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Hero Myth

3.If your myth is a Fabliau (fabliaux only can use this question): How does the trickster

nature of the genre change what it means to be "heroic?"

Fabliaux: Sit coms! These comedies are often crude and sexual. Encounters are about
sex rather than love. The main character is usually a trickster who "pulls one over" on
someone who deserves it!

A Fabilaux is a unique genre, it includes a trickster who main purpose is to pull

something on the main character. The Reeves Tale, from Canterberry Tales by Geoffrey
Chaucer, is a prime example of a Fabilaux. Like most tales it is full of satire that he uses
to criticsize society.
In this tale the Miller is the main character while two students are the tricksters.
Everything that happens in this tale occurs due to do the Millers stealing, and the two
students watch him to make sure he doesnt steal anymore. The students nature is vengeful
toward the Miller and they themselves are not good people either. The students make love
to the Miller's wife and daughter while he slept. In most ways sleeping with someones
wife and daughter are not seen as heroic actions, but when morning comes, and the miller
is mistaken as a swearing student by his wife, the Miller's wife strikes down her husband
with a club.
The nature of the students "heroics", are the opposite of what is usually seen as
heroic. The Miller meets his downfall by his own wife who was tricked into sleeping with
a student. This genre is very unique, niether party is innocent and should be commended
for their deeds. The story is comedic and the misleading heroics led to the Miller's well
deserved downfall.
Chaucer, Geoffrey. "The Reeve's Tale." The Reeve's Tale. Hodge & Braddock, Publishers.
Web. 29 Mar. 2015. <>.

Time Travel
It was a dark night and I could here the rain hitting my window as i stare out my
window. I recalled a book series I read when I was younger, The Magic Tree House by
Mary Pope Osborne. I remember how I used to always wish to go on adventures like Jack
and Annie. As I listened to the rain it slowly started to lull me to sleep. When I awoke, I
was laying in the wet glass next to tree. Slowly I staggered to my feet and tried to grasp
my surroundings, that was when I realized that there was a ladder going up the tree, my
eyes traced the ladder as it ascended the tree, what I found was a treehouse. I was
shocked, I blinked several times and then preoceeded to rub them, I couldnt believe what
was before my eyes. As I calmed myself, I ascended the ladder with a small hope that this
could be the Magic Treehouse from my childhood. Upon arriving in the treehouse I saw
an old envolope laying on the ground, when I opened it, scanning through the words, my
mouth slowly opening more and more in astonishment. The letter was signed "M", just
like in the books, It requested that I travell to ancient Rome and prevent the assissination
of Cicero, caused by the Catline conspiracy. Then the treehouse started spinning and
spinning, then when everything was still once again, I glanced out the window, that was
when I fully believed that I was in the Magic Treehouse. Suddenly something dawned on
me. I can't return home until I complete the task in the letter. I built up my resolve and

accepted that this was reality, and descended to the ground.

Recalling my recent history lesson, Cicero was a Roman Senator during 106-43
B.C.E. Since he is a senator by best guess as to where to find him would be at the Senate.
As I wandered the streets of Rome toward the building I assumed was the senate, I tried
to gather my wits. I remembered that Catline was Ciceros opponent in election for
senators, which Catline lost and with anger he tried to create a conspiracy to overthrow
the senate, but he was supressed by Cicero. Then I stopped in my tracks, I understood
what the letter was requesting me to do, if I dont stop the attempt on Ciceros life, then
Cicero will not be able supress the conspiracy and it could completely alter history. After
that realization I quickened my pace toward the senate. Out of breath I finally arrived at
my destination, luckily the senate had just been dismissed, I immediately began asking
around to find Cicero. I was suddenly was tapped on the shoulder, as I turned the man
asked "I am Cicero, I heard you were looking for me." Relieved I took a big sigh, and
requested " I'm sorry to ask this of you, but can I speak to you in private it is of absolute
importance!" Seemingly taken off guard but understanding my sense of urgency he
quickly nodded and beckoned me to follow him.
Arriving at his house, he sat himself down and offered one to me as well. Now
settled in he looked at me quizically and asked,"What is so important, that you look
absolutletly out of breath and desperate?" As I explained the situation in great detail,
along with everything I read in my textbooks to provide evidence of the occurence.
Finished with my story, I looked up at Cicero and he had a look of deep concern, he
suddenly beckoned a servant to bring him a quill and paper, which the servant quickly
brought to him. Cicero looked up at me and said,"I do not know if what you speak is the
truth, but I believe it would be worse to do nothing and have what you say be true, than to
take precautions and order an investigation of Catline. I will also pay to have guards at
my side to prevent the assassination attempt of my life you speak of, I also assume you
have no place to go at this time, so I will provide you food and shelter for the time
As night came closer and Ciceros new guards had been debreifed, we had a meal
and proceeded to our designated bed chambers. All of the sudden there was a loud clatter
that awoke me from my sleep, I quickly jumped to my feet and rushed in the direction of
Ciceros bed chamber, the door was ajar and worried that I failed, I flung the door open to
see three assassins pinned to the floor by Ciceros new guards. Meanwhile Cicero was
giving out orders, noticing my precence, he walked to me and thanked me for my
warning and informed me that he planned to bring the assassins before the senate and
have them interrogated. Shocked by his calm demenor I asked,"how are you so calm
when there was just an attempt on your life?" He smiled softly," It is because of your
warning and the guards I had stationed in my room, I felt secure and confident in my
safety, and I am also relieved to have survived, so if anything I am not so much calm as I
am relieved. Now please return to your chamber, I will send for you in the morning to
accompany the senate that is being held tommorow."
Morning came and just as Cicero said a servant came to awake me and provided
me with a change of clothes. With all necessary preperations completed we mad our way
to the senate, on our way there Cicero informed me that during the night the guards were
able to get some information from information and that they were in fact sent by Catline
who was indeed creating a conspiracy. As he spoke to me he also informed me that he
had crafted a speech that will allow him to convince the entire senate of Catlines plan and
allow him to put a stop to it. Absorbing the information Cicero was telling me, I thought
out loud,"How can you give such powerful speeches without seeming the least bit
flustered, especially with everything that has happened recently?" Cicero off handedly

replied,"Many people find power through stength and skills, for me my skill that brings
me power is my speechcraft, I take pride in my words and the power they bring me."
When I heard Cicero speak the answer to my question I accidentally Spoke out loud, I
understood, Catline was trying to overthrow the senate through power of numbers, while
Cicero was going to end it with his power in words and debate.
The Senate proceeded just as Cicero predicted, the assassins gave all the
information they knew in return for the freedom, the admitted to the knowledge of
Catlines conspiracy, but what really won over the senate was the speech Cicero spoke so
confident of. The Speech was amazing it got across all the points necessary, he provided
the problem the details and mst importantly the solution. It was decided that an elite
group of soldiers would lay seige to Catlines hideout, and drive out all the key members,
including Catline himself.
That afternoon, all I could hear as I wandered the streets, was gossip of the arrest
of Catline and news of a conspiracy that was thwarted by the senate, I felt accomplished
and proud of my success of my mission. Catline and his men were to be executed in
public later this afternoon. I made my way back to Ciceros house. Cicero gladly
welcomed me and thanked me, saying it was thanks to my warning that they could put a
stop to the conspiracy. As I listened to him speak, one thing he said caught my attention.
If I heard correctly he said that all of the citizens who were Catlines followers were to be
executed as well. Shocked form what I was hearing, I quicky shouted," Why would you
have citizens executed!, Just because they were CAtlines followers, why shoulf they be
executed as well they are few in number and all have no power that they could even come
close to overthrowing the senate!So why would you kill them too!?". Calmly he told me,"
Anyone who opposes the senate is an enemy of the senate and must be eliminated, if one
of those followers can corrupt the innocent citizens, it will lead to an uprising, and that is
unacceptable.". Without a second thought I argued that it was unjust and asked how he
would live without any regret for having innocent people executed. That was when
everything went downhill. Cicero spoke in a tone of voice with malice,"Why would I feel
regret for traitors of the Rome, there will be no mercy for such fools. If you do not know
whats good for you, I will have you arrested for trying to undermine a Roman Senator
and you too will be executed as a traitor." Now that I heard his reply, I immediately took
my leave and dashed to where the treehouse had landed. Quickly climbing the ladder I
took a deep breath and the treehouse began spinning faster and faster, and then "BANG!"
I jolted my head banging my head against the window, rubbing my head while
mumbling to myself about the stupid thunder, I remembered my dream and as I
contemplated everything that happened in my "Magic Treehouse" experience, it was then
that I determined how corrupt the Roman senators were, Cicero was very willing to
commit illegally just so there would never be a threat to his power. I wonder if it
would've really mattered if Catline's conspiracy was successful, both Cicero and Catline
only had the desire for power and nothing else, I think regardless the senate would always
be corrupt. Sighing, I decided that I was done thinking about and went to get some food
to eat.
Clayton, Edward. "Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy." Internet Encyclopedia of
Philosophy. ISSN 2161-0002. Web. 30 Mar. 2015. <>.

My Voice
Charlemagne was the emperor of Rome and he his empire expanded over much of
Western Europe, and he assured the survival of Christianity in the west. When

Charlemagne came to power his goal was to unite the germanic people and convert all his
people to christians. To achieve his goals he waged several wars to conquer those people.
Most notably was his three decade battle against the Saxons, pagan worshippers.
Charlemagne had overtaken and forced the Saxons to convert to Christianity, or they
would be executed. At one point Charlemagne massacred 4,500 Saxons. Charlemagne
was brutal and ruthless, his campaign was anything but peacful it was violent and creates
a negative reputation for all christians. His methods were cruel and unjust, but if he did
not campaign as he did by waging his wars and forcing people to convert to christians,
then Christianity may not have survived and not of grown to the religon it is today. It has
been made know that, "Charlemagne served as a source of inspiration for leaders such as
Napoleon Bonaparte(1769-1821) and Adolf Hitler(1889-1945), who had visions of ruling
a unified Europe."
Recently in India, both Muslims and Christians are being forced to convert to
Hindus. Christmas Eve last year, christians were forced to hide, while some churches
were burnt down and threats of fights that could break out between them and Hindus. A
militant Hindu group believes they are "righting historical wrongs", they believe that they
are bringing Chrisitans and Muslims who were "tricked" into converting through
coercion. Unlike the Christian missionaries and the Muslim clerics who used words to
lure Hindus to convert. The militant Hindu group is using violence and fear to scare those
Christians and Muslims into converting. Just like Charlemagne this militant group is
using violence for their cause and they see no wrong in there actions. The Hindus are
trying to bring more dominance to their religion and by doing so reunite there country to
their roots.

"Charlemagne." A&E Television Networks, 1 Jan. 2009. Web. 30 Mar.

2015. <>.
Datta, Saurav. "India's Mass Conversion Problem." - Al Jazeera English. Al Jazeera
Media Network, 4 Jan. 2015. Web. 30 Mar. 2015.
"India Parliament Uproar over Conversions by Hindu Groups." BBC News. BBC, 22 Dec.
2014. Web. 30 Mar. 2015. <>.

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