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+Captain's Log.........+
+Monday April 6th 2015.+
+6:00am DST (GMT -6:00)+
Region: Delve
Constelation: XPJ1-6th
System: KFIE-Z NullSec 0.0
Ship: Ikarus (Merlin Nugoeihuvi Edition) 180m ISK estimate w/fittings & Cargo
The system was 1-SMEB I knew it was dangerous, but I jumped to it anyway. I
looked at local battle logs of the system; It wasn't pretty. There were ships
being destroyed almost every other minute. Was it bravery, or just the fact
that I wasn't about to quit after almost 40 jumps through the cluster of stars?
whatever it was... It was worth it! I was doing the usual, jumping to a planet
as soon as I got to the next system. Only this time, someone tailed me and
pointed me before I could warp. What was I to do? I am glad to tell you that I
reacted just as any pro pilot would. Without hesitation, I aligned to whatever
I could find, ignited the afterburner and overloaded it. As soon as I heard the
first rocket or missile hit the hull I thought I was done for. Lucky for me I
fitted a Deadspace Shield Booster with a faction SBA; so I was able to tank the
enemy vessel's attacks without any problem. I gained some distance and noticed
I was being pointed no more! I didn't even think about it. I just aligned and
spam warped to the next jump gate in my route. Once at the other side and still
shaking from the adrenaline and breathing heavily, I noticed I had burned my AB
and my Web and damaged partially the SBA and the SB. A few jumps after and just
as I arrived at my final destination, all I could do was laugh in excitement.
This is e1m0 Snow aboard the Ikarus and I am still alive!

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