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Vital Country Statistics

General Statistics and Geography

--Area (include a United States comparison) and include latitude dimensions
--Human Development Indicator
--Natural Resources

Political Indicators
--Types of Government since independence
--Freedom House Rankings

Economic Indicators
--Types of Economic Systems since independence
--Gini Coefficient
--Per Capita Income
--Economic sectors (i.e. percentage manufacturing, service, etc.)
--Ease of Doing Business Rankings

Ethnic and Religious Demographics

--Percentage of population urban/rural
--Ethnic and Religious groups (i.e. major groups and percentages)

Science and Technology Indicators

--Research and Development (R&D) [(science and technology)] Expenditures as a percentage of
--World Percentage of R&D Publicationss (use the United States and China as points of
--World Percentage of R&D Expenditures (use the United States and China as a points of

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