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JLiza Chang

ENG 112-59
April 6, 2015
Mr. Ojay Johnson
LGBT Equal Rights Debate
Equal rights for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Community are very important as it
benefits so many different individuals. To support my argument of providing the same rights to all people
regardless of their sexual orientation or the gender that they identify with is that all people should be given
the same opportunities and rights. There are many ways that providing equals rights to this group of
individuals will benefit them as well as the people around them. Allowing a person to openly express
themselves and not have to worry about being judged in any way will allow for a better life for many people.
It is very difficult for any person to be comfortable enough to display their sexual orientation if it appears to
go against the norm. Unfortunately, in the world that we live in people often judge another persons life
choices that are not similar to the choices they have made in their own lives.
The purpose of the Rogerian Argument is to have my own opinion but to be able to understand the
opposing side of my argument. The opposing argument is that of individuals who identify with the LGBT
Community should not have equal rights as they are breaking laws and this act goes against so many
religious beliefs. People who are against lesbians and gays feel they are making a mockery of their beliefs.
I understand so many people live their lives based on their religious upbringing. Same sex unions would
obviously contradict the belief of the Bible that a man and a woman is the right union. I have chosen to
participate in a debate which will argue both sides of the rights movement for the LGBT Community. I will
be in favor of equal rights while my opponent will be against the movement.


Throughout my debate I plan to discuss ways both sides of the argument can relate to Logos,

Pathos and Ethos. Logos being the logically argument of what is considered just for all people. Pathos
would be argued in that we as the people allow the government and other individuals around us to
determine what is right and wrong. Lastly, I plan to cover Ethos by tying my argument to the listeners
emotions. Equal rights are important to all people in that it allows for a better life.

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