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Childs Name: Parker

Observer: Shelby Hiner
Date: September 24, 2014

List the areas of development that

apply: Physical (Fine motor)

This photo, work sample and/or anecdote illustrates

the following development milestone(s): Physical
(Fine motor)

Highlight whatever applies to the

context of this observation:
-Child-initiated activity
-Teacher-initiated activity
-New tasks for this child
-Familiar task for this child
-Done independently
-Done with adult guidance
-Done with peer(s)
-Time spent (1-5 minutes)
-Time spent (6-15 minutes)
-Time spent (16+ minutes)

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say.
Corn- Parker
I would tickle him with the little tassels and he would laugh so hard.
He did try to eat the corn when we got it all shucked.
He loved the feeling of the silk and was putting it all in his lap.
He loved holding to whole ear of corn.

Childs Name: Parker
Observer: Shelby Hiner
Date: September 19, 2014

List the areas of development that

apply: Physical (Gross motor)

This photo, work sample and/or anecdote illustrates

the following development milestone(s): Physical
(Gross Motor)

Highlight whatever applies to the

context of this observation:
-Child-initiated activity
-Teacher-initiated activity
-New tasks for this child
-Familiar task for this child
-Done independently
-Done with adult guidance
-Done with peer(s)
-Time spent (1-5 minutes)
-Time spent (6-15 minutes)
-Time spent (16+ minutes)

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say.
Ugh- Parker
He was trying so hard to get himself up here when he first started walking.
Once he pulled himself up onto his belly and laid there he began to laugh.

Childs Name: Parker
Observer: Shelby Hiner
Date: September 19, 2014

List the areas of development that

apply: Cognitive

This photo, work sample and/or anecdote illustrates

the following development milestone(s): Cognitive

Highlight whatever applies to the

context of this observation:
-Child-initiated activity
-Teacher-initiated activity
-New tasks for this child
-Familiar task for this child
-Done independently
-Done with adult guidance
-Done with peer(s)
-Time spent (1-5 minutes)
-Time spent (6-15 minutes)
-Time spent (16+ minutes)

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say.
Boom- Parker
Parker picked the drum up and began making his our beat/music and singing to it.

Childs Name: Parker
Observer: Shelby Hiner
Date: September 19, 2014

List the areas of development that

apply: CognitiveReading

This photo, work sample and/or anecdote illustrates

the following development milestone(s):

Highlight whatever applies to the

context of this observation:
-Child-initiated activity
-Teacher-initiated activity
-New tasks for this child
-Familiar task for this child
-Done independently
-Done with adult guidance
-Done with peer(s)
-Time spent (1-5 minutes)
-Time spent (6-15 minutes)
-Time spent (16+ minutes)

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say.
Book- Parker
He walked over and grabbed the book himself and began flipping pages.
He brought be the book and wanted me to read to him and he helped turn the pages.

Childs Name: Parker
Observer: Shelby Hiner
Date: October 20, 2014

List the areas of development that

apply: Emotional

This photo, work sample and/or anecdote illustrates

the following development milestone(s):

Highlight whatever applies to the

context of this observation:
-Child-initiated activity
-Teacher-initiated activity
-New tasks for this child
-Familiar task for this child
-Done independently
-Done with adult guidance
-Done with peer(s)
-Time spent (1-5 minutes)
-Time spent (6-15 minutes)
-Time spent (16+ minutes)

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say.
Curled his toes because it tickled his feet.

Childs Name: Parker
Observer: Shelby Hiner
Date: October 16, 2014

List the areas of development that

apply: Emotional

This photo, work sample and/or anecdote illustrates

the following development milestone(s):

Highlight whatever applies to the

context of this observation:
-Child-initiated activity
-Teacher-initiated activity
-New tasks for this child
-Familiar task for this child
-Done independently
-Done with adult guidance
-Done with peer(s)
-Time spent (1-5 minutes)
-Time spent (6-15 minutes)
-Time spent (16+ minutes)

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say.
Making candy corn prints
He smiled and laughed the whole time.
He enjoyed the different colors.

Childs Name: Parker
Observer: Shelby Hiner
Date: October 16, 2014

List the areas of development that

apply: Social

This photo, work sample and/or anecdote illustrates

the following development milestone(s):

Highlight whatever applies to the

context of this observation:
-Child-initiated activity
-Teacher-initiated activity
-New tasks for this child
-Familiar task for this child
-Done independently
-Done with adult guidance
-Done with peer(s)
-Time spent (1-5 minutes)
-Time spent (6-15 minutes)
-Time spent (16+ minutes)

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say.
Friend was patting his back like a baby.
He yawned and laid down so they were pretending to sleep.

Childs Name: Parker
Observer: Shelby Hiner
Date: October 17, 2014

List the areas of development that

apply: Social

This photo, work sample and/or anecdote illustrates

the following development milestone(s):

Highlight whatever applies to the

context of this observation:
-Child-initiated activity
-Teacher-initiated activity
-New tasks for this child
-Familiar task for this child
-Done independently
-Done with adult guidance
-Done with peer(s)
-Time spent (1-5 minutes)
-Time spent (6-15 minutes)
-Time spent (16+ minutes)

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say.
They were all playing and laughing with one another
Parker began to pat one of his friends back.

Childs Name: Parker
Observer: Shelby Hiner
Date: October 28, 2014

List the areas of development that

apply: Creative

This photo, work sample and/or anecdote illustrates

the following development milestone(s):

Highlight whatever applies to the

context of this observation:
-Child-initiated activity
-Teacher-initiated activity
-New tasks for this child
-Familiar task for this child
-Done independently
-Done with adult guidance
-Done with peer(s)
-Time spent (1-5 minutes)
-Time spent (6-15 minutes)
-Time spent (16+ minutes)

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say.
Trying to touch the paint after he made the marks.

Childs Name: Parker
Observer: Shelby Hiner
Date: September 3, 2014

List the areas of development that

apply: Creative

This photo, work sample and/or anecdote illustrates

the following development milestone(s):

Highlight whatever applies to the

context of this observation:
-Child-initiated activity
-Teacher-initiated activity
-New tasks for this child
-Familiar task for this child
-Done independently
-Done with adult guidance
-Done with peer(s)
-Time spent (1-5 minutes)
-Time spent (6-15 minutes)
-Time spent (16+ minutes)

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say.
The children worked together to create a pink collage.
Pink was the color of the week at the time.




Goals set for Parker

-Start walking
-Begin saying simple words
-Refrain from biting friends
-Fold hands for prayer on own before snack and meals
-Learn social skills
-Become educationally adapt for future
-Gentle touches towards friends

Parker reached a good majority of these goals by the end of the semester. One thing that he still
struggles with is the biting aspect. It got better in the middle of the semester but then he began
teething so he started chewing and biting on whatever he could get in his mouth. Parker did not
always bite, there were times that his friends would put their fingers in his mouth and naturally
he bit down. Parker is one of the first to fold his hands when it is time to pray and he has learned
so many new words. He is not afraid to walk up and say hi or bye to the parents of his friends.


Baseline Observations/Assessments
Parker used to be a moody child and was very attached to his blanket. He did not talk well nor
could he walk well. Drop-off in the morning was a difficult time for him for a few weeks. He
wanted to play with friends but could not keep up with them very well. He was not very good at
sharing toys with his friends so he would hit, bite, or scream. I would assist Parker with walking
by holding his hands as he took steps. Parker is so energetic and constantly moving that it used
to be hard for him to keep his hands folded for the whole prayer. You could always tell when
Parker was getting tired because he would rub his eyes and become very fussy.

Final Observations/Assessments
Parker is now walking on his own without assistance and folding his hands for prayer. His
vocabulary has definitely increased over the semester tremendously. Having his blanket was a
must for him to be calm and make it through the day. I am happy to report that Parker will now
hand you his blanket when he does not want it anymore. In the mornings at drop-off he will now
walk right into the classroom and begin playing with his friends instead of grasping onto his
mothers leg and crying. He has become much friendlier towards his friends and will play with
them for periods of time on end. The only time that he gets really fussy at drop-off is when he
has been at his dads over the weekend. Parker greets us every morning with a smile and hug.
At pick-up he will give us a hug and blow us kisses good-bye.


This semester, fall of 2014, I decided to do my Infant and Toddler practicum at
Westminster Preschool in Marion, Indiana. Over the summer I had done my generalist
practicum here as well so I was little familiar with the staff and children. At the beginning of
August I was given a job at Westminster. I could not have been more blessed to receive a job
here. I was placed in Miss Michelles class, and ironically that is where I was doing my intern
hours. This made it much easier because I would be seeing the same children throughout the
week and could get to know them a lot better, as well as them getting to know me a lot better.
One child stuck out to me that I felt could use a bit more one on one time. I talk to Ms. Michelle
about using Parker as my case study child. We both agreed that he would be a great child to use.
Parker knew me from the summer when I would be in and out of the nursery so it worked out
good that he was familiar with me. I talked to his mother and she agreed to let me study Parker
and use him for this project. Parker has blonde hair, brown eyes, tan skin, and the most
contagious smile ever. He is smaller than most of the children in the class, but he is also the
youngest child in the class. Parker was born August 1, 2013. Parker is very energetic and loves
to smile and play with his friends. At first he did not walk, but over time we worked on it and
now it is hard to keep him still for a long period of time, unless we are doing a lesson plan or
activity. When he gets tired he absolutely loves to cuddle and be bounced to sleep.


Parkers parents are separated and he lives with his mother and one older sister. His
mother is a dental assistant and his father is a full-time college student. One thing that his
mother says he struggles with is the separation of his parents. His dad has recently moved away
and he only gets to see him once every two weeks. Parker does not quite understand why he
barely gets to see his dad, but he is slowly adjusting. His mother said there was not anything
unusual about the pregnancy, but during birth he was a premature baby.
The central background of Parkers family is Catholic and Jewish. His mother said that
he and his sister are mainly learning Catholic beliefs. Parker and his family celebrate the main
holidays, such as, Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving. Westminster is a good place for Parker
and his sister to be. He seems to absolutely love it and gets along well with the other children in
his class.
As I mentioned earlier he is a very happy baby for the most part. He loves to laugh and
cuddle when he gets tired or does not feel good. There is no doubt that he loves his food. He
does not leave any food on his plate, unless he does not like it. He always tries everything and if
he does not like it he will let you know by facial expressions or sounds. His mother mentioned
that he loves to play with his sister. I have noticed that he gets unhappy when the spotlight is not
on him, or if I am holding or paying attention to the other children and not him.


Cognitive Development
For the age of one Parker is smart. He loves to hear his own voice so he babbles a lot and
tries so hard to talk. At first he did not say much, but now that he is with other children that say
several words he has picked up on some of those words. The longer Parker was with friends
older than him he began to pick up on different ways to problem solve, or he would come up
with his own solution. There would be times where we would block areas of the room off for so
long and he would always find some way to get into that area. He is always crawling under the
tables or pushing things to get them out of his way to get somewhere. A few areas to work on
would be counting and learning his ABCs. We daily sing our ABCs while we are waiting on
lunch to arrive and we have all the children sitting at the tables ready to be served.
Parker does not know how to read, but he at least knows the basic concepts of how to
hold the book and how to flip the pages. One thing that will never get old is finding wet soggy
books from where they have been teething and chewing on them. I think it is safe to say that
Parker definitely has the curious aspect down. If something new is happening he wants to know
what it is and what is going on to make such noises.


Social Development
Even though Parker does not talk in full sentences he still has his ways of communicating
with his friends. He is always happy to be with his friends on a daily basis. I have noticed over
time that he gets a bit of a temper when somebody has a toy that he wants. He will try to take the
toy from his friend or just begin to scream. There are a few instances where he will get so mad
that he will hit or even bite his friends in order to get what he wants. One way that Parker would
communicate with me was by laughing or crawling/walking up to me and grabbing my leg.
Parker does a good job helping clean up the room before lunch and before pick up time.
At the beginning of the year, in August, he used to be a bit shy when the other children
would be dropped off. He used to just look at them and their parent(s), but now he comes to the
door and greets them all. When his friends are picked up before him he will tell them and their
parents bye and blow them kisses.


Physical Development (Gross/Fine Motor)

I would say that Parker is doing very well with his physical development between both
gross motor and fine motor. Parker can walk well on his own, climb, and run. He can also grasp
many things when it comes to cleaning up the room or picking up a toy that he is wanting to play
with. Climbing the stairs is one thing that he does struggle with a bit, but that is only because he
is shorter and his legs are not as long as the rest of his friends. When Parker first moved up to
Ms. Michelle and Is room he was still crawling and did not show many signs of wanting to
walk. With many weeks and a lot of time practicing I had Parker walking in no time. He would
try to keep up with his friends and then at the last minute they would change the direction they
were going and turn back around.
After a while he began getting tired of not being able to keep up with the rest of his
friends in the classroom and wherever they would go. Parker began walking not long after we
worked on it consistently. There are some parts if fine motor that need to be worked on
routinely. Since Parker is only a little over one he does not know how to hold a writing utensil
yet. One way to work on this would be to just allow him so much time a day to do free coloring
or drawing. One simple time at home could be while doing dishes or making dinner, maybe
even while his mother washes laundry. A child will not learn the proper way of things if he/she
is not first taught the proper ways first. One thing Parker loves to do is color with crayons during
free time.


For being so young Parker does have a bit of a creative mind. When the children are
given different things to do they get to decorate their own with assistance if needed. It is always
fun to see exactly what a few things could create in the mind of a child. Parker is creative when
it comes to playing with the toys. He is constantly coming up with noises for the different
vehicles that we have in the classroom.
Parker loves to do the different activities that Michelle and I come up with. When we are
decorating things he is all over that wanting to go first. We normally give them free reign to
decorate however they want. Parker would always reach for several different things when it
came time to do the different things on the lesson plan. They are all told to keep distance
between them and Miss Michelle. They all seem to want to go at the same time so they tend to
push one another. When we give them choices of things to put on their project Parker always
does as much as possible, or until he is happy with his work.


Emotional Development
One problem that we have with Parker, and have had ever since day one is the
aggressiveness and his biting. When he gets very upset he will crawl around to somebody to lay
on them and then he tries to bite them. One major emotional change that he has changed for the
good is his talking ability. One thing he used to do is run up to his friends and their parents but
then he would just look at them. Now, Parker will run up to his friends when they arrive or
before they leave and tell them all goodbye and blow them kisses.
One big emotion that I notice is jealousy. He has become attached to me since I have
been working with him a lot. When he notices that I am playing with one of his friends or
holding one of his friends he walks over and grabs my leg and begins to whine or cry. If he is
moved rooms because of staff issues he gets a bit upset. I try to visit as much as possible when
he is moved. He is always happy when it comes to lunch. He always has emotions when it
comes to lunch. Some of the best are when he tries new foods and does not like whatever it was.
A few suggestions would be to make sure he gets that free time to color, even if it is for
only a few minutes. I would told mom to keep up the great work on Parkers walking. One
thing that could help with the biting is putting a scrunchie/hair tie around his wrist and have him
bite that when he feels the need to bite a friend. One other thing would be his voice. He has a
high voice the way it is so he needs to make sure that he is using his inside voice when we are
inside the building and at the door.

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