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Religion, Diamonds and Conflict in the Central African Republic Letter

Dear citizens of Africa,

I urge you end this conflict. It is not okay for you two groups, that believe in Godly
works and His hand in your life, to want to kill each other over control of this mining
practice. It is not in God's best interests. I think creating bonds and working
together would best benefit you, your families and your country. I will ask you to
use the free market and the legal system to solve your problems. Mining rights
should be determined this way.
It is not acceptable to want to kill another brother of yours. We are all connected
together through common ties, and we shouldn't want to kill each other. Diamonds
are valuable, but being able to trade with each other would benefit both sides. I
urge you to reconsider your ways and work with the free market to create better
trade for your country.
Nicole Tirevold
UN Diplomat

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