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Have I made my best piece of writing already? The answer is no.

I can say this mainly

because I know that I am still not able to write a paragraph considered as an excellent
piece of writing. A paragraph can be considered as a good writing when it simply does
not have any of the bad elements in writing. These bad elements of a paragraph are
those which are against the proper structure and organization, correct grammar usage
and completeness, relatedness and being specific of each of its ideas. It does not need
any form of wordiness and complexity, but only simplicity. Those things are the qualities
of a good piece of writing, and with those having said, I can tell that I still need to
practice and be able to master those requirements of a good writing. Although I still
havent made my best piece of writing yet, I believe that a piece of writing should not be
considered as the best if it is not written by the full effort of the mind, together with the
great passion of the heart. And for that, I will make sure that the time will come that I will
be able to make a so-called best piece of writing of mine.

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