grill restaurant.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): I used Adobe Indesign and Illustrator to
complete this project. I started off looking at different deigns of business
cards. I wanted to make sure that I made my design unique, but not too complicated or busy. For the business card I made the color scheme the same as
the logo, to have good continuity. I dropped the opacity on my logo for the
letterhead to have a washed out look in the background, and also added 4
stripes going across the top of the page that are the same color.
Message: My message is fun and colorful, and is supposed to draw people
into the restaurant with its bright design.
Audience: Restaurant enthusiasts, and those who like good all-American
BBQ. This project in particular is supposed to be geared towards the corporate side of the business, however, and can draw in potential employees and
Top Thing Learned: I learned so much more about Adobe Indesign during
this project. I realized that if you can imagine a design in your head, there is a
way of getting it on paper.
Color scheme and color names: Big Split Complementary, Red, yellow, green,
Title Font Name & Category: Onyx
Copy Font Name & Category: Helvetica

Chill Grill

Javi Brionez

(703) 537-4892
5215 Southampton Dr.
Springfield, VA 22151

Brochure Project
Description: A two-sided folding brochure.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): To begin making this design, I designed
the circular logo that is seen on the back of the brochure in Adobe Illustrator
I wanted to be the style to be unique to any other Batman logo that a person
may have seen before, but still keep the same tone that a Batman logo should
have by using dark colors. I used different rectangular shapes to create the
buildings. Because of this, I kept that similar design in the brochure as well.
This should create good repetition in the design as a whole. I used Adobe
InDesign to create the brochure, and used different shapes to accomplish the
design that I wanted. I wrote all of the text seen, and I decided to use a staggered alignment to make the design seem a little more balanced.
Message: To inform others about the Batman origin story.
Audience: Those who would be interested in learning more about Batman.
Top Thing Learned: I learned that planning is really important in a design
like this. Its hard to just sit down and start creating.
Color scheme and color names: Dark Blue, Black, White
Title Font Name & Category: Copperplate
Copy Font Name & Category:Plantagenet Cherokee
Word Count of copy: 225

Imaging Project
Description: An image that has been edited and enhanced using photoshop.
Programs/Tools: Canon Rebel T3I DSLR Camera, Adobe Photoshop.
Objectives: Learn more about photo editing, to achieve a greater familiarity
with photoshop, and to create a design with an image without distracting
from the message.
Process: I decided to use this picture because I knew that there were plenty
of quotes about bike riding that would fit with it. I enhanced the bike tire
to make it the main focal point of the design, and then brightened the colors that appear in the picture. It was a struggle at first to make a design that
would flow with the picture, but by using colors that appear in the picture, I
believe that I was able to make a pattern that flowed with the quote, and also
with the photo that was used.





Youll never


Event Ad Project
Description: This projects purpose is to inform viewers of an upcoming event
to help those who are suffering from Cancer illnesses. It will raise awareness
to those who might not know of cancer research.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, FOCUS principles): I used Microsoft office
tools, specifically Microsoft Word to create this design. At first I wanted the
design to have a washed out background, but I realized after review and much
critiquing that I need to have those colors stand out more than they were.
Message: My message is supposed to create a feeling of excitement for those
who might see it, and hopefully will motivate and inspire for people to make
a difference.
Audience: My audience are those who want to find a cure for those who suffer from cancer illnesses, and also those who are interested in rodeo riding.
Color scheme and color names: Red, white, and Blue.
Top Thing Learned: I learned that even if you have a good background, that
doesnt make your whole piece fit together. In order for you to have an effective project, you need to be able to bring all the pieces of a project together,
including typography and color along with your background image.
Title Font Name & Category: Rockwell- Slab serif
Copy Font Name & Category: Agency- sans serif
Scanned images used, sources, original sizes, location of scanner used:
Scanned image from: American Rodeos. Location: McKay Library.

Wrangle the
Cure For Cancer
July 16 2015 @ 6PM
Winnemucca , NV
At the Ranchand
Admission 5$
All proceeds go to
cancer research

Flyer Project
Description: I would describe this project as simple, with a unique design. I used a
pattern of solid diagonal lines across the whole design to try to bring all the elements of the flyer together.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): I used Adobe In design to complete this flyer.
I used a variety of different tools in the software to get the look I was going for,
including the line tool, pen, and rectangle tool. I used a Rockwell font for the title
because I felt that went well with the rest of the design. Impact is a font that is tall
and bold which compliments the diagonal lines. I had the text in a diagonal position as well. The placement of the logo is supposed to bring balance to the design.
In the final product I also decided to add slanted triangles in opposing corners of
the page.
Message: I feel like my message is supposed to have a modern business feel to it. I
want somebody to look at this design and feel like theyre going to a conference, but
it will also have an element of creativity at the event as well.
Audience: My audience includes college students who want to become leaders. If
they arent interested in seminars and conferences, I made this design to make this
design to help to convince them otherwise.
Top Thing Learned: I learned that you cant rush a design! I also have a greater understanding of what it takes to create. I realize that just sitting and thinking doesnt
always bring inspiration. You have to see it and starting DOING before something
will come into your mind.
Title Font Name & Category: Impact Sans Serif
Copy Font Name & Category: Goudy Old Style

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