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This an extract from

"Art Mad" by Bryn Thomas

ISBN 0-955-82770-1

Let�s talk about sex. Let�s talk about sadomasochism and bondage -
which enjoy a certain widespread popularity. There are
books, magazines, movies, clubs and organizations, retail outlets,
a manufacturing industry supported by advertising and
public relations companies, all expressly devoted to the needs of
those who enjoy these particular forms of self-expression. But
sadomasochism and bondage are still deviant - uncharacteristic,
untypical- forms of sexual expression.

We should have no objection to any harmless form of self-expression,

sexual or otherwise, but when members of any
deviant minority insist that their predilection is the One True
Way, that it is the majority of normal individuals who are
aberrant; that sadomasochism and bondage, for example, are
the expressions of more enlightened psyches, more "evolved"
minds, and insist that we all actively conform to their irregular
pattern of behaviour - which seems to be precisely the attitude
and position of those who support and proselytise for modern
art and the neotonic - we may then justly object.

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