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Statement of Informed Beliefs

King, Penny
College of Southern Idaho
Professor Evin Fox
EDUC 201 Families Communities and Cultures
Fall 2014


Statement of Informed Beliefs

The importance of being well educated is becoming increasingly important among the
future generation of children. As a country we are working on preparing the next generation to
become more of a middle class society so we can become a more prosperous nation. This means
that we need to encourage children to meet standardized testing requirements and get the most of
the time we have available for learning in the classroom. The intrinsic and extrinsic rewards of
giving and receiving an education is important to both teacher and student.
Students ability to learn
The students ability to learn may be based on the environment of the classroom its
important for the atmosphere to be warm, welcoming, and inviting. The student needs to feel
excitement to go to class and work on assignments every day. They love to get answers right and
feel they are on the right track, as well as achieving satisfactory grades. Learning needs to be
creative and a fun experience to keep children motivated. Children enjoy socializing let them get
together in learner directed discussions. Make sure the student feels appreciated and involved in
the learning experience. If a child is struggling answering a question try to reword or ask another
question that may make more since.
The teacher acts as a professional and a role model and sets a standard for students and
communicates effectively verbally and nonverbally. The teacher feels excited to see the students


learning and is happy when the students are understanding the material, curriculum and lessons
being offered. If the student is successful the teacher feels competent in their instruction. Its
important for teachers to set high goals and high expectations and be well structured and
organized for their students. Its also very important for the child to learn with practice and
repetition, its important to encourage exploration and to challenge, assess and test the student
on the acquired knowledge. Teachers are expected to use classroom time wisely and effectively
to help the student be successful. The teacher may choose to overlap and use two issues
simultaneously in the instruction. The teacher is free to use written information on the board,
pictures, concrete objects, and learning activities to attract and keep the attention of the students.
The teacher is accountable for the students performance to make sure they are prepared and
ready to advance to the next grade level.
Student Social Ecological theory
A student social and ecological theory is learned from home among family members, and
at school with their peers, and sometimes through mass media or technology thats allowed in the
home. Students come from different families and homes, some families are divorced, some
families are at poverty level. Each student is an individual with their own genetic make-up with
their own history home life and background. There are different classes such as upper, middle, or
lower class a child maybe a part of. The home environment needs to be a safe and beneficial
environment for the child. Prevent unwanted situations of bullying, teasing, have children learn
to control their temper and work on self-regulation to focus on what is most important and that is
the childs education. Kohlbergs theory (1976) of stages of moral development preconventional
where the individual weighs the values of their choices and consequences of those choices.
Conventional stage is when the person is looking beyond moral reasoning of consequences with


other perspectives. Post conventional stage is when the individual considers consequences based
on various points of view. By the age of accountability around the age of eight many children
should know the difference between right and wrong.
Teachers in this country are working with a wide variety of ethnics, cultures, races,
involved in cultural pluralism. The teacher needs to know each student on an individual basis in
order to meet their needs. As a member of a team we need to take our diversities and except the
fact that we are all individuals with our own cultural backgrounds. The common goal of the
teacher and students in this melting pot of cultural assimilation is to receive the best education
possible. There are many different learning styles that may be used in the classroom these are
Visual, Auditory, Verbal, Kinesthetic, some children work better in groups while some may work
better solo or on their own. I think its important to have a balance of all these learning styles.
Children that may struggle in the classroom its best to suggest an online program the work on at
home to increase their understanding of the material similar to Khan Academy or other
educational programs they are free to work on at home in their spare time to build on their skills
and knowledge.
Cultural Diversity Instruction
Cultural diversity is a part of all classrooms and learning to be effective we need to
respond and encourage students to work together in class. Many cultures have traditions which
are customs, stories, and or beliefs handed down from one generation to the next. American
History plays a part of many holidays celebrated in the United States such as Thanksgiving,
Independence Day, Memorial Day, Veterans Day, Presidents Day these are all holidays to
celebrate America patriotism, freedom, citizenship and so on. Cultural Assimilation help people
to adopt to social norms and patterns of behavior. (Berns2010) Make learning fun and a welcome


environment for children of all races and cultures. Become educated on different cultures in the
classroom and educate them on the American culture as well. Early intervention is important if a
child seems confused on an educational matter. English Learners (ELS) students need to use
their first language initially and then gradually introduce them to English to prevent them from
losing interest. Adapt to the learners needs, spend extra time before or after class as needed. Find
ways to get parents involved with learning in the home send out papers for students to have their
parents sign saying yes the parent helped their child practice spelling words or yes the parent
heard or saw their child practice reading. IDEA (1975) is for children with learning disabilities
is an act granting them the right and privileges to a public education as well. The most frequent
appearing disabilities in education are difficulties with listening skills, speaking, reading, writing,
reasoning, and or mathematical. If a teacher notices a student is having complications with any
subject it is best to address the issue right away so that it can be corrected as soon as possible.
Gender differences may also be an issue stereotyping that one gender is better at one
subject than another is a myth, encourage students that all genders can be equally good at all the
subjects. Co-Ed learning prepares children for the outside world. Its important to help students
realize that we are all individuals with unique characteristics from multi-cultural backgrounds.
Yet despite our differences and diversity we are all to be treated equally. Every student needs to
be involved and feel like a member of a team, and an active participant of the classroom.
Curriculum for all Learners
The Zone of proximal development by Vygotsky is finding a target or subject matter
and then amplify in on that information teaching whats important the explicit and core
information is always first, this can be done together and in group effort. Next is scaffolding
unfolding a problem in a step by step approach. The teacher may give a lecture and or


demonstrate problems for the student. Problem solving helps the child process the information
and find a solution. Then the students may work together in groups and share their knowledge
with one another on the subject matter and work on problems in a group with group discussion
and ask the teacher questions as needed. The teacher needs to pedagogical the content knowledge
and use it in ways the student will understand.
Personal religious beliefs of teachers are not allowed and illegal in the classroom.
Teachers may use science based approaches such as Piagets theory of cognitive development to
relate to their students stage of development. Sensorimotor stage between the ages of one and
half and two that the child only understand the here and now. Preoperational stage is between
the ages of two and seven the child uses symbols and believes everyone shares the same view
point as their own. Concrete stage is between the ages of seven and eleven the child can apply
logic but cannot distinguish between assumptions and facts. Formal stage is ages eleven and up
when the child can think logically about abstract ideas and concrete facts. The teachers needs to
use different learning styles such as visual, auditory, kinesthetic. After students working in
groups and or solo the teacher uses an authentic assessment or standardized testing to discover
how much the child has learned. Then the teacher based on test results may do a self-evaluation
on where improvements need to be made to achieve that which is expected. The teacher may
need to critique their own teaching skills and make the necessary revisions and or changes to
better fit the students needs to make sure they are understanding the information with the best of
their abilities of that which is being taught.
Setting rules with reinforcement at school and in the classrooms helps children to know
whats socially acceptable behavior is. Draw them a map otherwise known as a syllabus to guide


and direct them on upcoming projects assignments lectures etc. The children get an idea and
knowledge the first day of class what their expected outcomes are for the class and or school
year. Have a conclusion of each day that the child realizes how much was learned and
accomplished each day.
The students are the teachers responsibility, their learning and safety is important for the
teacher that acts in place of a parent in the school setting. The teacher is an example for the
students using good moral choices and treats all students equally. Teachers enjoy the
interpersonal interaction, a new class to teach every year the joy of inspiring and making a
difference in the lives of their students. The teacher provides for the students needs physically,
intellectually, morally, emotionally.
A teacher should find ways to make learning fun, and realize there is always room for
improvement. A lot is about attitude if youre punctual every morning and excited about learning
and put a lot of effort and manage your time wisely with students, I think a lot of this can reflect
on how well the student is learning. If teachers make education and teaching their priority and
live what they teach. Then the students will make education and learning their priority as well.



Berns, R. (2010). Child, family, school, community: Socialization and support,

(8th edition.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning. 3-327
Stinnett, M. (2014). Research in Reading: What Reports Tell Us: Being Informed on
Educational Issues. Illinois Reading Council Journal, 42(4), 77-82.

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