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Sunday Brunch

Sunday, May 17, 2015

From: 10:00am- 1:00pm

Welcome to our celebration brunch honouring the opening of the Peaceful Acres
Palliative Care Centre. We are excited to provide our guests with information about
services and programs that will be available through our centre.
10:00 a.m. Guests begin to arrive accompanied with coffee, and mamosas.
10:30 am

Guests are seated.


Breakfast is served with String Cortet playing for the extent

of the breakfast.


Speeches on behalf of the Center Director as well as some testimonials

from families of individuals who were helped by palliative care.


Free time with the organization and board of directors, as well

as important members of the community

Our Sponsors:

Mary Flynn
22 Maple Crest
Hamilton, ON
N3P 1R9

Thank you to all of our wonderful and supportive volunteers!

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