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Dr Jonathan Wrights Health Bytes is dedicated to empowering
readers with the deepest understanding of natural and alternative
therapies - and how to use them to treat disease and stay well. In
this special report, editor Pascale Barrow, reveals some of his
most startling remedies


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Inside this special report:

Eat this tonight to help prevent Alzheimers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pg5
Before you eat another potato read this . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pg6
The simplest way to help slow heart disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pg7
Stop sneezing right now! Heres how . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pg8
The Arnold Schwarzenegger of antioxidants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pg9
What your doctor may not tell you about cancer prevention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pg10
A cheap, safe solution to help slow ageing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pg11
What EVERY South African needs to know about skin cancer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pg12
Why you shouldnt take melatonin for jet lag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pg13
Add onions to your shopping list today! Heres why . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pg14
What your doctor may not tell you about lupus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pg15
The real reason your skin is so dry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pg16
HRT may do more harm than good . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pg17
Help prevent a fatal heart attack heres how . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pg18
Why you may not have to live with painful breasts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pg19
What those white dots on your nails really mean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pg20
What cereal manufacturers dont want you to know . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pg21
Reverse the ageing process without botox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pg22
The supermarket secret to getting 50% more from your food . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pg23
Natural hangover remedies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pg24
A better (safer) alternative to antibiotics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pg25
If your legs are feeling restless keep reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pg26
The secret that could protect your brain from memory-loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pg27
The popular fruit juice that prevents tummy bugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pg28
Want to prevent diabetes? Then do this . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pg29
A breakthrough in the prevention of Parkinsons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pg30
Boost your performance on the field and off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pg31

Healing Secret #1:

Eat this tonight to help prevent
Curcumin - one of the main ingredients in curry, also
known as turmeric is a deep yellow spice thought to
have numerous beneficial health effects, including
protecting against Alzheimers disease. In fact, in India,
where curcumin is used regularly, the rates of Alzheimers
disease are much lower than in western countries. It is one of those ancient culinary traditions
that could rapidly become cutting-edge medicine if recent studies continue to provide the
Apparently, curcumin contains anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and even anti-carcinogenic
properties that rival foods such as berries, spinach, garlic and sweet potatoes. According to
scientists, because of its low molecular weight and polar structure, curcumin can penetrate the
blood-brain barrier more easily than many other potential Alzheimers treatments. This is
important because it can deliver the anti-inflammatory benefit where AD patients need it most the brain.
But curcumins anti-inflammatory benefits make it useful for all sorts of other conditions as
well, not just Alzheimers: Arthritis, cancer, heart disease and many other health problems have
all been linked to inflammation, and that means curcumin could help alleviate them.
If you like Indian food and have any sort of inflammatory condition, include it in your diet as
often as possible. But theres no need to limit the use of curcumin to Indian cooking. You can
sprinkle it on meats and fish before grilling or while marinating. You can also purchase
curcumin supplements.

Healing Secret #2:

Before you eat another potato read this
Once a staple on western dinner tables, the white potato has been shunned as a high-carb
food outcast for the last couple of years.
In desperation, farmers are now trying to introduce a new low-carb potato to the
marketplace. As with all genetically modified food, our stance here is to be cautious.
Instead, if you simply cant resist the simple pleasure of the potato, you might reconsider the
temperature at which you eat it, rather than turn to a genetically altered variety.
While most people have been avoiding carbs to induce weight loss, the biggest sin of potatoes
- and many other high-carb foods - is their high ranking on the glycaemic index. All foods
impact your glucose levels when consumed, but high-glycaemic index foods affect it more
than others. And with the rates of diabetes soaring, monitoring weight and glucose levels go
hand in hand.
Several factors impact the glycaemic index of a given food: Its fibre, protein and fat content;
how much it has been processed, and the way it is cooked. Some researchers have proposed
that a possible fourth factor could be the temperature at which it is served. A recent study
measured blood glucose, insulin, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels before and three hours
after eating hot boiled potatoes, boiled potatoes that had been cooled, and that glucosespiking standby, white bread.
Apparently, the glycaemic index of the hot potatoes exceeded that of the white bread, but was
significantly lower when the potatoes were served cool.
Of course, these results may not be limited to the potato alone. There are food wars raging
already about whether cooked food or raw food is better for your health. Beyond just their
glycaemic loads, cooked foods are also suspect when it comes to causing cancer. When foods
are cooked beyond a certain temperature (for potatoes the magic temperature is roughly 120
degrees Celsius) they form a cancer-causing agent called acrylamide. Acrylamide levels are
highest in potatos and cereal-based products subjected to heat processing such as frying,
grilling, or baking.
But it is not an option (at least an appealing one) to eat potatoes - or a number of other foods raw. Proponents of cooked foods contend that limiting your diet to raw foods can rob the body
of some extremely healthy foods that are only edible or palatable when cooked. Also, theres
the increased risk of bacteria and food-borne illnesses when foods are not cooked to a certain
temperature. But raw food advocates believe that cooking foods taints their nutritional value,
and any food that cannot be eaten raw, shouldnt be eaten at all.
And if that wasnt all confusing enough, now we can add temperature to the debate. Stay
tuned. This new study is certain to stimulate other researchers to see if this finding extends to
other foods.

Healing Secret #3:

The simplest way to help slow heart
One recent study on mice with elevated cholesterol
levels showed that pomegranate juice slowed the
progression of atherosclerosis by at least 30%.
In another study, pomegranate juice helped increase
nitric oxide production in heart cells by 50%. Nitric oxide
helps blood vessels relax, easing blood flow. This effect isnt just good for your heart - it may
also be good for your sex life. Increased blood flow is a prerequisite for men when it comes to
getting and maintaining erections.
Heres some heartfelt information. Drinking pomegranate juice may aid the cardiovascular
Pomegranates may not be the simplest fruit to eat, thanks to their many seeds, but these
studies used pomegranate juice, which is available in health food stores and even most regular
supermarkets these days. Tests performed in both laboratory mice and in cultured human
coronary artery endothelial cells showed that the juice from the seeded fruit can offer proven
So take this information to heart and drink some pomegranate juice.

Healing Secret #4:

Stop sneezing right now! Heres how
A recent study showed that various Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) procedures and
techniques are more effective with fewer side effects than anything the drug companies have
come up with for seasonal allergies.
Allergies are a result of an over reaction of the immune system to things in the environment dust, pollen, animal dander, and often foods and chemicals as well. The most common
symptoms are sneezing, wheezing, itching and other signs of inflammation.
Traditional Chinese Medicine includes therapies such as acupuncture, herbal remedies, and tai
chi - all of which can help regulate the immune system and prevent it from over reacting and
causing allergy attacks.
One study with 52 participants who have allergic rhinitis received either weekly acupuncture
and Chinese herbal medicine three times a week, or placebo for six weeks. Nearly 85% of
those receiving TCM improved, compared to only 40% in the placebo group.

Healing Secret #5:

The Arnold Schwarzenegger of antioxidants
With peanut allergies on the rise, more and more people are steering clear of these nuts
altogether. Theres no arguing that peanut allergies can be extremely serious, and if you are
allergic, you should certainly stay away from them. But if youre not, you may want to take a
second look at peanuts.
Theyre a great source of protein. And theyre also extraordinarily high in polyphenols - the
Arnold Schwarzenegger of the antioxidant family. Yes, peanuts are high in fat. But now we
know that, like avocados, they are high in the good kind - monounsaturated fat. They also
contain magnesium, folate, vitamin E, copper, arginine and fibre - all of which are known to
lower risk of cardiovascular disease.
Another one of peanuts virtues is that they contain high amounts of resveratrol. Studies have
shown that resveratrol can inhibit the growth of colorectal tumour cells. Since the other primary
source for this compound is red wine, its a challenge for people who dont drink alcohol to get
enough: Peanuts to the rescue!
Roasting actually increases the antioxidant content in peanuts by up to 22%. Since most
people prefer roasted nuts, this is a great discovery.
Here are some tips for getting as much benefit as possible from peanuts:
* Instead of eating peanuts doused with too much salt, combine the roasted, unsalted variety
with dried fruits for a tasty snack that is also packed full of polyphenols and other antioxidants.
* Make sure you buy natural peanut butter that doesnt contain added sugar. Look for brands
made from roasted, organic peanuts, since conventionally grown peanuts tend to have high
pesticide content.
* And if youd like to indulge your inner child who still yearns for an occasional Peanut Butter &
Jam, try natural peanut butter with sliced banana and drizzled with some honey. Believe me,
you wont miss the jam (or the refined sugar it contains) one bit.

Healing Secret #6:

What your doctor may not tell you
about cancer prevention
Beta-carotene has been a buzzword in cancer prevention
circles for some time, but that one carotene doesnt tell
the whole story. Turns out there are 500-600 carotenoids,
40 of which can be found in the human diet and only 14
of those can be readily absorbed and used in the body.
In addition to the popular beta-carotene, which is highly regarded for its ability to convert to the
life-sustaining vitamin A, also of health significance is: Alpha carotene, cryptoxanthin,
zeaxanthin, lycopene, and lutein.
It has been known for some time that lycopene, another popular carotene, provides protection
against prostate cancer. But a recent study has shown that the entire carotenoid family is
associated with a reduced cancer risk, prostate cancer in particular. That means more
tomatoes, carrots, spinach, citrus fruits, sweet potatoes, apricots, mangoes, pumpkin,
watermelon and the like. Opt for colourful fruits and vegetables and youll be on the right track.
Dr Wright, the author of the highly acclaimed publication Nutrition & Healing also advises lots
of Brassica vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower. As with
breast cancer, keeping your 2/16 ratio of good to bad oestrogens in check is important for
you, too. Unfortunately, testosterone can convert to oestrogen in a process called
aromatisation, which can cause your system to get out of whack. Also, if youre in a high-risk
category, you should also consider taking supplemental selenium, vitamin D, and vitamin E.
While prostate cancer has a much higher survival rate than many other cancers, its not to be
taken lightly. The truth is that prostate cancer claims 30,000 such lives a year, yet it is almost
always treatable when detected early, and is highly preventable by making some changes in
diet and lifestyle.


Healing Secret #7:

A cheap, safe solution to help slow ageing
If there were a safe little pill at the drug store that could literally slow the ageing process, who
wouldnt be waiting in line for a bottle? Well, grab the car keys and head to your local natural
food store (or even the grocery store if its closer), because this amazing little pill already exists,
and its actually one of the safest and most widely available vitamins around.
Researchers from the University of Florida recently completed a study showing that vitamin E
can actually slow down physical ageing. In fact, older men and women who took vitamin E
supplements and exercised regularly (but not strenuously) became healthier and significantly
decreased their levels of a blood marker that signals the destruction of certain cells by free
radicals. That process, known as free radical-induced oxidative stress, contributes to ageing
and disease.
The study participants also had a 15-point drop in systolic blood pressure (on average) and
about a 5-point drop in diastolic blood pressure, as well as increased weight loss and
significant improvement in cardiovascular fitness and endurance.
But even if you dont exercise, you should still take vitamin E. In fact, the same study showed
that sedentary participants who took vitamin E also had decreases in oxidative stress and
blood pressure (systolic blood pressure dropped an average of almost 7 points).
You can get vitamin E through diet. A few good sources are spinach, almonds, avocadoes,
peanuts, and olive oil. But Dr Wright, author of Nutrition & Healing, stresses that, unfortunately,
most people, no matter their age, just dont get enough from diet alone. He recommends that if
youre over 40 you should supplement with 800 IU of vitamin E daily - unless you suffer from
hypertension or rheumatic heart disease. In these cases, you shouldnt take more than 200 IU
daily without checking with your doctor.


Healing Secret #8:

What EVERY South African needs to know about skin cancer
How do you know the difference between a suspicious spot on your skin that could be the
early signs of skin cancer, and those little beauty marks youve had your whole life?
The way that doctors have been trained to spot it is to remember a simple ABCD acronym:
Asymmetry, border irregularity, colour variation and diameter greater than 6mm.
Now, researchers are proposing that an E should be added to the equation - for evolving.
After looking at dozens of past studies that included 30 subjects or more, authors of a new
report found that 88% of patients noted an evolution of their melanoma before it was removed.
Enlargement was reported most often, but changes in shape, symptoms (itching, tenderness),
surface (especially bleeding), and shades of colour were also noted. Thats why theyve chosen
the word evolving, rather than enlargement as the basis for the E.
Weve been led to believe that if we slather on sunscreen, were safe from skin cancer. But this
connection doesnt quite add up, considering that our use of sunscreen has skyrocketed in
recent years - from sales of $18 million in 1972 to $500 million in 1996 in the US alone - and so
has the incidence of skin cancer. In fact, some experts believe that sunscreen might actually be
contributing to increasing skin cancer rates by offering a false sense of security and keeping
people from looking toward better protection.
And speaking of better protection, a 1993 study showed a 40% risk reduction in those
participants who ate the most fish. It also showed that alcohol consumption might increase
risk, as well as high consumption of polyunsaturated fats. The study also concluded that
antioxidants such as beta-carotene and vitamin E, as well as zinc and iron warranted further
investigation as possible skin cancer protectors.
So keep an eye on any skin spots - and apply the ABCD and E test to them. Dont hesitate for
a minute to get a suspicious spot checked out by your dermatologist since early detection
makes such a big difference in treatment and outcome.


Healing Secret #9:

Why you shouldnt take melatonin
for jet lag
Crossing multiple time zones can wreak havoc on even
the most sophisticated flyers circadian rhythms, and
frequent travellers have come up with their own solutions
to combat the debilitating symptoms of jet lag. Some
work, like avoiding alcohol before and during the flight
and getting a good nights sleep the night before you travel. But a new report from a sleep
expert at the New York State Psychiatric Institute says that one method that some people have
sworn by for years - taking melatonin supplements - may not be the ultimate answer to
resolving jet lag.
While melatonin can help reset the bodys rhythms by shifting your internal clock, it cant
alleviate all the symptoms associated with jet lag - or the stress of travel itself. Things like
running through busy airports, altered diets, and sudden weather changes, all of which
contribute to the exhaustion and sleep disturbances of jet lag.
Although some people fly long distances and never experience any jet lag, the smart thing to
do is try to eliminate some of the stresses of travel by planning ahead so you dont begin your
trip out of breath and in a panic over whether youll miss your flight. Pack the night before, eat
a good breakfast and arrive early for your flight.


Healing Secret #10:

Add onions to your shopping list today
Research has shown onions to have strong anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-allergic
actions, which could be why they are the starting point of choice for the cuisine of so many
cultures around the world.
There is also a wide variety of onions, and a recent study shows that all onions are not equal
when it comes to their healthful qualities. Researchers sought to determine which varieties had
the highest antioxidant qualities, as well as the ability to inhibit cancer cell growth. The varieties
included in the study were: shallot, western yellow, New York bold, northern red, empire sweet,
western white, Peruvian sweet, Mexico, Texas 1015, Imperial Valley sweet, and Vidalia. (I didnt
even know there were so many.)
The winner was the shallot, a staple in Asian, Mexican, French, and Mediterranean cooking.
Shallots had the highest antioxidant activity among the 11 varieties tested, with six times more
phenolics than the lowest-ranked onion, the Vidalia.
The shallot also had the greatest effect against liver cancer cell growth, along with the western
yellow and the New York bold, although the latter two were the highest ranked against colon
cancer cell growth.
Onions get a bad rap for their effect on breath, and their ability to induce tears during meal
preparation, but this shouldnt keep them off your shopping list. To combat the tears when
slicing and dicing, chill them for about an hour or so before cutting. This slows the activity of
the enzyme that produces the allyl sulfate, which is what causes the tears.
As for that infamous onion breath, chew a sprig of parsley after any meal containing onion.


Healing Secret #11:

What your doctor may not tell you about lupus
As an autoimmune disease, lupus occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy
tissues and organs in the body. Some of the symptoms include mouth ulcers, hair loss, rashes,
joint pain, fatigue, high blood pressure, and neurological problems such as seizures. More
advanced or acute cases can also involve the kidneys, lungs, and blood vessels, and can
cause life-threatening complications.
Lupus occurs primarily in women between the ages of 15 to 44 and according to US stats, the
rate in African Americans and Latinos is three times higher than for Caucasians. Although it is
less well known in this country, worldwide it is seen as more common than leukaemia, multiple
sclerosis and muscular dystrophy. Official estimates are that about 220,000 people have lupus
in this country. Researchers believe there are thousands more cases going undiagnosed
because there is less awareness of lupus, many of the symptoms mimic other common
ailments, and the symptoms often come and go, making a definitive diagnosis difficult.
They say there is no cure for lupus, but there is a natural option you can try that may help you
avoid steroids and minimise flare-ups. A new study confirmed what Dr Wright has advised his
Nutrition & Healing subscribers all along - fish oil supplements. Fish oil is a rich source of
omega-3 fatty acids, and of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EFA (eicosapentaenoic acid), all
of which are powerful anti-inflammatories. The study also found that fish oil was most helpful
with skin and neurological problems associated with lupus. Of course, it takes a combined
approach to manage lupus, and no one thing -even fish oil - is the magic bullet. But the point is
that there are natural things to try, even for incurable diseases.


Healing Secret #12:

The real reason your skin is so dry
If youre a subscriber to his newsletter Nutrition & Healing, youll know
this already If not: Dr Wright has found that an EFA deficiency is
one of the most common causes of dry skin. Most of his patients
have found that their dry skin becomes normal again about eight
weeks after they start increasing their EFA intake with 1 to 2
tablespoons of cod liver or flaxseed oil per day.
To make sure youre supplementing safely, you should always accompany any increase in
essential fatty acids with additional vitamin E in the form of mixed tocopherols, 400-800 IU
daily is a good general range. Also, a small quantity of biotin (2-5 mg. daily) has also been
shown to boost the effectiveness of EFAs in some cases.
The second most common missing nutrient for skin health is zinc. Studies have shown that
zinc can be as effective as tetracycline in clearing adolescent acne. In his practice, Dr Wright
has found zinc a deficiency to play a distinct role in the skin health of patients of all ages.
Teenagers and adults with acne can try taking 30 mg. of zinc (as picolinate or citrate) one to
three times daily, depending on the severity of the problem. Zinc should be offset with a small
quantity of copper, approximately 1 mg. for every 15 mg. of zinc.
As we age, our skin becomes thinner. This is due to a gradual loss of collagen in the underlying
layers of our skin - ones that are a little too deep for most collagen-enriched creams to
penetrate. However, extra vitamin C can offset the natural loss, since its one of the primary
building blocks for new collagen. Dr. Wright suggests at least 1-2 g. daily for optimal skin care.
Of course, food allergies can also cause skin problems, as can overconsumption of processed
sugar and other foods. But if skin problems are your only indication of a food allergy, it may be
better to try increasing your EFA and zinc intake first, before going through a drawn out
process of food elimination for allergy.
The best news here today is that when you remedy skin problems from the inside out, you are
generally improving all aspects of your health, not just your appearance. When your skin
naturally has a healthy glow its indicating that your whole body is in good health, not just the
top few layers.


Healing Secret #13:

HRT may do more harm than good
Researchers have found that hormone pills seem to worsen urinary incontinence, especially the
leakage brought on by sneezing, laughing, coughing or walking.
Women on HRT have more than double the risk of developing this particular type of
incontinence, the study concluded, and the risk was especially acute for those taking pills
containing oestrogen alone as opposed to the combination pill of oestrogen and progestin.
Those taking oestrogen-only pills had a 53% greater chance of developing any type of
incontinence by the end of one year than women who were given a placebo. Women given pills
containing both hormones experienced a 39% increase in risk.
For those who were already experiencing problems with urinary incontinence, hormones were
found to make it worse. Those taking oestrogen faced a nearly 60% higher risk of worsening
symptoms over the course of a year; women given a combination pill saw their risk climb 20%
higher than those taking a placebo.
The findings come from the same US government study that over the past few years has linked
the drugs to a higher risk of heart attacks, strokes, breast cancer, and dementia in women
taking them to relieve symptoms of menopause. The study followed 27,347 women, ages 50 to
79, as part of the Womens Health Initiative.
This latest finding is particularly startling because it completely contradicted what all of the
experts thought was true: that oestrogen and progestin actually lessened or prevented
incontinence in menopausal women.
This is just one more reason to opt for bio-identical HRT instead of the synthetic, problemladen variety. If youd like to look into this option, you should discuss it with your doctor.


Healing Secret #14:

Help prevent a fatal heart attack heres how
Dr Wright has spoken before about the health benefits of vitamin K particularly as that of an allnatural painkiller. But now the latest study shows that individuals with high vitamin K levels
experienced a 41% reduction in incident cardiac heart disease. This means they had fewer
fatal and nonfatal heart attacks, sudden cardiac death, and other forms of ischemic heart
disease compared to those whose levels of vitamin K were lower.
Keep in mind, though, that all the research in the world wont make vitamin K any more
profitable for the pharmaceutical industry since its a natural substance that cant be patented
or deliver monster profits. So it may not get the recognition it deserves any time soon. But you
dont have to wait around for it to hit the newspaper headlines. You can get all of its benefits
now from food sources and supplements.
Vitamin K is largely found in dark leafy greens. As for supplements, there are three forms of
vitamin K: K1, K2, and K3. There are also natural and synthetic varieties - and as usual, natural
is more effective. However, none of them are found very widely in the health food store since it
is not the most in-demand vitamin of the lot. Dr. Wright advises 5 to 15 milligrams per day.
Since vitamin K is fat soluble it must be consumed with at least a small amount of fat to be
absorbed by the system.


Healing Secret #15:

Why you may not have to live with painful breasts
Many doctors refer to fibrocystic breasts as the un-disease, because even though the lumps
can be hard to live with, they wont kill you, or even make you sick. But they can cause a lot of
discomfort. Some women have cysts so painful they cant lie on their stomachs or even be
hugged without pain.
An easy recommendation thats proven successful for many patients is cutting ALL caffeine
from the diet, and supplementing with vitamin E. In fact, in one study, women with chronic
fibrocystic breast disease took 200 or 400 milligrams of vitamin E (which equals roughly 444
and 888 IU, respectively) per day for three months. According to the doctors examination, 13
of the women showed marked improvement. Similar effects were seen in another group of
women who took 600 IU of vitamin E per day.
Dr Wright recommends 400-800 IU of vitamin E each day, since its non-toxic and seems to
help many women.


Healing Secret #16:

What those white dots on your nails really mean
Most people believe that white spots underneath fingernails are an indication of calcium
deficiency. But it turns out, thats wrong.
Nutritional deficiency is a big factor, though in this case, calcium isnt the culprit. Its more likely
a zinc deficiency. You might be surprised at how much of our health can be affected by not
getting enough zinc: Your fingernails are just the beginning.
Zinc plays a significant role in growth and development and is implicated in just about every
structural function in the body. It is literally essential to all forms of life. Neurological function
and reproduction are particularly dependent on zinc. Deficiencies can have a serious impact
and cause skin problems, diarrhoea, impaired wound healing, hair loss, impaired taste
sensation, reduced appetite, night blindness, swelling and clouding of the corneas and even
behavioural disturbances. In developing countries zinc deficiencies are more common, and
often life threatening.
In developed countries, teenagers are at the highest risk of zinc deficiency, since zinc is used
at higher rates by the body during times of intense cell growth and division.
But the food highest in zinc - oysters - is probably not going to make it to the top of a teens
daily diet, unless you can slip them onto a pizza. But other seafood, eggs, liver and beef are
also good zinc providers. But with the trend towards vegetarianism that is growing among
teens, getting them to take supplements might be the best bet.
The risk of zinc deficiency doesnt end with the teenage years, Im afraid. So wed all be welladvised to keep an eye out for those telltale white fingernail spots - and make sure to get
25-30 milligrams of zinc (picolinate or citrate) into your daily regimen, along with 2 milligrams
of copper to prevent zinc-induced copper deficiency.


Healing Secret #17:

What cereal manufacturers dont want you to know
Snap, crackle, thud: That could be the jingle for cereal manufacturers who have tried low-sugar
versions of some popular sugar-sweetened cereals.
Reduced-sugar versions of fruity rings, cocoa puffs, and frosted flakes have recently appeared
on supermarket shelves, and most consumers who purchase them think theyre buying a
healthier alternative to the super-sweet originals.
But scientists have found that the cereals contain virtually the same amounts of calories,
carbohydrates, fat, fibre and nutrients as the original versions. Nutritionists at five universities
were recently asked by the Associated Press their opinion of these new cereals. They
suggested that eating low-sugar cereals held no nutritional advantage.
The scientists found that the removed sugar had been replaced with other carbohydrates to
preserve the cereals crunch. Since the body treats all refined carbohydrates the same, whether
they are grains or sugars, these low-sugar cereals dont even benefit people with diabetes.
Bottom line: The cereals are just a marketing ploy. They were introduced recently after the
media began focusing attention on the worlds obesity problem, particularly among children
and adolescents. Food lobbying groups have frequently cited sugary cereals as part of the
problem, stating that the cereals encourage children to consume empty calories rather than
nutritional whole foods.
All the negative publicity forced food companies to come up with new ways to sell their
products to a public obsessed with weight-watching and health.
What is the cereal manufacturers view on all this? Well, they claim they never said the lowsugar cereals were more nutritious, just lower in sugar. They say they simply are providing a
variety of options to buyers who are concerned about the amount of sugar in their diets.
They can sugarcoat it all they want, but the truth is, if youre concerned about your sugar
intake, your best bet is to avoid these cereals altogether.


Healing Secret #18:

Reverse the ageing process without botox
Other than the wisdom we acquire with age, many of us would just as soon do without the
many symptoms that crop up as we get older - such as weight gain, fatigue, and decline in sex
drive, to name just a few of the most common complaints. Not to mention our increased risk of
serious diseases, such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes.
Doctors have clumped many of these problems together into one name - metabolic syndrome.
And they are starting to believe that DHEA could be the key to solving many of these problems.
Metabolic syndrome isnt a disease, but is more a cluster of disorders of the bodys
metabolism that often occur together, such as high blood pressure, high insulin levels, excess
body weight, and abnormal cholesterol levels that combine to make you more prone to
diabetes, heart disease and stroke. Doctors believe that as many as one in four adults, and
40% of adults age 40 or older have metabolic syndrome - which is an increase of 61% over the
last decade.
The loss of hormones is one of the primary causes of these symptoms, and researchers are
trying to assess whether we can safely replace some of those hormones, without increasing
our risk of cancer. The hormone DHEA has been one of the more controversial hormones up for
replacement consideration. Now, a recent study shows that it might be particularly helpful for
certain metabolic conditions, particularly those that cause abdominal obesity.
The study took place over the course of two and a half years, and was a randomised, doubleblind, placebo-controlled trial - the kind that makes it hard for even sceptics to argue with the
results. All 56 of the participants were known in advance to have low levels of DHEA. The study
concluded that raising the levels of DHEA in these individuals reduced their levels of abdominal
fat, and helped to protect them against insulin resistance. Given the prevalence of diabetes and
metabolic syndrome, the results of this study could qualify as something of a breakthrough.
Dr Wright has often, cautiously, recommended supplementing with DHEA. This study now adds
to the case. The thing to remember, though, is that the best approach is to see if your DHEA
levels really are low before you start supplementing, and to work closely with your physician,
since there are risks associated with raising DHEA levels too high. However, when used
properly, it can be a powerful anti-ageing tool, helping you not only feel better, but avoid some
of the more common and dangerous health complications associated with ageing.


Healing Secret
The supermarket secret to getting
50% more from your food
Youve probably heard the old saying, the darker the
berry, the sweeter the juice. Well, Im not sure about
sweeter but new research shows that it may very well be healthier. Purple berries such as
elderberry, black currant and chokeberry have as much as 50% more of the antioxidants
(known as flavonoids) than other berries.
Berries are known to have the highest concentration of antioxidants among all fruits and
vegetables, and there have been studies touting the benefits of cranberries and blueberries,
but little research has been done on their dark-coloured counterparts. So researchers analysed
the antioxidant content of several varieties, including black currants, red currants,
gooseberries, chokeberries and elderberries. They measured two classes of antioxidants found
in the purple berries, anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins.
The results showed that chokeberries were the richest in antioxidants, with 1,480 mg of
anthocyanin concentration per 100 grams of fresh berries. Gooseberries had the lowest.
While these berries may not be as common as blueberries or strawberries, that could change
as word gets out of the health benefits of the dark-skinned varieties. In the meantime, you may
be able to find them in health food stores or at local farmers markets.


Healing Secret #20:

Natural hangover remedies
Water seems too simple a solution (no pun intended). But it works: Alcohol causes
dehydration, so drinking lots of water before bed and throughout the next day will go a long
way in curbing your hangover. In fact, some researchers believe that it is the water people drink
in order to swallow other purported hangover remedies, such as aspirin or ibuprofen, that
makes the difference - not the pills themselves.
The reason you should avoid aspirin and ibuprofen is that theyre hard on your stomach, and
so is alcohol. And products containing acetaminophen are hard on your liver too - which
doesnt need any extra strain while its working overtime to process all the alcohol youve
If you want to add to your hangover arsenal, I did dig up a few more natural remedies,
compliments of Dr Allan Spreen, a member of the Health Sciences Institute Advisory Panel.
Dr Spreen suggests taking the herb feverfew in place of aspirin to ward off the headache
without disturbing your stomach any further. Ginger capsules in a 500mg dose or drinking
ginger tea will soothe your stomach. And an extra dose of vitamin B-complex will help,
particularly if taken in advance of your night out, but also the next morning if you experience
low energy.
Of course, the only sure fire way to avoid a weekend hangover is abstinence. Or at least,
moderation, which is technically just one or two drinks over the course of a night out.


Healing Secret #21:

A better (safer) alternative to antibiotics
Tell all the mothers in your neighbourhood that they may be able to toss those antibiotics their
kids have been swallowing for ear infections in favour of a safer treatment. A study in the
Journal of Infectious Diseases reports that all-natural essential oils may be just as effective.
This study compared the effects of essential oils to those of a placebo in rats. The investigators
found that the oils eliminated infection in up to 81% of the animals, while the healing rate for
the animals given a placebo was less than 6%.
Topical treatments for ear infections usually arent recommended because most are unable to
penetrate the eardrum to reach the middle ear. But researchers found that the vapours from
some essential oils like oil of basil have rapid bacteria-killing effects that may be able to reach
the area and destroy the bacteria that cause pain, infection and sleepless nights for so many
children - and their parents.


Healing Secret #22:

If your legs are feeling restless keep reading
Restless leg syndrome (RLS) has always been a bit of a mystery, albeit one that affects millions
of people. But now a new study has pinpointed at least one of the genes partly responsible for
the disorder and its nagging symptoms of burning, tugging or creeping sensations in the legs.
This genetic factor may explain why about half the people who suffer from the disorder also
have a family history of it. Individuals with the inherited form tend to be younger when
symptoms first begin, although they have a slower progression of the condition.
While symptoms are mainly a factor at night, they can also occur during long stretches of
inactivity, such as car trips, airline travel, in meetings or when watching movies. Most people
say that the unpleasant feelings can only be resolved with voluntary movement, such as
walking or crossing and uncrossing the legs. But there may be something else you can try.
Herbalist and regular Nutrition & Healing columnist Kerry Bone recommends horse chestnut
extract for his patients with restless leg syndrome. Horse chestnut extract helps promote
healthy blood circulation throughout the body, including the legs. Relieving pressure on the
veins in the legs and keeping blood flowing smoothly through them can help alleviate the
symptoms of RLS.


Healing Secret #23:

The secret that could protect your brain from memory-loss
I love it when science proves me, and all the other advocates of natural medicine, right. This
time the news is about ginseng. A few months ago, I read about how this herb helps stabilise
blood sugar levels in people with type II diabetes. Now another study finds that it may benefit
the brain, too.
Actually, this isnt the first study to offer evidence of ginsengs advantage to the brain. Two
years ago, a small Chinese trial found that ginseng helped people with stroke-induced
dementia improve their memory.
The latest research comes out of Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. A team of
scientists there found that rats given a concentrated extract of ginseng were protected from
the brain-damaging effects of Huntingtons disease.
The study compared a purified ginseng extract against a preparation from the whole root of
American ginseng and a preparation of ground leaves and stems of the plant.
In this case it wasnt the root of the ginseng plant that offered protection. Instead, a
concentrated extract of purified ginseng, designed to be particularly rich in three specific
ginsenosides, provided the most benefit. It significantly reduced motor impairment and brain
cell loss in the Huntingtons-affected rats - and completely prevented mortality.
The research could also have relevancy to other degenerative conditions, such as Parkinsons


Healing Secret #24:

The popular fruit juice that prevents tummy bugs
Here is some good news for you if youve ever suffered from a gastrointestinal virus. Cranberry
juice may offer protection against these pesky and debilitating bugs.
Researchers from St. Francis College in Brooklyn found that adding cranberry juice to intestinal
viruses in the laboratory seems to render them inactive. Their findings were reported at a
meeting of the American Society for Microbiology in Atlanta. The scientists became interested
in cranberry juices antibacterial properties after noting the growing number of studies that
show the drinks power for fighting urinary tract infections in women.
The study tested cranberry juices effects in fighting two types of intestinal animal viruses and
found that it prevented the viruses from attaching to red blood cells or infecting host cells. And
the cultures showed no viral particles after treatment with the juice. It is thought that the juices
tannins and flavonoids may be responsible for this benefit.


Healing Secret #25:

Want to prevent diabetes? Then do this
Ive talked about chromium before and how it helps regulate blood sugar for those with adultonset diabetes, and also how supplementing with this trace mineral can even help prevent this
condition from occurring in the first place. Now I have yet another study on my desk showing
even more benefits of chromium for people with type II diabetes.
This time researchers used electrocardiograms to measure the heart function in patients with
type II diabetes who supplemented with chromium. What they found was that a specific
measurement on the test showed clear improvement after chromium supplementation,
indicating a reduction in heart disease risk.
More specifically, scientists found that the duration of ventricular contraction of the heart
muscle in those who took 1,000 micrograms (1 milligram) of chromium picolinate per day was
significantly shorter than in those given a placebo. The researchers say that this likely indicates
a reduced risk of heart disease.
In the investigation, the scientists studied 50 people with type II diabetes who were managing
their disease through diet alone. Those in the trial had no evidence of serious complications
such as heart or kidney failure. They were randomly assigned to either receive the chromium or
a placebo for three months. After the three-month period, the two groups switched and each
received the others treatment for another three months.
At the end of the first three months, insulin levels were significantly lower in the chromium
group than in the placebo group. Their insulin levels stayed down during the second three
months of the study when the individuals were only given a placebo, suggesting that the
effects of chromium supplementation persisted even after treatment had stopped. The group
that received chromium during the second three months of the study experienced a similar
drop in insulin levels by the end of the study.
The insulin resistance that accompanies type II diabetes increases the risk of heart disease.
Since chromium acts to boost insulins effect, it potentially reduces insulin resistance and the
subsequent risk of heart disease.
Although the news on chromium continues to be good, always check with your doctor when
considering adding a particular supplement.


Healing Secret #26:

A breakthrough in the prevention of Parkinsons
Bring out the guacamole. According to recent research, eating foods rich in vitamin E - such as
avocadoes, olives, and nuts - could lower your risk of developing Parkinsons disease.
This news comes from an analysis of past studies examining the role dietary antioxidants play
in lowering Parkinsons disease risk. Although the cause of Parkinsons disease remains
elusive, highly reactive free radicals appear to play an important part in the nerve damage that
occurs in people with this disease. Antioxidants - like vitamin E - are nutrients that prevent free
radicals from injuring cells.
Researchers at Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal reviewed studies published from 1966 to
March 2007 that focused on the possible link between Parkinsons disease and the
consumption of the antioxidants vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta-carotene. While they found
no protective benefit from either vitamin C or beta-carotene, they did find evidence that eating
a diet rich in vitamin E could lower ones risk of developing Parkinsons disease, by as much
as 19%.


Healing Secret
Boost your performance on the
field and off
However you choose to stay active, whether youre
walking, going for a run, taking a bike ride or working in
your garden, new research says you can increase your energy level with zinc.
According to a recent U.S. Department of Agriculture study, zinc increases performance by
helping the body get rid of carbon dioxide, which rises during exercise.
The study involved 14 active men in their 20s and 30s who were placed on a low-zinc diet of
just 3.5 mg a day.
After nine weeks the men in the study were asked to perform two types of exercise tests on a
stationary bicycle. During one of the tests - a 45 minute endurance ride - four of the men had
to stop. Blood tests revealed that they werent getting the full effects of an enzyme called
carbonic anhydrase. This is the enzyme that helps expel carbon dioxide from the body.
After six weeks, the men were given a high-zinc diet along with a 15 mg zinc supplement and
were asked to repeat the exercise tests. Their performance improved dramatically.
Past studies have associated low zinc levels with poor muscle strength, fatigue, and a lack of
speed during exercise. So if you want to boost your own performance, try adding more zincrich foods, like red meat, oysters, and beans to your diet or consider taking a zinc supplement.
Dr. Wright usually recommends 25 to 30 milligrams of zinc (picolinate or citrate). Just make
sure to balance it with copper. Long-term zinc use can lead to copper depletion, so if you
decide to take it, make sure to take 1 1/2 to 2 milligrams of copper every day too.


Now that Dr Wright has given you 27 healing secrets other doctors may not tell you about, you
can now look forward to implementing his advice and feeling healthier and full of energy.
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