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Monday: After I get up and brush down to breakfast then I stay home watching
television, in the afternoon I went out to play soccer with my friends.

Tuesday: I get up and brush me I bathe early and went out to visit my
grandmother and my aunt then went out to play playstation with my cousins
and then return to my home.

Wednesday: I brush me up, eat breakfast, I stay home watching television,

afternoon fix my room, I slept sleep I got up at 6:00 pm and then bathe me

thursday: we got breakfast, my dad went out to compare films, return at 2:00
pm and stand to watch movies until my mom called us at 5:30 to eat and at
night went to visit an aunt

Friday: I woke up early brush me, I bathe spot after I left my girlfriend stayed
with her until 7:00 pm then return home dine saw a movie and I slept to sleep

Saturday. I woke up at 11:30 am I do not eat breakfast bathe call my girlfriend

and asked her out and her sister and her boyfriend went with us, we went to
the movies, ate ice cream the dje at home at 9:00 pm, return to my I slept at
home and sleep.

Sunday. I woke up early I bathe eat breakfast and went to church with my
girlfriend after we went for lunch talk time with her back to the house and I
remembered that I had to do the work of English I cente on the computer I did
and then it send to Professor

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