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Jennifer Day

February 8, 2015

Educational Philosophy
As a teacher and a life-long learner I believe that
Teaching is
Being driven by genuine concern for the student.
Guiding students through the learning process
Building trust
Developing deep understanding of students learning needs.
Honoring the students intelligence by
Knowing the students are smart and creative
Balancing high expectations with support.
Continuously encouraging independence
Fostering growth in skills and curiosity
Constantly adjusting to specific situations and recognizing roadblocks
Sharing your own enthusiasm for learning
Always seeking to become a more excellent teacher
Learning is
A process that
Starts with becoming familiar with facts
Involves questions
Requires communication
Leads to understanding
Leads to applying knowledge
Leads to creativity
Because there is always another layer to discover
Like working out in that
Challenge is necessary to increase strength
Skipping steps leads to set backs
It is often fun

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